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Jdruker/Co-browse SecureKafka


Section: agg-feature
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: none. This option takes no values—its presence alone within the [agg-feature] section issues the described instructions to RAA.
Changes Take Effect: After restart of the aggregation process.
Introduced: 8.5.006

Instructs RAA to enable the Co-browse table (AGT_COBROWSE_AGENT). To have RAA exclude Co-browse data, remove this option from this section.


Section: kafka-<cluster-name>
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid host:port combination that identifies a Kafka server in the cluster
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies the location of the Kafka broker(s) in the cluster, in the form of host:port. If there are multiple servers, use a comma-separated list.

bootstrap.servers is a standard Kafka consumer option. The option is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart, as a Kafka consumer, to know where to connect for the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. In high availability (HA) deployments, Genesys recommends that you list all the brokers in the cluster.

For more information about the bootstrap.servers option, see the Apache Kafka documentation (https://kafka.apache.org/documentation#consumerapi).

Integrating Genesys Co-browse with Genesys Historical Reporting

This page describes the component and configuration requirements to enable historical reporting on Genesys Co-browse activity in your deployment.

Overview: Genesys Co-browse reporting process

  1. After a co-browse session is finished, Genesys Co-browse produces a reporting event, which it sends to Apache Kafka in a topic named all-cobrowse-historical. For more information about the reporting event attributes, see Reporting event attributes, below.
  2. On a regular schedule, Genesys Info Mart extracts the Genesys Co-browse data from the Kafka data stream and transforms it into the COBROWSE_FACT table and its supporting dimensions in the Info Mart dimensional model. For more information about the Info Mart database tables, see the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS. For more information about managing the Genesys Info Mart ETL jobs, see the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.
  3. In deployments that include Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) and Genesys CX Insights (GCXI), RAA summarizes and organizes the Info Mart data in ways that enable GCXI to extract meaning. For more information about RAA data, see the RAA User's Guide.
  4. GCXI uses the aggregated data in the Info Mart database to produce Co-browse reports. For more information, see Co-browse reports in the GCXI User's Guide.

Enabling historical reporting on Genesys Co-browse activity


The following table summarizes the minimum release requirements for the Genesys and third-party components that enable Genesys Co-browse historical reporting.

Component Minimum release
Genesys Co-browse Server
Genesys Co-browse Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Workspace Web Edition (Web Services and Applications)
Kafka 2.0
Genesys Info Mart
Genesys Co-browse historical reporting requires that you use Workspace Desktop Edition or Workspace Web Edition. Custom agent desktops are not supported.

Setting up historical reporting

  1. Enable the storage of Genesys Co-browse reporting metrics in Kafka.
    1. Deploy Kafka version 2.0.
    2. Ensure that your Kafka data retention policy provides a sufficient buffer to enable Genesys Info Mart to recover from unexpected delays, so that messages are not discarded before Genesys Info Mart has consumed them.
    3. Configure Genesys Co-browse to output reporting data into Kafka by configuring the bootstrap-servers option.
  2. Configure Genesys Info Mart to extract the Genesys Co-browse reporting data from Kafka.
    1. On the Options tab of the Genesys Info Mart application object, create a new configuration section, kafka-<cluster-name>. The <cluster-name> can be any string you use to identify the cluster—for example, kafka-cobrowse.
    2. In the new section, add the following options:
      • bootstrap.servers—The value must match the value of the Genesys Co-browse bootstrap-servers option (see step 1).
      • g:topic:all-cobrowse-historical=COBROWSE—This option specifies the Kafka topic Genesys Info Mart will consume and how messages in this topic will be mapped.
      • (Optional) Any other native Kafka options that control the behavior of the Kafka client. Any options in the kafka-<cluster-name> section whose name does not start with the g: prefix are treated as Kafka client options. In particular, for a Kafka cluster that uses SASL_SSL authentication, consider configuring the security options described on the kafka-<cluster-name> section page in the Genesys Info Mart Options Reference.
    3. (Optional, but recommended) Set an alarm on log message 55-20049, which identifies that a transformation job error has occurred because of a Kafka exception, such as a complete loss of connection to the cluster.
  3. Enable aggregation of co-browse-related data. (Required for GCXI reporting or other applications that use RAA aggregation.)
    In the [agg-feature] section on the Genesys Info Mart application object, specify the enable-cobrowse option.

Co-browse Server reporting event attributes

The following table describes the attributes included in the Genesys Co-browse reporting event. The "Application data attribute" column, which includes the name of the section as well as the attribute itself, represents the XPath search term Genesys Info Mart uses to extract and map the data. The "Info Mart Database Target" column indicates the Info Mart database table and column to which the attribute is mapped.

Index property Description Info Mart Database Target
Index property Description Info Mart Database Target
The reason why a Co-browse session ended, as provided by Co-browse Server. Possible reasons are:
  • NONE
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session ended. COBROWSE_FACT.SESSION_END_TIME_TS
Indicates whether this is the first Co-browse session initiated within a given Voice or Chat interaction. The value is 1 for the first Co-browse session associated with the interaction; the value is 0 otherwise. COBROWSE_FACT.FIRST_SESSION
The identifier of the Co-browse session, as reported by Co-browse Server. COBROWSE_FACT.SESSION_ID
The interaction GUID, as reported by Interaction Server for the Voice or Chat interaction associated with the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_FACT.MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a given segment of the Co-browse session ended. COBROWSE_FACT.SEGMENT_END_TIME_TS
The identifier of the segment within the Co-browse session, as reported by Co-browse Server. COBROWSE_FACT.SEGMENT_ID
The ordinal number of the segment within the Co-browse session. The value of 0 indicates the first segment. COBROWSE_FACT.SEGMENT_INDEX
The mode that is used during a given segment of the Co-browse session: POINTER, WRITE, or UNKNOWN. In POINTER mode, the agent observes while the customer browses the web page. In WRITE mode, the agent can actively click or enter data on the web page. In a single Co-browse session, an agent can switch between the two modes; each switch is recorded as a separate segment within a single Co-browse session. COBROWSE_MODE.SEGMENT_MODE (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_MODE_KEY)
The domain of the web page shared in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_PAGE.PAGE_DOMAIN (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_PAGE_KEY)
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit ended. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_END_TIME_TS
The identifier of the page visited in a Co-browse session, as reported by Co-browse Server. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_ID
The ordinal number of the page visited during the Co-browse session. The value of 0 indicates the first page. The numbering is sequential throughout all segments within the same session. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_INDEX
The title of the web page shared in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_PAGE.PAGE_TITLE (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_PAGE_KEY)
The path inside the domain that indicates the web page shared in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_PAGE.PAGE_PATH (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_PAGE_KEY)
The part of the page URL following the question mark ("?") sign (the query string). The field might be empty. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_QUERY
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit started. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_START_TIME_TS
The URL of the page visited during the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_FACT.PAGE_URL
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a given segment of the Co-browse session started. COBROWSE_FACT.SEGMENT_START_TIME_TS
The type of the application used by the customer in the Co-browse session; for example, Browser. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_AGENT_CLASS (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The name of the application (browser) used by the customer in the Co-browse session; for example, Chrome. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_AGENT_NAME (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The version of the application (browser) used by the customer in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_AGENT_VER (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The brand of the customer's device used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_DEVICE_BRAND (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The type of the computing device, such as desktop or mobile, that the customer has used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_DEVICE_CLASS (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The name of the customer's device used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_DEVICE_NAME (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The type of the operating system running on the customer's device used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_OS_CLASS (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The name of the operating system running on the customer's device used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_OS_NAME (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The version of the operating system running on the customer's device used in the Co-browse session; for example, Mac OS X. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_OS_VER (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
The type and version of the browser ("UserAgent") that the customer has used in the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_USER_AGENT.CREATOR_USER_AGENT (referenced through COBROWSE_FACT.COBROWSE_USER_AGENT_KEY)
Identifies whether WRITE mode was used in any segment of the Co-browse session. COBROWSE_FACT.SESSION_RW_FLAG
The token assigned to the Co-browse session by Co-browse Server. COBROWSE_FACT.SESSION_TOKEN
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session started. This value is the same as startTime_ts, but Genesys Info Mart uses startDateTimeKey to identify the start of a 15-minute interval in which the Co-browse session began. COBROWSE_FACT.START_DATE_TIME_KEY
The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session started. COBROWSE_FACT.SESSION_START_TIME_TS

This page was last edited on January 23, 2020, at 13:53.
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