cluster Section
Default Value: None
Valid Values: Valid HTTP or HTTPS absolute URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the HTTP(S) URL of the Co-browse cluster, for example, http://[host]:[port]/cobrowse. Typically, the value is the URL of the load balancer. Set this value when you create your Co-browse Cluster Application. Since Co-browse 8.5.0, you can set the url value to an HTTP or HTTPS based URL.
If not specified, Co-browse server assumes a single node configuration and uses the host and default port from the Server Info section of the Co-browse Node application.
- The serverUrl option is not mandatory in most cases while the url option above is always mandatory.
- You must leave serverUrl empty when using Workspace Desktop Edition as the agent application.
- You must specify serverUrl when using Worspace Web Edition as the agent application.
Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any valid public URL. The URL must point to a Co-browse web application such as http(s)://<host>:<port>/cobrowse and should not include a trailing slash.
Changes Take Effect: For new Co-browse sessions
This option is used to configure URL-Based Stickiness. For more information on routing all requests from the customer and agent sides to the same Co-browse node within a given session (that is, sticking to the same node), see Stickiness.