metrics Section
- 1 metrics Section
- 1.1 reporter.jmx.enabled
- 1.2 reporter.log.enabled
- 1.3 reporter.log.logFrequency
- 1.4 reporter.messageServer.enabled
- 1.5 reporter.messageServer.logFrequency
- 1.6 reporter.console.enabled
- 1.7 reporter.console.logFrequency
- 1.8 HeapMemoryUsage.threshold
- 1.9 GcFrequency.threshold
- 1.10 GcLatency.threshold
- 1.11 <metricName>.threshold
- 1.12 <metricName>.slidingWindowSize
- 1.13 ServerResponseTime.slidingWindowSize
- 1.14 ServerResponseTime.threshold
- 1.15 SlaveRenderLatency.threshold
- 1.16 JettyThreadPoolUsage.threshold
- 1.17 InactiveSessions.threshold
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Enables or disables the JMX reporter.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Enables or disables metrics reporting to a file.
Default Value: 30min
Valid Values: A positive integer and time unit such as ms, s, min, h or d. For example, 30min or 50s.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the reporting frequency for logging to a file.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Enables or disables the Message Server reporter.
Default Value: 30min
Valid Values: A positive integer and time unit such as ms, s, min, h or d. For example, 30min or 50s.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines reporting frequency for the Message Server reporter..
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Enables or disables metrics reporting to the stdout console.
Default Value: 30min
Valid Values: A positive integer and time unit such as ms, s, min, h or d. For example, 30min or 50s.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the reporting frequency for logging to the stdout console.
Default Value: 0.8
Valid Values: A decimal fraction between 0 and 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the heap memory usage threshold value. This is the ratio of used heap memory to the maximum heap memory.
Default Value: 24
Valid Values: A positive numeric value
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines how many times garbage collection can occur within a given hour.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: The number of milliseconds
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the garbage collection latency threshold value, in milliseconds, in relation to the last time the garbage was collected within the configured time interval.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Non-negative number
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the threshold value for a particular metric.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After server restart
Defines the sliding window size for a metric, the number of last measurements applied for a particular metric calculation.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After server restart
Defines the sliding window size for the ServerResponseTime metric, the number of last measurements applied to metric calculation.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Number in milliseconds
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines, in milliseconds, the maximum value allowed for the ServerResponseTime metric. The metric is calculated as the average time for the latest N routings of data from customer to agent where N is defined by the ServerResponseTime.slidingWindowSize value.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Number in milliseconds
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines, in milliseconds, the SlaveRenderLatency metric's threshold value for the configured time interval. Slave rendering latency shows if the reported agent side rendering is too slow.
Default Value: 0.9
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the Jetty thread pool usage threshold value which is the ratio of the used Jetty thread pool size to the maximum available. This value helps you determine if too few free threads are allowed to handle http requests.
Default Value: 0.2
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines the ratio of inactive sessions to all sessions in the configured time interval. Shows how many Co-browse sessions created by the customer side but never joined by an agent.