Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14400
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 900
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: No direct dependency, but it would not be meaningful to set max-state-duration > (value of max-session-duration-in-hours expressed in seconds)
Introduced: 8.1.3
Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, for an agent state in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table. Genesys Info Mart ends the agent state if the IDB data does not show the agent transitioning to a different state by the time that the maximum duration (the state timeout) expires. The option enables you to:
- Improve performance of agent-activity transformation by reducing the amount of active data that Genesys Info Mart must maintain and by limiting the period of time for which lookups must be performed for agent-activity data.
- Recognize in a timely manner when an agent session has gone inactive.
The option was introduced in release 8.1.3.
Interaction Database
Also known as IDB. The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail.
See also
Interaction Concentrator.
After Call Work
Also known as ACW. The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is no longer involved with an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) call. While in this state, the agent is performing administrative duties for a previous call (or another media interaction) and cannot receive further calls from the ACD.
See also Ready and Not Ready.
Also known as DND. The Private Branch Exchange (PBX) functionality that prevents calls from ringing on an extension for which DND is activated. Some DND attributes include directing the call to a preassigned extension (such as a secretary or assistant), busy signal, DND signal, or recorded message that is generated by the telephone switch.
Interaction Concentrator
Also known as ICON. A Genesys product that collects and stores detailed data from various sources in a contact center that is empowered by using Genesys software. Downstream reporting systems can access Interaction Concentrator data in near–real time.
Operating on top of Genesys Framework, the product consists of a server application that is called ICON and a database that is called Interaction Database (IDB). The server receives data from data sources such as Configuration Server, T-Server, or particular Genesys solutions; it then stores this data in IDB by using Genesys DB Server.
Populating Agent Activity Data
Genesys Agent activity data for both active and completed agent states is stored in summary tables for resource sessions, states, and reasons relative to a given media type, for all media types. The summarized data, which is drawn from ICON, is stored in the following tables:
Features of agent activity data
The following are important features of agent activity data in Genesys Info Mart:
Do-Not-Disturb — For multimedia interactions, Do-Not-Disturb (DND) status for each place and media type is factored into the SM_RES_STATE_FACT and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.
DND is treated as a NOT_READY state, with the predefined software reason key DND On and no reason value. The termination of the DND state is treated as a READY state. For more information, see Including Do-Not-Disturb data in summary tables.
Limitation: DND will be reported only if it occurs within an agent's session relative to a given media type. DND that is set in a Multimedia login session prior to the addition of any media will not be reported.
Agent state hierarchy — Agent states are organized in a hierarchy, so that a higher-priority state takes precedence if multiple states happen simultaneously. The default priority list (in descending order) is ACW, NOT_READY, BUSY, READY.
However, be aware that, for parallel states, the state that is reported in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT, and SM_MEDIA_NEUTRAL_STATE_FACT tables also depends on whether ICON has been set to interrupt After Call Work (ACW) and NotReady states when an agent places or receives another interaction (see Obtaining uninterrupted voice AfterCallWork and NotReady data).
- Uninterrupted voice ACW and NotReady data — Genesys Info Mart represents voice ACW and NOT_READY states and reasons that are sourced from ICON, and these states are not interrupted by incoming or outgoing calls that an agent makes while in these states. For more information, see Obtaining uninterrupted voice AfterCallWork and NotReady data.
How are summarized resource sessions, states, and reasons populated?
The SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables incorporate all data during the period in which an agent is logged on to a particular media type, regardless of the number of DNs or queues to which the agent logs on. By default, agent activity for all media types is included in the tables.
The media-specific summarized tables are populated based on the start and end time taken from corresponding IDB fields of the date format, in order to achieve precision in scenarios with very short agent states.
- For voice, the start and end times are taken in milliseconds, and this precision is used in internal calculations for summary voice agent states, reasons, and sessions. This ensures, for example, the proper alignment of multiple agent states that occur within the same second. The time values that result from calculations, including durations, are converted to a second format when stored in the Info Mart database.
- For multimedia, the start and end times are taken in seconds, which is the precision currently available from the data source. Although agent states, reasons, and sessions for agents handling multimedia interactions are calculated in milliseconds, the initial input has a one-second precision. The time values that result from calculations, including durations, are stored in the Info Mart database in seconds.
This table provides a summary of resource sessions by agent and media type. Genesys Info Mart always populates this table.
Each row of this table summarizes the login session(s) of all DNs and places that are associated with an agent relative to a given media type. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the summary session.
A summary session represents the contiguous duration that an agent resource is logged on for a given media type, irrespective of the number of DNs and/or queues to which the agent resource logs on.
- For voice, a summary session starts when an agent resource first logs on to any voice DN-queue combination. The session continues, irrespective of how many other voice DNs and/or queues the agent logs on to. The session ends when the agent resource logs off all voice DNs and queues.
- For multimedia, a session is first created when the agent resource adds a media type to their login session or logs onto a DN that supports this media. The login session continues until the agent resource removes the media type from the last login session that includes this media type, or logs out of the last DN that includes this media type.
Start and end dates and times are stored as facts in UTC time. Start and end date and times are also stored as a dimension reference for DATE_TIME. Both active and completed sessions are populated.
Each row of this table describes a summarized agent resource state relative to a given media type. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the summarized state. Genesys Info Mart always populates this table.
A summary state represents the contiguous duration that an agent resource is logged on with a particular state for a given media type, irrespective of the number of DNs, places, and/or queues to which the agent resource logs on. The summary state is chosen from among the concurrent states of all DNs to which the agent is logged on, based on the configured state priority list. For multimedia, there are no DNs, so that the summarized state represents the state of the agent relative to the media type.
This table is sourced from IDB. The following states are recorded:
- Unknown (the agent is logged on, but the agent state is unknown)
- Busy
- Ready
- NotReady
- AfterCallWork (voice media only)
The start and end dates and times are stored as facts in UTC time. The start date and time are also stored as dimension references for the DATE_TIME dimension.
NotReady or AfterCallWork (voice media only) states can be interrupted by interactions that the agent initiates or receives while in these states.
Do-Not-Disturb is factored into resource states in this table for multimedia interactions (see Including Do-Not-Disturb data in summary tables).
Each row of this table describes a summarized agent resource state reason and workmode relative to a given media type. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the summarized state reason. Genesys Info Mart always populates this table.
A summary state reason represents the contiguous duration for which an agent resource is in some state with a particular state reason for a given media type, irrespective of the number of DNs and/or queues to which the agent resource logs on. A reason code state that is written into this table should have a highest priority among all concurrent agent states. This means the same state (without reason) will occur in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table.
The SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table is sourced from IDB. Reasons are recorded for the following states:
- Ready
- NotReady
- AfterCallWork (voice media only)
The start and end dates and times are stored as facts in UTC time. The start date and time are also stored as dimension references for the DATE_TIME dimension.
Genesys Info Mart does not provide a default reason for the NotReady state. The NotReady or AfterCallWork (voice media only) states can be interrupted by interactions that the agent initiates or receives while in these states.
For multimedia interactions, Do-Not-Disturb is factored into summary state reasons with the predefined reason code key DND On and no reason value (see Including Do-Not-Disturb data in summary tables). All reasons that are associated with the current highest priority state of the agent are recorded.
When multiple reason codes occur simultaneously for one agent, Genesys Info Mart chooses one of them to record in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table based on the following considerations:
- A software reason code takes priority over hardware.
- If the keys are different, the higher-value string takes priority.
- If the keys are the same, the key with the higher string value (not the higher numeric value) takes priority (using case-insensitive alphabetical comparison).
- The DND on reason takes the lowest priority with respect to other reason keys.
- Among two identical software reason codes with identical keys the priority is given to the state with the larger case-insensitive alphabetical reason code value.
When a reason-code state has a lower priority than some other concurrent agent state without a reason, this reason code state is not recorded in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table.
How is summarized data processed?
Genesys Info Mart combines information from ICON for the same agent and media type from the ICON GX_SESSION_ENDPOINT table to form summarized media type sessions.
For both voice and multimedia, Genesys Info Mart combines information for the same agent and media type from the GX_SESSION_ENDPOINT, G_LOGIN_SESSION, G_AGENT_STATE_HISTORY, G_AGENT_STATE_RC, G_AGENT_STATE_RC_A, and G_DND_HISTORY tables in IDB to form summarized states and reasons, which have Do-Not-Disturb status factored into them.
In addition, for voice, a state priority list is used to determine which DN’s state is considered to be the winning state if the agent is logged on to more than one voice DN at a time.
Special considerations for long-duration sessions or states
Given usual contact-center organization and policies, Genesys reporting does not expect agent login sessions or states to be very long-lasting. However, in practice, agent sessions and states might last indefinitely — for example, if agents never log out.
From the point of view of Genesys Info Mart operations, long-lasting agent sessions and states negatively affect transformation performance. From the point of view of data quality, very long-lasting agent sessions or states can yield misleading reporting results — for example, if shift reporting (perhaps used for agent compensation) is based on unrealistic agent-activity data.
For these reasons, Genesys Info Mart provides functionality to apply timeouts to agent login sessions and states that exceed configurable maximum durations. By default, Genesys Info Mart allows a maximum duration of 24 hours for login sessions and 4 hours for each instance of an agent state within a login session.
Detecting session inactivity
The timeout implementation enables Genesys Info Mart to detect when a session has gone inactive.
Genesys Info Mart will end the session when all states have ended, even if the end of the session has not been extracted and the session has not yet timed out. For example, if a state is timed out by max-state-duration and there are no other active states, then Genesys Info Mart deems the session to be inactive and terminates it.
Recognition of sessions that have gone inactive can provide more useful reporting on situations in which agents forget to log out. The smaller the value of max-state-duration, the sooner Genesys Info Mart will detect the session inactivity.
Handling resumed session activity
If a state transition occurs in a session that Genesys Info Mart previously timed out or ended because of inactivity, Genesys Info Mart creates a new session beginning with the new state. The new session continues until the first of the following occurs:
- All states in the new session have ended or have timed out.
- The new session times out after max-session-duration-in-hours.
Special case with no contact center activity
In the rare event that there is no call or interaction activity in the contact center, agent states are updated only after some delay.
Obtaining uninterrupted voice AfterCallWork and NotReady data
Regardless of the configured priority list for parallel agent states in Genesys Info Mart, if an agent goes into the ACW or NOT_READY state and then makes some calls on the same switch during ACW or NOT_READY, ICON considers such calls to be a part of the ACW or NOT_READY state.
This means that the BUSY state is not recorded when it happens during uninterrupted ACW and NOT_READY states.
Including Do-Not-Disturb data in summary tables
Do-Not-Disturb data is factored into states and reasons in the summarized SM_RES_STATE_FACT and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables for eServices/Multimedia.
For eServices/Multimedia, Do-Not-Disturb is treated as a global NotReady for all media types to which an agent is logged on at a given place.
DND states are treated as NotReady with a reason that indicates DND on. The following table describes how DND state is calculated for the default state priority list (AfterCallWork, NOT_READY, BUSY, READY, UNKNOWN).
Conditions | Resulting DND Status |
DND is turned on and the declared state is currently Ready. | The resource is considered to be in a NotReady state with a reason that indicates DND On. |
DND is turned off and the declared state was previously Ready. | The resource returns to Ready with whatever reasons were originally attached to the Ready request. |
DND is turned on and the declared state is currently AfterCallWork. | The resource stays in the AfterCallWork state.
If AfterCallWork ends before DND is turned back off, the resource becomes NotReady, and the reason is DND On. If DND is turned on and off during AfterCallWork, the resource state is never shown as NotReady. Note: AfterCallWork applies only to non-multimedia media types. |
The resource is in NotReady state and DND is turned on or off. | Any NotReady reasons that are currently in effect are not interrupted. If an existing NotReady state had no reasons, a new NotReady reason state with the key DND On is added. |
The resource is in Busy state and DND is turned on. | The resource immediately enters the NotReady state with DND On as the reason, and the Busy state is closed. |