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cluster Section


The url option is mandatory.

Default Value: None
Valid Values: Valid HTTP or HTTPS absolute URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the HTTP(S) URL of the Co-browse cluster, for example, http://[host]:[port]/cobrowse. Typically, the value is the URL of the load balancer. Set this value when you create your Co-browse Cluster Application. Since Co-browse 8.5.0, you can set the url value to an HTTP or HTTPS based URL.

In Co-browse 8.5.002+, only the agent side directly uses the cluster URL. The end user (customer) side uses the URL provided in the Website Instrumentation. You can have two load balancers, an internal load balancer for agents which you specify in this option and a public load balancer for end users to use in the JS instrumentation. Depending on your infrastructure's setup, two load balancers may benefit traffic.
The secureURL and useSecureConnection options were discontinued starting with Co-browse 8.5.0 because HTTPS URLs can now be configured from the url option.


  • The serverUrl option is not mandatory in most cases while the url option above is always mandatory.
  • You must leave serverUrl empty when using Workspace Desktop Edition as the agent application.
  • You must specify serverUrl when using Worspace Web Edition as the agent application.

Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any valid public URL. The URL must point to a Co-browse web application such as http(s)://<host>:<port>/cobrowse and should not include a trailing slash.
Changes Take Effect: For new Co-browse sessions

This option is used to configure URL-Based Stickiness. For more information on routing all requests from the customer and agent sides to the same Co-browse node within a given session (that is, sticking to the same node), see Stickiness.

This page was last edited on July 16, 2020, at 18:01.
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