IWD Task Attributes
At the heart of iWD reporting is the set of task attributes that describe aspects of a task and its association within a business context, such as iWD business process. Task attributes can be classified into one of three categories:
- Core attributes
- Extended attributes
- Custom attributes
Understanding these attributes will help you understand the measures and aggregates stored in the iWD Data Mart. Incorrect use or interpretation of these values can have a negative effect on reporting outcomes.
Core Attributes
Core attributes describe the fundamentals of a task. These attributes are used in assembling tasks in the Global Task List, based on the business value and priority that are defined within iWD. Core attributes are either set automatically by iWD (through iWD business rules), or provided by the source system (through the Capture Adapter interface). The following are some iWD core task attributes:
- activationDateTime
- assignedDateTime
- assignedToUser
- businessValue
- captureId
- category
- completedDateTime
- dueDateTime
- expirationDateTime
- heldDateTime
- interactionid
- mediaChannel
- priority
- queue
- queueTarget
- queueType
Extended Attributes
Extended attributes provide additional context about a task, enabling you to tailor the service-level agreement (SLA) rules for managing tasks on the Global Task List. They can also aid in customizing current-day and historical reporting. For example, use of several capture dates allows an organization to measure performance against the date and time at which an order or loan application was received by the source system or was submitted by the customer via a web form. The following are some extended task attributes:
- customerId
- customerSegment
- productSubtype
- productType
- requestedAgent
- requestedSkill
- resultCode
- sourceCreatedDateTime
- sourceDueDateTime
- sourceFirstCreatedDateTime
- sourceProcessSubtype
- sourceProcessType
- sourceTenant
Custom Attributes
In addition to the core and extended attributes, iWD enables you to customize additional task details through iWD custom attributes. Custom attributes are defined as key-value pairs that are provided by the source system. For example, a web form can contain several fields that might not be mapped to a core or extended attribute. Instead, they can be mapped to a custom attribute.
When custom attributes are submitted via an iWD Capture Adapter—such as iWD Web Service, XML File Capture, or JMS Capture Adapter—iWD stores the values in the Genesys Interaction Server database as user data. Custom attributes can also be mapped to custom dimensions in iWD Data Mart by defining mapping properties on the ETL configuration in iWD Manager, further extending the level of tailored reporting that is enabled by iWD Data Mart. Refer to the “Configuration” chapter in the intelligent Workload Distribution 8.1 Deployment Guide for information about how to configure this mapping.