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cassandraEmbedded Section

Starting in 8.5.0, Embedded Cassandra mode is deprecated in Genesys Co-browse; support for this mode is discontinued in 9.0.

The cassandraEmbedded section configures embedded Cassandra support for the Co-browse Server cluster.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies whether or not Co-browse server should act as a Cassandra cluster node.


Default Value: Cluster
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

The name of the embedded Cassandra cluster node. This option is mainly used to prevent machines in one logical cluster from joining another. For more information, see http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml_r.html?scroll=reference_ds_qfg_n1r_1k__cluster_name


Default Value: localhost
Valid Values: Comma-delimited list of IP addresses
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

When a node joins a cluster, it contacts the seed node(s) listed in this option to determine the ring topology and get gossip information about the other nodes in the cluster.

Every node in the cluster should have the same list of seeds specified as a comma-delimited list of IP addresses. In multiple data center clusters, the seed list should include at least one node from each data center (replication group). For more information, see http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml_r.html?scroll=reference_ds_qfg_n1r_1k__seed_provider.

This option is only applicable when embedded Cassandra service is activated.


Default Value: ./storage/commitLog
Valid Values: Valid directory path. The directory may not exist.
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the directory where Cassandra's commitlog directories will be located or created. If left empty, the Co-browse Server web application assumes it is running within a Jetty web container and the storage directory will be a storage sub-directory of the Jetty home directory.

This option is only applicable when embedded Cassandra service is activated.


Default Value: ./storage/data
Valid Values: Valid directory path. The directory may not exist.
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the directory where Cassandra's data will be located or created. If left empty, the Co-browse Server web application assumes it is running within a Jetty web container and the storage directory will be a storage sub-directory of the Jetty home directory.

This option is only applicable when embedded Cassandra service is activated.


Default Value: ./storage/saved_cache
Valid Values: Valid directory path. The directory may not exist.
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the directory where Cassandra's saved_caches directories will be located or created. If left empty, the Co-browse Server web application assumes it is running within a Jetty web container and the storage directory will a "storage" sub-directory of Jetty home directory.

The option is applicable only when embedded Cassandra service is activated.


Default Value: localhost
Valid Values: Blank or valid address
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the address to bind to and to tell other Cassandra nodes to connect to. You must change this if you want multiple nodes to be able to communicate.

Leaving this option blank lets InetAddress.getLocalHost() set the address. If the node is properly configured (hostname, name resolution), the address will resolve to the address associated with the hostname.


Default Value: localhost
Valid Values: Valid IP address or hostname.
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the listen address for remote procedure calls (client connections). This option is also used to configure Co-browse server as a client. See http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml_r.html?scroll=reference_ds_qfg_n1r_1k__rpc_address. If the address is invalid, Co-browse server will not be able to connect to the embedded Cassandra service.


Default Value: 9160
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the port for remote procedure calls (client connections) and the Thrift service. http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml_r.html?scroll=reference_ds_qfg_n1r_1k__rpc_address


Default Value: 9042
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the port for the CQL native transport to listen for clients.


Default Value: 7000
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the TCP port for commands and data.


Default Value: 7001
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the SSL port for encrypted communication.


Default Value: none
Valid Values: Valid path to the *.yaml cassandra configuration file
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

Specifies the Embedded Cassandra external configuration YAML file path. It overrides all Cassandra settings in the section.


Default Value: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
Valid Values: SimpleSnitch, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, PropertyFileSnitch, Ec2Snitch, Ec2MultiRegionSnitch, or RackInferringSnitch
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse server restart

A snitch determines which nodes belong to which data centers and racks. They inform Cassandra about the network topology so Cassandra can route requests efficiently. They also allow Cassandra to distribute replicas by grouping machines into data centers and racks. Specifically, the replication strategy places the replicas based on the information provided by the new snitch. Also see, http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/architecture/architectureSnitchesAbout_c.html.

Additional options not included in the template

You can also configure the following options which are not included in the template:

All options in this section are applied only after application restart.

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This page was last edited on November 27, 2021, at 05:22.
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