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redis Section

A TLS secured Redis connection is currently limited only for a single node Redis connection.


Default value: localhost
Valid values: Either a domain name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

Specifies the hostname where Redis is deployed.

Deprecated in The host and port options are replaced with the [redis] uri configuration option. The host option can still be used if uri is not present or if it is set as an empty string.


Default value: 6379
Valid values: Valid port
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

Specifies the port on the host where Redis is deployed. If the host option is specified, the port must also be specified.

Deprecated in The host and port options are replaced with the [redis] uri configuration option. The port option can still be used if uri is not present or if it is set as an empty string.


Default value: 1h
Valid values: A time duration, such as 1d, 1h, 30min, 30m, 3600s, 3600sec, and so on.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the period of time that an entity will be stored on Redis before expiration.


Default value: 1h
Valid values: A time duration, such as 1d, 1h, 30min, 30m, 3600s, 3600sec, and so on.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the period of time that a static resource cache entity will be stored on Redis before expiration.


Default value: None
Valid values: redis://<host>:<port> or rediss://<host>:<port>
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

A URI-compliant way to represent a single node Redis connection either unsecured (redis://<host>:<port>) or secured with TLS protocol (rediss://<host>:<port>). The port can be omitted if it is equal to the default 6379 value. The host can be represented as an IP or hostname. This option affects configuration only for [redis] type=basic.


Default value: None
Valid values: <host>:<port>
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

A comma-separated list of <host>:<port> Sentinels for a Redis Cluster. The host can be represented as an IP or hostname. Additional information about Redis Sentinel set up can be found in the Redis documentation. This option affects configuration only for [redis] type=sentinel.


Default value: basic
Valid values: basic or sentinel
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

The type of Redis which Co-browse Server should connect to as data storage.


Default value: None
Valid values:
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

Any allowed string value that represents the name of the Redis master in terms of Redis sentinel cluster setup. This option will affect configuration only for [redis] type=sentinel.


Default value: None
Valid values:
Changes Take Effect: After Co-browse Server restart

Any allowed string value that represents the Redis authentication password. The password should be set in Redis previously. Can be used with any type of Redis connection (insecure, TLS, Sentinel).

This page was last edited on April 15, 2021, at 17:57.
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