UI-less ZAProxy
Start/Stop the Proxy
Start the Proxy
Navigate to your Co-browse Server installation directory and launch proxy.bat (on Windows) or proxy.sh (on Linux). The proxy starts in UI-less mode.
Stop the Proxy
To stop the ZAProxy, press CTRL+C.
Configure ZAProxy Host and Port
The proxy.bat/proxy.sh file starts the proxy using the default host name and port 15001. If the UI-based ZAP was never started on the host, the default host name is localhost. Otherwise, modify the host name and port using the ZAProxy UI.
If it is necessary to change the host name or port number the proxy uses to start, you must updated the proxy.bat/proxy.sh file correspondingly:
- zap.bat -daemon -host myfavoritehost.mydomain.com -port 15001
- zap.bat -daemon -host -port 15001
Update the Instrumentation Script
If your ZAProxy is running in UI-less mode, you can update the instrumentation snippet in the configuration file used by the plug-in to inject the web pages.
- Open the file FilterMultiReplaceResponseBody.xml located in the <Co-browse Server installation>/tools/proxy/plugin folder.
- Update the instrumentation script.
- Save and close.
- Restart the Proxy.
Set up your Web Browser
To use the proxy you need to set up your Web Browser. See Set up your Web Browser
Resolving the protocol_version error
After configuring the proxy in your browser, you may encounter the following error on some HTTPS sites:
ZAP Error [javax.net.ssl.SSLException]: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
This error happens when a site only supports older versions of the TLS protocol. To fix this error you must override some of the default ZAP configuration by updating your proxy.bat/proxy.sh file:
zap.bat -daemon -port 15001 -config connection.securityProtocolsEnabled.protocol=TLSv1