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- If there is only one file in the folder, click that file.
- If there is more than one file in the folder, click the <name of compressed file>.htm file.
Viewing Help files
If, when you open the Help file, the contents do not display in the right window, consider the following:
- Are you trying to open the file on a remote computer? If so, copy it to your local machine. Due to a Microsoft security update, you cannot properly view a HTML-based (CHM) Help if it is located on another machine on your network.
- What is your permissions setting? Right-click the file, select Properties from the context menu, look for an Unblock button, and click it.
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Third Party Software
Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your customer care representative if you have any questions. The following list describes specific third-party code and functionality for this product:
Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your Customer Care representative if you have any questions.
- The audio prompts used in Composer are provided by GMVoices (http://www.gmvoices.com).
- This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org).
- This product includes Maven Cargo for Application Remote Deployment to Web servers software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Cargo software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License: https://codehaus-cargo.github.io/cargo/License.html
- This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
- This product includes WSTX distributed under terms of the Apache Public License 2.0.
- This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org).
- This product includes software developed by the Jaxen Project (http://www.jaxen.org).
- This product includes software developed by the SAXPath Project (http://www.saxpath.org).
- SAX Project, indicated as part of Apache Ant in file org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145\about_files\NOTICE, is not included in this distribution.
- This product includes code from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for the Document Object Model API (DOM API) and SVG Document Type Definition (DTD).
- This product includes Open ArchitectureWare Classic distributed under terms of the Lesser GNU Public License 2.1.
- This product includes Glassfish appserv-commons distributed under terms of the Common Development and Distribution License 1.0.
- This product includes Java Server Faces distributed under terms of the Common Development and Distribution License 1.0.
- This product includes XML Schemas for Java Persistence distributed under terms of the Common Development and Distribution License 1.0.
- This product includes Java Persistence API distributed under terms of the Common Development and Distribution License 1.0.
- This product is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. This product includes the Independent JPEG Group's software under the Independent JPEG Group License, included in this distribution.
- This product includes software developed by Geoff Kuenning and other unpaid contributors.
- This product includes software from the W3C. Copyright © 2008 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
- This product includes materials provided by the Open Mobile Alliance: Wireless Markup Language (WML) Document Type Definition.Copyright Wireless Application Protocol Forum Ltd., 1998,1999. All rights reserved. XHTML Mobile profile, a proper subset of XHTML. @Wireless Application Protocol Forum, Ltd. 2001.
- This product includes SAT4J distributed under terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
- This product includes c3p0 distributed under terms of the Lesser GNU Public License 2.1
- Apache XML Serializer product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
- Portions of this software was originally based on the following: Software copyright (c) 1999-2002, Lotus Development Corporation, http://www.lotus.com. Software copyright (c) 2001-2002, Sun Microsystems, http://www.sun.com. Software copyright (c) 2003, IBM Corporation, http://www.ibm.com.
- This product includes Java SSH Applet. Copyright (c) 1998 Cedric Gourio (http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~bill/java/ssh/) (javassh@france-mail.com). This program is FREE FOR COMMERCIAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE. You can freely modify the code. You should however include this copyright notice in any redistribution and please keep in touch with the author for any feedback.
- SOAP-Enc: Copyright © 2001 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
- Mozilla Rhino is distributed under terms of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
- SVG 1.1 Java Binding: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/java.html. Copyright © 2008 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
- SMIL Animation 1.0 Java Binding: http://www.w3.org/TR/smil-animation/. Copyright © 2008 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
- SS SAC 1.3 Java Binding: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/SAC/. Copyright © 1999 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
- UnixCrypt.java is Copyright (c) 1996 Aki Yoshida. All rights reserved.
- This product includes the Oracle JDBC Driver distributed under agreement between Alcatel-Lucent and Oracle.
- This product contains the SGI C++ Standard Template Library [copyright] under terms of the SGI STL License included in this distribution."
- This product includes SAT4J under terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
- This product includes software distributed under the terms of the UNICODE, INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT.
- This product contains ANTLR 2.7.7 developed and released to the Public Domain by Terance Parr in conjunction with the University of San Francisco and JGuru.com.
- This product includes Restlet Library distributed under terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
- This product contains Java Natice Access (JNA) software distributed under terms of the Lesser GNU Public License 2.1.
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- Licensing section of the Genesys Migration Guide
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Downloading Help files
Save the Help file to your local hard drive, and uncompress (extract) it to an empty folder. To open the Help file, open the folder into which the .zip file was extracted, then do one of the following:
- If there is only one file in the folder, click that file.
- If there is more than one file in the folder, click the <name of compressed file>.htm file.
Viewing Help files
If, when you open the Help file, the contents do not display in the right window, consider the following:
- Are you trying to open the file on a remote computer? If so, copy it to your local machine. Due to a Microsoft security update, you cannot properly view a HTML-based (CHM) Help if it is located on another machine on your network.
- What is your permissions setting? Right-click the file, select Properties from the context menu, look for an Unblock button, and click it.
Composer 8.1 Product Alerts
To obtain the full functionality of Composer 8.1, the following Genesys products/software components are required:
- Orchestration Server 8.1.4 or later for developing and running SCXML session-based applications. To work with eServices, Orchestration Server 8.1.400.27+ is required.
- Composer 8.1.4 and Interaction Server 8.5.1 are required for enhanced pulling of multimedia interactions. While other eServices components can be 8.1 Genesys recommends that other eServices be 8.5.0 or later.
- Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Media Control Platform 8.1.6 or later for testing and running VXML applications.
- Genesys Configuration Server 7.5 or later for support of eServices capabilities.
- If you wish to use the Context Services capability of Universal Contact Server, you will need Universal Contact Server or later.
- If you wish to use Outbound Campaigns, you will need Outbound Contact Server or later.
- If you wish to use Business Rules, you will need Genesys Rules System 8.1.0 or later for business logic, which can be customized, and then invoked by VXML and SCXML applications.
For information on components required by Orchestration Server, such as eServices components for processing multimedia interactions, see the Orchestration Server documentation. User Data does not become available to a routing application immediately after the application sets the data (for example, provides some key-value pairs to the setuData() function in an ECMAScript block). There is a delay of several seconds, after which the User Data can be successfully queried again in the application. The Pause Treatment can be used to introduce this delay.
- Composer 8.1.410.xx supports Eclipse Juno, Kepler, Mars, and Luna.
- Composer 8.1.5 supports Eclipse Juno, Kepler, Mars, and Luna.
New in Release 8.1.4
8.1.450.33 August 2018 Release
- Starting with this release, Composer's DB Data blocks support Microsoft SQL Server 2017 in both Callflows and Workflows.
- This release supports French Canadian localization.
- Composer now supports fetching HTTPS URLs in the Web Request and Web Service blocks.
- A new view, Strategy Manager, is added to the Composer Workbench to list all routing points from the connected Configuration Server.
- A new feature to refactor variables across blocks in a diagram file is introduced.
- A new wizard, Composer Bulk Manager, is introduced to manage bulk deployment of projects.
8.1.450.20 April 2018 Release
- The Tomcat version bundled with the Composer installation package is upgraded from 7.0.69 to 8.5.27.
- Starting with this release, Composer backend server side-pages are analyzed for security and performance issues using CheckMark Scan, a security analysis software.
- Composer now supports Oracle Database version 12c Release 2. To support this enhancement, the OJDBC driver is updated from version 6 to 8, and the J2SDK bundled with Composer has been upgraded to JDK 8.
- Starting with this release, Composer's DB Data blocks support Microsoft SQL Server 2016 in both Callflows and Workflows. The SQLJDBC driver is upgraded from version 4.1 to 6.4.
8.1.450.08 December 2017 Release
A new block, HTTP Rest, is added to the Server Side category for both workflow and callflow diagrams. Prior to this release, it was not possible to send a JSON or REST request to the backend without intermediate JSP or ASPX processing. The new HTTP Rest block is used for both routing and voice applications.
8.1.450.04 October 2017 Release
Two new blocks, Facebook and Twitter, are added to the Social Media category for workflow diagrams. Using the new Twitter and Facebook blocks, an organization's Twitter and Facebook handles can be monitored through pre-defined events, and messages filtered based on keywords to determine the next action.
8.1.440.18 May 2017 Release
- Composer supplies a sample application to capture run-time metrics in a JSON format.
- Composer adds the following blocks to the palette:
- The Update UCS Record block—Updates the properties of an interaction in the Universal Contact Server database. Can be used for both interactions currently in process and interactions already processed.
- The Update Interaction block—Updates the properties of interaction(s) in the Interaction Server database including interaction(s) that are not currently being processed in the workflow.
- The Set Agent State block—Dynamically manages agent resource states via ESP methods. Allows users to set agent Do Not Disturb (DND) state, set the Media state, or Force-logout the agents.
- The Find Interactions block—Retrieves a list of interactions matching some specific condition.
- Composer now supports Context Services 8.5 based on Genesys Mobile Engagement (GMS) features.
- The Server Side palette adds a URS Function block applicable to workflow diagrams, which can be used to call any Universal Routing Server (URS) function.
- eService blocks that contain a Standard Response property now show Autoresponse, Acknowledgement, and Notification type standard responses as defined in eServices Knowledge Manager.
- The Queue Interaction block, Interaction Queue property, supports selecting a queue dynamically through a variable.
- The Route Interaction block Workbin property now supports selecting a Workbin dynamically through variable.
- The Timeout property in the Target, Route Interaction, Update, Web Service, Web Request, Wait Event, and Response blocks are set to valid default timeout values.
- The Web Service block, Password property, now allows you to select from a variable.
- The Workflow block used for interaction process diagrams adds a Maximum Interactions Default Limit Property to specify the maximum number of interactions allowed for a strategy to process at any given time.
- The Business Rule block, Rules Engine URL property, now allows you to specify a variable.
- Composer adds support for sub-directories when updating/using following: Generate All, Project Locales, Command Line Code Generation, Command Line Upgrade, Command Line Publish, Java Project Export, ORS Debugger, Project Upgrade, SubModules handling auto-synchronization of parameters, New callflow/workflow file creation.
- Composer provides support to optionally include dynamic prompts supporting JavaScript files in the generated VoiceXML. Users shall be able to enable or disable dynamic prompts through a Prompts Management property.
- Composer Assign blocks now generate logging statements as part of code generation. With this enhancement, ORS and MCP logs will show the Assign variables and expressions.
- Workflow diagram blocks Exceptions property now supports adding Conditions for the events.
8.1.430.06 May 2017 Release
- Composer adds support for the French Canadian language.
8.1.430.14 September 2016 Release
- Composer supplies an IVR Recording block that allows you to control and record an IVR application from a Composer IVR self-service application.
- New properties Activity and Cut Off Time in the Target block allow you to specify a Workforce Management Activity for routing and a related Cut Off Time.
8.1.420.14 July 2016 Release
- This release of Composer includes Tomcat 7 as part of the Composer installation package.
- Support for the Orchestration Server <ixn:createmessage> tag associate attribute in the Create Email, Create SMS, Email Forward, and Email Response blocks. Controls whether a new interaction is associated with the session that created it.
- The Route Interaction block, Queue for Existing Interaction and Queue for Outgoing Interaction properties, adds support for variables.
- The User Data block adds a new property, Internal Key Prefix, which is used to verify whether the interaction.udata.changed event has been received in the case of a workflow using parallel User Data blocks.
8.1.420.14 July 2016 Release
- This release of Composer includes Tomcat 7 as part of the Composer installation package.
- Support for the Orchestration Server <ixn:createmessage> tag associate attribute in the Create Email, Create SMS, Email Forward, and Email Response blocks. Controls whether a new interaction is associated with the session that created it.
- The Route Interaction block, Queue for Existing Interaction and Queue for Outgoing Interaction properties, adds support for variables.
- The User Data block adds a new property, Internal Key Prefix, which is used to verify whether the interaction.udata.changed event has been received in the case of a workflow using parallel User Data blocks.
8.1.410.14 February 2016 Release
- The following eServices blocks are no longer hidden on the palette: Identify Contact, Update Contact, Create Interaction, and Render Message.
- The External Services block can now connect to a Social Messaging Server Application type.
- An Analyze block is added for enhanced content analysis through Knowledge Manager.
- A Select Ideal Agents block is added, which enables you to select the most ideal agent to handle an interaction when more than one agent is available.
- An NDM block is added to add support for the Nuance Dialog Modules.
- Composer can now be installed in an offline environment. Note: Customers still need to download and install Eclipse before hand to make this offline install work.
- A new "skip targets" feature can improve the efficiency of finding an agent by enhancing or relaxing the target criteria without waiting until the routing timeout is reached in the Target block.
- The Play Sound block adds a property to specify the number of times an audio file is to be played.
- Composer Projects now have a default root VXML file (ComposerRoot.vxml) bundled inside the src folder. This file, used for Project-level defaults, is present in newly-created Projects and upgraded Projects.
- Composer implements the userID attribute in the following blocks: Play Message, User Input, and Create User Announcement. The Prompts dialog adds a new userID column.
- Composer now validates the Project version during Generate All and Project Upgrade processes.
- The following blocks now allow you to choose a queue referenced in another Project: Email Forward, Create SMS, Email Response, Queue Interaction, Create Email, and Chat Transcript.
- Composer checks for any missing resource files during VXML code generation for the following blocks: Prompt, Menu, Input, Grammar Menu, and Record.
- When processing eServices/child interactions, the Entry block interaction.deleted event handlers are updated with guard conditions. They now check for deletion of the current interaction and whether the interaction.deleted event is from an interaction deletion and not from a detach operation.
- When upgrading from the command line, you now have the option to Publish.
- Eclipse Kepler, Mars, and Luna environments are supported.
June 2015 Composer 8.1.4 CD Update
- Composer supports interaction process diagram (IPD) file minor version upgrades, which improves the upgrade logic for getting the latest contents as compared to major version upgrades.
- Interaction process diagrams improve the process of handling media-specific interactions by categorizing the system handlers, such as voice, multimedia, and so on.
- The interaction process diagram upgrade process from 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 versions is improved to preserve custom changes to the event handlers.
- Workbin block published objects, if the Workbin is configured with a Private Queue, now allow the custom view to pull the interactions and not the Private view.
- The Composer command line Project upgrade now updates the common files and the Project version numbering to the IP version.
- The new Project and upgraded Project IPD system event handlers support both consult call and ISCC transfer scenarios for voice.
- The Menu block Repeat Menu option supports using the block-level language value while repeating the Menu options.
- The Web Request block getWebRequestData.jsp now supports parsing JSON Array contents.
- Composer-generated .WAR file MIME types are updated to support deployments to Weblogic application servers.
- Composer supports pulling eServices interactions during an Interaction Server failover.
- The Assign block allows inserting a new assignment between assignment
November 2014 initial 8.1.4 release
- A new Workflow block property lets you specify the maximum number of interactions allowed for a strategy to process at any given time. Note: This block property is only relevant for interactions queued on Interaction Server and takes precedence over any settings configured in Interaction Server and on the Annex tab of the Interaction Queue.
- Composer supports the new Orchestration Server/Interaction Server feature of enhanced pulling of multimedia interactions, which uses the strategy name and allows different priorities to be set for different types of interactions.
- In an interaction process diagram, the connection between an interaction View and a routing workflow is represented by a Submitter, which supplies parameters that control how Interaction Server will submit interactions to Orchestration Server. This is applicable when using the Orchestration Server enhanced pulling mechanism described above and Use Interaction Submitters is set to true within Composer.
- External events can optionally be used for triggering the transition of interactions out of blocks or states.
- Composer adds support for automated deployment of application Project files to an application server. SCXML files, VXML files, JAR files and so on, can be deployed for both voice and e-services.
- The Entry block improves the process of working with application variables by categorizing them into groups.
- The Target block adds a configurable option that allows you to play back the estimated waiting time to callers and define the repeat interval.
- When using the Target or Route Interaction block to route based on the value of a statistic, you can specify a Stat Server as a variable.
- When using the Target or Route Interaction block, you can select Transaction List objects as targets or specify them by name if not connected to Configuration Server. The Web Service block allows the Service End Point property to be specified as a variable. Proxy settings are supported. You can directly specify SOAP messages to better translate SOAP definitions.
- The User Data block allows you to specify the maximum time to wait for attached User Data to change. When the timeout is exceeded, processing continues on with the next block.
- The Sub-dialog block provides fetchaudio and fetchtimeout options for the maximum time to wait for audio to be played.
- The Menu block allows you to automatically define variables to hold an output result.
- Composer blocks used to build routing applications (with the exception of the Disconnect and EndParallel blocks) add a new Orchestration Server Extensions property (Show Advanced Properties button). This property gives the ability to use any attribute Orchestration Server supports in addition to the SCXML standard.
- When using the Web Service block, you can specify a proxy server to act as an intermediary server when making requests for Web Services from other servers.
- The existence of Resource Type prompts is now validated during code generation.
- Validations are added to detect Infinite loops in workflows.
- During login, you can choose whether or not to connect to Configuration Server.
New in Release 8.1.5
8.1.560.15 September 2020 Release
- Composer now supports Eclipse Photon version 4.8.
- The Tomcat version that is bundled with Composer is upgraded to version 9.0.36.
- The WebRequest and WebService blocks' HTTPS certificate handling is enhanced through a configurable flag, web.https.productionMode (default: false), which can be set through the composer.properties file. If the new flag is enabled, Composer only validates the server certificates for expiry and signature, and no longer adds them to the trust store.
8.1.550.08 May 2020 Release
- Starting with this release, Composer supports OpenJDK 8 for both design time and runtime execution of Eclipse IDE and WAR file deployments, and OpenJDK 11, only for runtime deployment and execution of WAR files.
- A new project type, Java Composer Maven Project, is introduced to support Maven builds. Maven projects will provide a pom.xml file to customize project builds.
- Composer's Java backend logging support has been upgraded from Log4j1 to Log4j2. This enables sensitive information to be masked in the Composer Tomcat logs using configurable patterns.
- Callflow and Workflow diagram blocks' logging properties have been enhanced to use block-level or project-level logging to help mask sensitive information in ORS/GVP application logs.
- Composer Java projects now provide a build.xml file to customize WAR exports.
8.1.530.17 October 2019 Release
- Starting with this release, Composer supports the Eclipse integrated development environments Neon (4.6) and Oxygen (4.7).
- Composer IPD diagrams now support adding external JS file URLs.
- Composer's command line interface now displays a report in text format at the console, indicating the status of the operation being performed.
- The Web Request and Web Service blocks now support mutual authentication (where both client and server authenticate each other's identities before actual communication occurs) when fetching HTTPS URLs.
8.1.520.10 July 2019 Release
- Starting with this release, Composer supports the ability to overwrite published queues.
- Both Java and .NET Composer projects now support Asynchronous HTTP connections.
- The c3p0, wss4j, xmlsec, xmltooling, and commons-fileupload JAR files are now upgraded to newer versions.
8.1.510.12 February 2019 Release
- Starting with this release, Composer supports routing interactions to the Last Called Agent (LCA), that is, the most recently contacted agent.
- Bulk Manager is now launched when the Composer application is started.
- A new property, Exception, is added to the GoTo block to allow users to define exception events that can be handled within the block.
- Support for SSL proxy tunneling is now available.
December 2018 Initial 8.1.5 release
- Starting with this release, Composer supports Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
- Composer Bulk Manager is enhanced to support upgrading multiple projects.
- The Composer Diagram Editor now supports searching for a block in an active diagram using the CTRL+J shortcut key.
- Workbench level Advanced Diagram Search is also supported allowing users to search for blocks by name or type in diagrams across all projects.
- Support has been inlcuded for the latest .NET Framework version 4.7.2 and the bundled Newtonsoft.Json.dll file is upgraded to version 11.0.
- The Assign Data property in the User Data block now supports variables for the key value in the Skills option.
Composer provides an integrated development environment (IDE), which enables both technical and non-technical users to build:
- SCXML-based routing applications for the Orchestration platform, which are deployed on an application server.
- VoiceXML-based self-service applications for Genesys Voice Platform.
Be sure to check out our Composer Videos. Watch the latest Composer video on configuring log levels for server-side blocks.
Composer is included in a Platform solution package for Business Optimization. Contact your Genesys representative for more information.
Create Routing Applications with Composer
Composer is the present and future application for creating Genesys Enterprise routing applications (as well as voice applications for GVP). There are many reasons to create your routing applications in Composer.
- See the video on Moving to Composer from IRD.
- See the Quick Start for how to create a simple routing strategy, attach data that will appear on the agent desktop, and route to the preferred agent.
- Learn about the differences between Composer and Interaction Routing Designer, which has historically been used to create routing applications.
What's New
Release Notes
Composer 8.1.5 Deployment Guide
Provides Information on Installing and post-installation configuration.
Composer Help 8.1.5
Learn how to create routing applications for Orchestration and voice self-service applications for Genesys Voice Platform.
Composer 8.1.4 Deployment Guide
Provides Information on Installing and post-installation configuration.
Composer Help 8.1.4
Learn how to create routing applications for Orchestration and voice self-service applications for Genesys Voice Platform.
Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Guide
Provides Information on Installing Composer and post-installation configuration
Introduction to Composer 8.1.3 Help
Introduces the Composer Help and explains how to use it.
Composer Help 8.1.3
Learn how to create routing applications for Orchestration and voice self-service applications for Genesys Voice Platform.
Composer 8.1.3 Routing Applications User Guide
Use this guide to create routing applications.
Composer 8.1.2 Deployment Guide
Provides information on installing Composer and post-installation configuration.
Learn how to create routing applications for Orchestration and voice self-service applications for Genesys Voice Platform.
IRD to Composer 8.1.2 Migration
Learn how to migrate IRD routing strategies into Composer Projects as SCXML-based workflow diagrams.
Provides information on SOAP WSEE Support when using the Web Service Block.
More Release Information
Composer 8.0 entered End of Life (EOL) on October 20, 2023. It entered End of Maintenance (EOM) and End of Support (EOS) on October 31, 2024. If you have questions, contact your account representative.
Release Notes
This downloadable PDF provides information on installing Composer and post-installation configuration.
Composer Voice 8.0.1 Deployment Guide
This downloadable PDF provides information on installing Composer Voice and post-installation configuration.
Composer 8.0 Routing Applications User's Guide
This downloadable PDF provides the user's guide for creating routing applications.
Shows how to create voice applications for the GVP and routing applications for the Orchestration platform.