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All Genesys software is © Copyright 2014 Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including copyrights, can be found here.


Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including all trademarks, can be found here.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your customer care representative if you have any questions.

Used In Component Name Web Page
Genesys Mobile Services Spring Framework http://www.springsource.org/
GCM Server http://source.android.com/source/
lesscss http://lesscss.org/
SlickGrid https://github.com/mleibman/SlickGrid
Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/
Swagger http://swagger.wordnik.com/
Backbone http://backbonejs.org/
Underscore http://underscorejs.org/
Apache Commons http://commons.apache.org/
Apache Cassandra http://cassandra.apache.org/
Apache log4j http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/
Codehaus Jackson https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
Jetty http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/


Google Code Javapns http://code.google.com/p/javapns/
Pelops Scale7 https://github.com/s7/scale7-pelops
Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) http://www.slf4j.org/
codesaway RegExPlus http://codesaway.info/RegExPlus/
FlexNet Publisher http://www.flexerasoftware.com/products/flexnet-publisher.htm/
AOP Alliance http://aopalliance.sourceforge.net/
CometD https://github.com/cometd/cometd/
Bouncy Castle http://www.bouncycastle.org

NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS FOR ORACLE PRODUCTS LICENSED TO THE US GOVERNMENT Oracle Programs delivered to the United States government subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable license agreement therefor. Otherwise, Oracle programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

New in Release 8.5.0

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.006 release:

Genesys Mobile Services:

  • Callback Retry/Reschedule — The Workspace Desktop plugin sample has been enhanced to allow the agent to retry or reschedule the Callback after the current Callback attempt is completed. The agent may need to retry a Callback because they were given a different phone number to try, or reschedule the Callback if they were not able to reach the correct person.
  • Callback usage tracking — The GMS Callback service now tracks the number of concurrent Callbacks in the system.
  • Localization support — GMS now supports localization into other languages. Contact your Genesys representative for more details.
  • Proxy support — GMS now supports proxy servers for outbound http requests to public addresses, such as Apple and Google push notification services.
Customers who have purchased only Conversation Manager Solution are NOT entitled to use any of the Genesys Mobile Engagement features.

Context Services:

  • Customer Journey Timeline — Customer Journey Timeline is a visualization of various customer touch points of interactions and non-interaction work items, thereby providing a 360-degree view of the customer. The timeline features can be viewed as a stand alone for business users for analytics and can also be embedded within other applications.
  • Pulse templates for Journey Dashboard — Analytics defined within Journey Dashboard provide an overview of different journeys and trends; based on touch points with the customers, these templates provide a in-depth and comparative view across businesses for customer trends.
  • Context Services Interface — A developer tool for developers and administrators to build and manage solutions. The users are now able to define start/stop steps through different states, tasks, and services.
  • Licensing — Context Services is now enabled through GMS and is provisioned through a technical license. This release also provides Migration utilities to move from UCS environment to Genesys Mobile Services.
  • Multi-tenancy — Context Services now supports multi-tenancy.
  • Distributed Framework — Context Services is now supported on a distributed Cassandra environment, which reduces cost overhead and streamline administration.
  • Role-Based Access Control — Context Services simplifies and enables access privileges to read and write data.
  • Export Capabilities — You can export services data to JSON or CVS files.
  • Purging Capabilities — You can configure purges either from the Genesys Administrator or from the Configuration Manager interfaces. Your application can also perform purges by itself with a purge query.
This GMS release includes a technical license for the Context Services features. The following license options will be presented during installation:
  • Use License: Choose this option to have access to the Context Services features of Genesys Mobile Services.
  • No License: Choose this option to have access to Genesys Mobile Engagement (GME) features.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.005 release of GMS:

  • Preview Callback – Agents can preview the details of a Callback interaction before making the outbound call to the customer.
  • The Callback service now allows a virtual queue to be specified as a request parameter so that each service can support multiple virtual queues.
  • Automatic mobile push notifications are now supported for non-CometD (polling) based chat sessions.
  • The Callback service has been enhanced to be more robust in failover recovery scenarios.
  • The Callback Management UI has been redesigned.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.004 release of GMS:

  • Enhanced Callback Management UI enables supervisors to manage Callback interactions including querying, filtering, deleting, and rescheduling callbacks.
  • GMS can now send push notifications automatically to the mobile device when a CometD-based chat session is inadvertently disconnected.
  • Sample iOS, Android, and HTML5 apps now support scheduled Callback scenarios.
  • Support for custom notifications through a web application server, in order to forward push notifications through a third-party messaging system other than Apple or Google.
  • External Cassandra instances are now supported in the GMS deployment.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.003 release of GMS:

  • GMS now supports any single named tenant in a multitenant configuration.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) is now supported using the SAML 2.0 protocol.
  • The IVR Callback feature now supports scenarios in which calls are held in the Orchestration Server.
  • The HTML5 (Javascript) sample scenarios are now accessible through the Service Management UI.
  • The embedded web server has been upgraded to Jetty 7.6.15.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.001 release of GMS:

  • The embedded Cassandra database has been hardened with the following authentication and encryption enhancements:
    • User authentication
    • TLS support for Gossip protocol
    • TLS support for JMX protocol
  • GMS now supports the ability to configure and restrict port access at the service API level.
  • Basic authentication is now supported for GMS HTTP requests and is intended to be used in conjunction with HTTPS connections.
  • Sample VoiceXML code is provided to demonstrate how to leverage GME Callback capability from Genesys Voice Platform IVR by virtually holding a call in queue until an agent is available to call back the customer.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.000 release of GMS:

  • Load Balancing features for Orchestration Server (ORS):
    • Ability to configure a list of ORS URLs in the _ors option of the orchestration-based service.
    • Ability to configure load balancing strategies through the _ors_lb_strategy option:
      • Support a Linear hunt strategy where requests are always delivered to the first available node in the ORS list.
      • Support a Circular hunt strategy where requests are delivered in a round-robin fashion to the ORS list.
  • Ability to allow the customer's load balancer to detect GMS node failure by configuring a new service type. The returned code for ONLINE/OFFLINE status is configurable.
  • Operational metrics:
    • DNIS resource pool usage and availability.
    • Average handle time by resource pool.
    • Ability to report on historical service terminations.
  • Cookie-based management:
    • Ability to store ORS cookies for a given service id. GMS retrieves the cookies for subsequent calls of the service id and associates further requests including this service id to the same ORS instance.
  • Javascript samples.

New in Release 8.5.1

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.112 release:

  • Localization support — Genesys Mobile Engagement language packs are available for the following:
    French (Canada)


  • Support for tuning the queue priority increment in Callback scenarios where the customer dialed first. By setting a value for the new service-level option named _urs_vq_priority_boost_on_connect, the priority increment is applied to the voice interaction as soon as the customer is connected.
  • The new option named _max_queue_wait enables you to configure a maximum time for the Callback virtual interaction to remain in queue waiting for an agent. When this time expires, the outgoing call will be dialed, regardless of agent availability.
  • GMS can now send Mobile Push Notifications to Android devices using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
  • GMS Server can now print service execution time in log files.

Mobile Engagement

  • Chat V2 with CometD was enhanced with support for Chat Session File Transfer operations, such as fileGetLimits, fileUpload, fileDownload, and fileDelete.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.110 release:


  • The _throttle_customer_number_limit option is renamed _throttle_request_parameters_limit in the Queue Management section of the Callback Service options and in the callback section of the GMS configuration.
  • Support for the option _request_ewt_service. Use this option to specify a urs-stat service to retrieve the EWT in the Configured Services UI.
  • Support for the Bulk Cancel and Export of callback records. Set the new option enable-bulk-cancel-and-export-callback to true to enable this feature in the Callback UI. A new CANCELLED_BY_ADMIN state was introduced to make a distinction between a cancellation by an administrator as opposed to a cancellation requested by a customer.
  • Support for the Export Cancelled Callback Records feature through the Callback Services API.

Mobile Engagement

Context Services

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.109 release:


Set _enable_in_queue_checking to false if you wish to keep the previous Callback behavior.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.108 release:

Mobile Engagement


  • GMS now supports multiple targets for Callback.
  • You can now configure a maximum limit for queued callbacks by setting either max_queued_callbacks_per_service in your GMS configuration or No results in your Callback service.
  • A new callback service option No results has been added. If you set this option to true, the outbound call for a callback with _userterminated_first_connect_party=AGENT and _agent_preview=false will be placed from a route point instead of from the agent DN.
  • Support ability for Callback bookings to automatically reject premium-rate numbers.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.107 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • Support for URL rewriting.
  • Support for the Callback Count API that you can use to ensure that you do not book more Callbacks than you have licenses for.
  • Support load balancing for ORS nodes.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.106 release:


  • New Callback status–related change notification events are now available. See the reference list for details.
  • New service and configuration options have been added to recover old callbacks. See the new GMS callback section and the service options reference for details.

Mobile Engagement

  • The GMS Digital Channels API was extended to allow agents and web users to exchange files associated with the current chat session.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.105 release:

Genesys Mobile Services

  • In the Digital Channels Chat V2 API, the pushUrl request now checks the validity of the URL input. Only http, https, and ftp URLs are supported.

Context Services

  • The Context Services Interface now uses display names in panels and lists. Make sure to set meaningful display names when you configure Business Attributes.


  • The Agent preview data sent to the desktop can now be configured to include the user data that was attached to the real outbound call before it was routed to the agent. The _attach_udata and No results parameters are used to make this configuration.
  • Support for Callback status notifications.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.104 release:

Mobile Engagement


  • The Variable Callback Slots feature is now supported for scheduled callbacks and can be configured in the Service Management UI.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.103 release:


  • Support for Callback Historical Reporting with ICON, Infomart, and Interactive Insights.
  • Callbacks are now automatically resubmitted when the Orchestration Server fails or is restarted.
  • Callbacks can now wait for the answering machine beep before playing treatment to leave a message.
  • Ability to configure the maximum number of days in the future that a callback can be scheduled.

Mobile Engagement

  • Mobile samples have been updated for iOS 8 and 9.
  • Mobile samples have been updated for Android L.
  • GMS was tested with Hyper-V in Windows 2012.

Context Services

  • New look and feel with responsive design in place for Journey Timeline, providing users an optimal view of services, easy navigation, customization, and interactive experience.
  • Journey Timeline now includes Customer Preference Data from UCS.
  • Journey Timeline now enables to search and filter data from Service, State, and Task. Users now have options to implement templates.
  • Support granular data expiration capabilities, by type of conversation (that means service_type).

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.102 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • WebAPI is now built into GMS for balancing chat servers; you no longer need external WebAPI Servers for load balancing purposes.
  • New URS driven outbound dialing triggers callback calls based on dynamic and real-time queue conditions.
  • Custom treatment is supported through plugins based on CPD results, human or non-human.
  • Agent whisper announcement is supported during callback routing.
  • Age of interaction and priority can be set at callback creation, so that the callback can inherit the age of interaction and priority from the incoming call that requested the callback.
  • The unique Service ID is now passed to the URS strategy WaitForTarget, so that URS can query and update attached data in GMS.
  • Outbound calls can now be initiated from a Virtual Queue to support the ability to report on these calls.
  • Additional parameters can now be attached to the Makecall request for outbound calls.

Context Services

  • Operational Reporting — Context Services can now provide information about how the system is being used by returning operational metrics (counts and duration) about services, states, and tasks through its HTTP API.
  • Default Data — Context Services now supports the definition of default data associated with object properties mapped to Business Attributes.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.100 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • Chat improvements — The GMS chat service has been enhanced to better detect disconnections, recover/reconnect, and provide notifications for chat sessions when operating in less robust mobile data networks.
Genesys does not recommend Cassandra deployment on Windows because of potential file system performance issues. For Windows deployments of GMS, use an external Cassandra installed on Linux. Please contact Customer Care if Cassandra deployment on Windows is required.


Section: General
Default Value: single_json
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • separate_keys – Each KVP data is attached as a separate key-value pair to the user event.
  • single_json – All KVPs are attached as a single stringified-JSON object to the GMS_UserData key in the user event.
  • gms_storage_id – Callback will attach the GMS service ID to the GMS_UserData userdata key and let the agent application retrieve the data from GMS.


Section: callback
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in
Maximum number of queued callbacks per service, if the option is not overridden in the callback service. Note that this option will not reject scheduled callbacks and applies only to immediate callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: notification
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time in seconds to wait for deleting notification subscriptions. In scenarios where the publish notification and the delete subscription requests are received concurrently, the subscription may be deleted before the notification gets published. If you set this option to a value greater than 0, you will force GMS to wait for the specified duration before deleting the subscription and this will allow the pending push notifications to be sent out.


Section: General
Default Value: GMS_Paused_Services
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction list entry that controls pausing of callbacks.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

ID of the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you set this option, its value is used to look up the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you do not set any value, the service name is used instead.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: callback
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies a comma-separated list of request parameters to which the _throttle_customer_number_limit option applies. For example, _throttle_request_parameters=_customer_number, _target


Section: callback
Default Value: 6
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of immediate callback requests that a given customer number can request per day. You can set the list of parameters to apply this throttling in the option _throttle_request_parameters.

Starting in, this option is discontinued. Use option _throttle_request_parameters_limit instead.


Section: callback
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies the duration in seconds used for the callbacks limit set in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies the duration in seconds used for the callbacks limit set in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and _throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: lab
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables the bulk export of cancelled Callback records in the Callback UI.

In, this option was renamed disable-bulk-cancel-and-export-callback.


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies a urs-stat service to retrieve the EWT value. You can create and configure this urs-stat service as a GMS service in the Service Management UI or by adding a service.my-urs-stat section to your GMS configuration.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time (in seconds) for the virtual interaction to wait in queue prior to contacting the customer if the virtual interaction has not been selected for routing. If set to 0 (default), this option is ignored. If you set this option, configure _urs_ewt_estimation_method = ursdial.

This option only applies to user-terminated delayed scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER. If max-queue-wait is configured, and if its value is exceeded, the system adds the GMS_Max_Queue_Wait user data to the outbound interaction.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Priority to be added to the virtual interaction after connecting the customer call or chat session. This option only applies to scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER.

To use this option, import the GMS_URS_Strategy_85109_v2.58.zip strategy file available for download in the Callback Solution guide.

New in Release 8.5.2

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.206 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.205 release:

  • In Context Services, the Composite Start operation was modified to support Bulk Extension Update.
  • You can now define a queue to query Estimated Wait Time. See Callback Solution Guide for further details.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.204 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.203 release:

  • GMS now uses DataStax Driver 3.5.0.
  • GMS now supports a TLS connection to Cassandra 3.x.
  • GMS now supports a TLS connection to Cassandra 2.x.
  • GMS now supports Windows 2016.
  • GMS no longer supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 32/64.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.202 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.201 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.200 release:

  • Support for Cassandra 3.1: Tested version is 3.11.0
  • Support for Jetty v9.4+
  • GMS node now logs Digital Channels Chat and Email API request and response on the trace level.
  • Support for rescheduling a completed Callback.
  • Digital Channels Chat and Email APIs now allow the filtering of request parameters and response fields in the log. Use the [log-filter-data] section to configure a filter for the desired data.
  • Support for hiding sensitive data in the communication log between GMS nodes and other Genesys Components. Use the [log-hidden-attributes] section to configure the message attributes to hide.
  • Support JDK 8 only.
  • The message structure for error responses has been improved and the detailed list of returned errors is now documented for the Callback Services API.
  • The former Admin UI of the GMS Service Management UI has been moved to the new tabs, menus, and panels of the new Services and Tools UI.
  • Reporting on Callback activity has been enhanced by implementing new Callback-related KVPs.
  • The Source Code of the Android Sample has been updated.


All Genesys software is © Copyright 2014 Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including copyrights, can be found here.


Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Complete information about Genesys proprietary intellectual property, including all trademarks, can be found here.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. Please contact your customer care representative if you have any questions.

Used In Component Name Web Page
Genesys Mobile Services Spring Framework http://www.springsource.org/
GCM Server http://source.android.com/source/
lesscss http://lesscss.org/
SlickGrid https://github.com/mleibman/SlickGrid
Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/
Swagger http://swagger.wordnik.com/
Backbone http://backbonejs.org/
Underscore http://underscorejs.org/
Apache Commons http://commons.apache.org/
Apache Cassandra http://cassandra.apache.org/
Apache log4j http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/
Codehaus Jackson https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
Jetty http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/


Google Code Javapns http://code.google.com/p/javapns/
Pelops Scale7 https://github.com/s7/scale7-pelops
Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) http://www.slf4j.org/
codesaway RegExPlus http://codesaway.info/RegExPlus/
FlexNet Publisher http://www.flexerasoftware.com/products/flexnet-publisher.htm/
AOP Alliance http://aopalliance.sourceforge.net/
CometD https://github.com/cometd/cometd/
Bouncy Castle http://www.bouncycastle.org

NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS FOR ORACLE PRODUCTS LICENSED TO THE US GOVERNMENT Oracle Programs delivered to the United States government subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable license agreement therefor. Otherwise, Oracle programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

New in Release 8.5.0

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.006 release:

Genesys Mobile Services:

  • Callback Retry/Reschedule — The Workspace Desktop plugin sample has been enhanced to allow the agent to retry or reschedule the Callback after the current Callback attempt is completed. The agent may need to retry a Callback because they were given a different phone number to try, or reschedule the Callback if they were not able to reach the correct person.
  • Callback usage tracking — The GMS Callback service now tracks the number of concurrent Callbacks in the system.
  • Localization support — GMS now supports localization into other languages. Contact your Genesys representative for more details.
  • Proxy support — GMS now supports proxy servers for outbound http requests to public addresses, such as Apple and Google push notification services.
Customers who have purchased only Conversation Manager Solution are NOT entitled to use any of the Genesys Mobile Engagement features.

Context Services:

  • Customer Journey Timeline — Customer Journey Timeline is a visualization of various customer touch points of interactions and non-interaction work items, thereby providing a 360-degree view of the customer. The timeline features can be viewed as a stand alone for business users for analytics and can also be embedded within other applications.
  • Pulse templates for Journey Dashboard — Analytics defined within Journey Dashboard provide an overview of different journeys and trends; based on touch points with the customers, these templates provide a in-depth and comparative view across businesses for customer trends.
  • Context Services Interface — A developer tool for developers and administrators to build and manage solutions. The users are now able to define start/stop steps through different states, tasks, and services.
  • Licensing — Context Services is now enabled through GMS and is provisioned through a technical license. This release also provides Migration utilities to move from UCS environment to Genesys Mobile Services.
  • Multi-tenancy — Context Services now supports multi-tenancy.
  • Distributed Framework — Context Services is now supported on a distributed Cassandra environment, which reduces cost overhead and streamline administration.
  • Role-Based Access Control — Context Services simplifies and enables access privileges to read and write data.
  • Export Capabilities — You can export services data to JSON or CVS files.
  • Purging Capabilities — You can configure purges either from the Genesys Administrator or from the Configuration Manager interfaces. Your application can also perform purges by itself with a purge query.
This GMS release includes a technical license for the Context Services features. The following license options will be presented during installation:
  • Use License: Choose this option to have access to the Context Services features of Genesys Mobile Services.
  • No License: Choose this option to have access to Genesys Mobile Engagement (GME) features.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.005 release of GMS:

  • Preview Callback – Agents can preview the details of a Callback interaction before making the outbound call to the customer.
  • The Callback service now allows a virtual queue to be specified as a request parameter so that each service can support multiple virtual queues.
  • Automatic mobile push notifications are now supported for non-CometD (polling) based chat sessions.
  • The Callback service has been enhanced to be more robust in failover recovery scenarios.
  • The Callback Management UI has been redesigned.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.004 release of GMS:

  • Enhanced Callback Management UI enables supervisors to manage Callback interactions including querying, filtering, deleting, and rescheduling callbacks.
  • GMS can now send push notifications automatically to the mobile device when a CometD-based chat session is inadvertently disconnected.
  • Sample iOS, Android, and HTML5 apps now support scheduled Callback scenarios.
  • Support for custom notifications through a web application server, in order to forward push notifications through a third-party messaging system other than Apple or Google.
  • External Cassandra instances are now supported in the GMS deployment.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.003 release of GMS:

  • GMS now supports any single named tenant in a multitenant configuration.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) is now supported using the SAML 2.0 protocol.
  • The IVR Callback feature now supports scenarios in which calls are held in the Orchestration Server.
  • The HTML5 (Javascript) sample scenarios are now accessible through the Service Management UI.
  • The embedded web server has been upgraded to Jetty 7.6.15.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.001 release of GMS:

  • The embedded Cassandra database has been hardened with the following authentication and encryption enhancements:
    • User authentication
    • TLS support for Gossip protocol
    • TLS support for JMX protocol
  • GMS now supports the ability to configure and restrict port access at the service API level.
  • Basic authentication is now supported for GMS HTTP requests and is intended to be used in conjunction with HTTPS connections.
  • Sample VoiceXML code is provided to demonstrate how to leverage GME Callback capability from Genesys Voice Platform IVR by virtually holding a call in queue until an agent is available to call back the customer.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.000 release of GMS:

  • Load Balancing features for Orchestration Server (ORS):
    • Ability to configure a list of ORS URLs in the _ors option of the orchestration-based service.
    • Ability to configure load balancing strategies through the _ors_lb_strategy option:
      • Support a Linear hunt strategy where requests are always delivered to the first available node in the ORS list.
      • Support a Circular hunt strategy where requests are delivered in a round-robin fashion to the ORS list.
  • Ability to allow the customer's load balancer to detect GMS node failure by configuring a new service type. The returned code for ONLINE/OFFLINE status is configurable.
  • Operational metrics:
    • DNIS resource pool usage and availability.
    • Average handle time by resource pool.
    • Ability to report on historical service terminations.
  • Cookie-based management:
    • Ability to store ORS cookies for a given service id. GMS retrieves the cookies for subsequent calls of the service id and associates further requests including this service id to the same ORS instance.
  • Javascript samples.

New in Release 8.5.1

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.112 release:

  • Localization support — Genesys Mobile Engagement language packs are available for the following:
    French (Canada)


  • Support for tuning the queue priority increment in Callback scenarios where the customer dialed first. By setting a value for the new service-level option named _urs_vq_priority_boost_on_connect, the priority increment is applied to the voice interaction as soon as the customer is connected.
  • The new option named _max_queue_wait enables you to configure a maximum time for the Callback virtual interaction to remain in queue waiting for an agent. When this time expires, the outgoing call will be dialed, regardless of agent availability.
  • GMS can now send Mobile Push Notifications to Android devices using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
  • GMS Server can now print service execution time in log files.

Mobile Engagement

  • Chat V2 with CometD was enhanced with support for Chat Session File Transfer operations, such as fileGetLimits, fileUpload, fileDownload, and fileDelete.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.110 release:


  • The _throttle_customer_number_limit option is renamed _throttle_request_parameters_limit in the Queue Management section of the Callback Service options and in the callback section of the GMS configuration.
  • Support for the option _request_ewt_service. Use this option to specify a urs-stat service to retrieve the EWT in the Configured Services UI.
  • Support for the Bulk Cancel and Export of callback records. Set the new option enable-bulk-cancel-and-export-callback to true to enable this feature in the Callback UI. A new CANCELLED_BY_ADMIN state was introduced to make a distinction between a cancellation by an administrator as opposed to a cancellation requested by a customer.
  • Support for the Export Cancelled Callback Records feature through the Callback Services API.

Mobile Engagement

Context Services

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.109 release:


Set _enable_in_queue_checking to false if you wish to keep the previous Callback behavior.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.108 release:

Mobile Engagement


  • GMS now supports multiple targets for Callback.
  • You can now configure a maximum limit for queued callbacks by setting either max_queued_callbacks_per_service in your GMS configuration or No results in your Callback service.
  • A new callback service option No results has been added. If you set this option to true, the outbound call for a callback with _userterminated_first_connect_party=AGENT and _agent_preview=false will be placed from a route point instead of from the agent DN.
  • Support ability for Callback bookings to automatically reject premium-rate numbers.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.107 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • Support for URL rewriting.
  • Support for the Callback Count API that you can use to ensure that you do not book more Callbacks than you have licenses for.
  • Support load balancing for ORS nodes.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.106 release:


  • New Callback status–related change notification events are now available. See the reference list for details.
  • New service and configuration options have been added to recover old callbacks. See the new GMS callback section and the service options reference for details.

Mobile Engagement

  • The GMS Digital Channels API was extended to allow agents and web users to exchange files associated with the current chat session.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.105 release:

Genesys Mobile Services

  • In the Digital Channels Chat V2 API, the pushUrl request now checks the validity of the URL input. Only http, https, and ftp URLs are supported.

Context Services

  • The Context Services Interface now uses display names in panels and lists. Make sure to set meaningful display names when you configure Business Attributes.


  • The Agent preview data sent to the desktop can now be configured to include the user data that was attached to the real outbound call before it was routed to the agent. The _attach_udata and No results parameters are used to make this configuration.
  • Support for Callback status notifications.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.104 release:

Mobile Engagement


  • The Variable Callback Slots feature is now supported for scheduled callbacks and can be configured in the Service Management UI.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.103 release:


  • Support for Callback Historical Reporting with ICON, Infomart, and Interactive Insights.
  • Callbacks are now automatically resubmitted when the Orchestration Server fails or is restarted.
  • Callbacks can now wait for the answering machine beep before playing treatment to leave a message.
  • Ability to configure the maximum number of days in the future that a callback can be scheduled.

Mobile Engagement

  • Mobile samples have been updated for iOS 8 and 9.
  • Mobile samples have been updated for Android L.
  • GMS was tested with Hyper-V in Windows 2012.

Context Services

  • New look and feel with responsive design in place for Journey Timeline, providing users an optimal view of services, easy navigation, customization, and interactive experience.
  • Journey Timeline now includes Customer Preference Data from UCS.
  • Journey Timeline now enables to search and filter data from Service, State, and Task. Users now have options to implement templates.
  • Support granular data expiration capabilities, by type of conversation (that means service_type).

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.102 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • WebAPI is now built into GMS for balancing chat servers; you no longer need external WebAPI Servers for load balancing purposes.
  • New URS driven outbound dialing triggers callback calls based on dynamic and real-time queue conditions.
  • Custom treatment is supported through plugins based on CPD results, human or non-human.
  • Agent whisper announcement is supported during callback routing.
  • Age of interaction and priority can be set at callback creation, so that the callback can inherit the age of interaction and priority from the incoming call that requested the callback.
  • The unique Service ID is now passed to the URS strategy WaitForTarget, so that URS can query and update attached data in GMS.
  • Outbound calls can now be initiated from a Virtual Queue to support the ability to report on these calls.
  • Additional parameters can now be attached to the Makecall request for outbound calls.

Context Services

  • Operational Reporting — Context Services can now provide information about how the system is being used by returning operational metrics (counts and duration) about services, states, and tasks through its HTTP API.
  • Default Data — Context Services now supports the definition of default data associated with object properties mapped to Business Attributes.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.100 release:

Mobile Engagement

  • Chat improvements — The GMS chat service has been enhanced to better detect disconnections, recover/reconnect, and provide notifications for chat sessions when operating in less robust mobile data networks.
Genesys does not recommend Cassandra deployment on Windows because of potential file system performance issues. For Windows deployments of GMS, use an external Cassandra installed on Linux. Please contact Customer Care if Cassandra deployment on Windows is required.


Section: General
Default Value: single_json
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • separate_keys – Each KVP data is attached as a separate key-value pair to the user event.
  • single_json – All KVPs are attached as a single stringified-JSON object to the GMS_UserData key in the user event.
  • gms_storage_id – Callback will attach the GMS service ID to the GMS_UserData userdata key and let the agent application retrieve the data from GMS.


Section: callback
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in
Maximum number of queued callbacks per service, if the option is not overridden in the callback service. Note that this option will not reject scheduled callbacks and applies only to immediate callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue; if false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback. This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: notification
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time in seconds to wait for deleting notification subscriptions. In scenarios where the publish notification and the delete subscription requests are received concurrently, the subscription may be deleted before the notification gets published. If you set this option to a value greater than 0, you will force GMS to wait for the specified duration before deleting the subscription and this will allow the pending push notifications to be sent out.


Section: General
Default Value: GMS_Paused_Services
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction list entry that controls pausing of callbacks.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

ID of the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you set this option, its value is used to look up the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you do not set any value, the service name is used instead.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: callback
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies a comma-separated list of request parameters to which the _throttle_customer_number_limit option applies. For example, _throttle_request_parameters=_customer_number, _target


Section: callback
Default Value: 6
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of immediate callback requests that a given customer number can request per day. You can set the list of parameters to apply this throttling in the option _throttle_request_parameters.

Starting in, this option is discontinued. Use option _throttle_request_parameters_limit instead.


Section: callback
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies the duration in seconds used for the callbacks limit set in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Added in:
Specifies the duration in seconds used for the callbacks limit set in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and _throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent high rates of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: callback
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes, but not more than 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: lab
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables the bulk export of cancelled Callback records in the Callback UI.

In, this option was renamed disable-bulk-cancel-and-export-callback.


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies a urs-stat service to retrieve the EWT value. You can create and configure this urs-stat service as a GMS service in the Service Management UI or by adding a service.my-urs-stat section to your GMS configuration.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time (in seconds) for the virtual interaction to wait in queue prior to contacting the customer if the virtual interaction has not been selected for routing. If set to 0 (default), this option is ignored. If you set this option, configure _urs_ewt_estimation_method = ursdial.

This option only applies to user-terminated delayed scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER. If max-queue-wait is configured, and if its value is exceeded, the system adds the GMS_Max_Queue_Wait user data to the outbound interaction.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Priority to be added to the virtual interaction after connecting the customer call or chat session. This option only applies to scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER.

To use this option, import the GMS_URS_Strategy_85109_v2.58.zip strategy file available for download in the Callback Solution guide.

New in Release 8.5.2

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.206 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.205 release:

  • In Context Services, the Composite Start operation was modified to support Bulk Extension Update.
  • You can now define a queue to query Estimated Wait Time. See Callback Solution Guide for further details.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.204 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.203 release:

  • GMS now uses DataStax Driver 3.5.0.
  • GMS now supports a TLS connection to Cassandra 3.x.
  • GMS now supports a TLS connection to Cassandra 2.x.
  • GMS now supports Windows 2016.
  • GMS no longer supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 32/64.

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.202 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.201 release:

The following primary new features were introduced in the 8.5.200 release:

  • Support for Cassandra 3.1: Tested version is 3.11.0
  • Support for Jetty v9.4+
  • GMS node now logs Digital Channels Chat and Email API request and response on the trace level.
  • Support for rescheduling a completed Callback.
  • Digital Channels Chat and Email APIs now allow the filtering of request parameters and response fields in the log. Use the [log-filter-data] section to configure a filter for the desired data.
  • Support for hiding sensitive data in the communication log between GMS nodes and other Genesys Components. Use the [log-hidden-attributes] section to configure the message attributes to hide.
  • Support JDK 8 only.
  • The message structure for error responses has been improved and the detailed list of returned errors is now documented for the Callback Services API.
  • The former Admin UI of the GMS Service Management UI has been moved to the new tabs, menus, and panels of the new Services and Tools UI.
  • Reporting on Callback activity has been enhanced by implementing new Callback-related KVPs.
  • The Source Code of the Android Sample has been updated.

Genesys Mobile Engagement

With Genesys Mobile Engagement (GME), you can:

  • Make a connected application: GME helps you create a better mobile application by intelligently connecting your application to customer service. With GME, you can transform an application into a seamless business conversation.
  • Create a personalized customer experience: GME delivers the right live agent at the right time to your mobile application.
  • Engage agents effectively: Customers simply push a button and are connected to a customer service agent without leaving your application. The agent can see information from your application along with the full customer history and preferences. This 360-degree view enables the agent to provide an ideal personalized experience that increases customer engagement.

Genesys Mobile Engagement features are based on services provided by the Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) component as documented in the guides below.

Genesys Mobile Engagement falls under the Customer Engagement Digital solution of the Genesys Engage offering.

What's New

Deprecation Notices

Release Notes


Genesys Mobile Services Deployment Guide

Use to deploy Genesys Mobile Services.

Genesys Mobile Services API Reference

Use this to customize Genesys Mobile Services.

Callback User's Guide

Use this to configure Callback Services.

Genesys Mobile Services Client Samples

Use this to access the GMS samples.

Service Management Help

Use to manage your GMS services.

More Release Information

  • Genesys Mobile Services 8.1 entered End of Life (EOL) on May 15, 2023. It entered End of Maintenance on August 31, 2023 and reached End of Support on August 31, 2023.
  • Genesys Mobile Engagement 8.1 entered End of Life (EOL) on May 15, 2023. It enters End of Maintenance on December 31, 2023 and reaches End of Support on December 31, 2023.

If you have questions, contact your account representative.

What's New

Deprecation Notices

Release Notes


Genesys Mobile Services Deployment Guide

Use to deploy Genesys Mobile Services.

Service Management Help

Use to manage your GMS services.

Genesys Mobile Services API Reference

Use this to customize Genesys Mobile Services.

Callback User's Guide

Use this to configure Callback Services.

Genesys Mobile Services Client Samples

Use this to access the GMS 8.1.2 samples.

Genesys Mobile Services Developer's Guide

Use this to access the GMS 8.1.1 samples.


More Release Information

This page was last edited on September 29, 2023, at 08:05.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!