Co-browsing in Iframes
Genesys Co-browse supports co-browsing in iframes. Behavior depends on whether the iframe is from the same domain or a different domain.
Iframes from the Same Domain
By default, agents can co-browse within iframes from the same domain or sub-domain as long as the session meets these requirements:
- The web page in the iframe contains your website instrumentation.
- The setDocumentDomain option is set to true (default value) in your website's instrumentation.
If the web page in the iframe is in your domain but not instrumented for Co-browse, the iframe does not load and the agent sees a blank page in the iframe.
Iframes from a Different Domain
An iframe pointing to a webpage on a different domain loads on the customer side. The agent sees the iframe but cannot co-browse within the iframe.
This page was last edited on October 27, 2016, at 20:50.
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