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Pulse Deployment Procedure




Here is what I had in the RN's DP:

Genesys Pulse 9.0.0 Deployment Procedure

Genesys Pulse 9.0.0 does not work as a GAX Plugin and should be installed as a separate Application. See Genesys Pulse Deployment Guide for details.

Deploying Microservices for Genesys Pulse 9.0.001 on Windows

  • Remove old registry keys configured for 9.0.000 Formula Processor and/or StatServer Data Provider.
  • Create a Windows service by performing the following command:
    path\to\installation\<service name>.EXE -c path\to\config\file --install

You can use the NET command in a Windows command prompt to manage the service:

  • NET START <service name>
  • NET STOP <service name>

To remove the service, perform the following command:
path\to\installation\ <service name>.EXE --remove

If multiple instances of the microservice are required to run on the same host, you can create an additional instance of the service:
path\to\installation\ <service name>.EXE -c path\to\config\file --install=<instance_name>

You can use the NET command in a Windows command prompt to manage the service:

  • NET START <service name>#<instance_name>
  • NET STOP <service name>#<instance_name>

To remove the service, perform the following command:
path\to\installation\ <service name>.EXE --remove=<instance_name>

How to Run 9.0.000 StatServer Data Provider or Formula Processor

The StatServer Data Provider or Formula Processor microservice is implemented as a standalone executable. The following command line options are supported:

  • -h, --help
    Print help screen and exit.
  • -c, --config-file FILE
    Specifies the path to the file that contains the configuration for the microservice. The option can be specified multiple times. In this case, all the configurations are merged. If no configuration files are specified, the StatServerDataProvider.cfg or FormulaProcessor.cfg file located in the executable's directory is used.
  • -D, --define NAME=VALUE
    Defines the value of the configuration option. The option can be specified multiple times. Options' values specified in the command line take precedence over the values specified in the configuration files.
  • -s, --service NAME
    Specifies the service name of the microservice. The option should be used only if the microservice runs as a system service. If the option is specified, all console output is redirected to the system log.

Run as a Service on Windows

To create a Windows service, perform the following steps:

  1. Type the following command in the Windows command prompt:
    path\to\reskit\INSTSRV.EXE service_name path\to\reskit\SRVANY.EXE
    where path\to\reskit is the drive and directory of the Windows Server Resource Kit (for example, C:\Program Files\Resource Kit) and service_name is the name of the service you are creating.
    You can download Windows Server Resource Kit on the Microsoft portal. Windows Server Resource Kit 2003 can be used on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2016 to create Windows service for Genesys Pulse Microservices.
  2. Run Registry Editor and locate the following key:
    For details see Windows registry information for advanced users.
  3. Create a new subkey:
    Key Name: Parameters
  4. Select the Parameters subkey.
  5. Create the new value:
    Value Name: Application
    Data Type: REG_SZ
    Value: path\to\installation\StatServerDataProvider.EXE -c path\to\config\file -s service_name (for StatServer Data Provider)
    Value: path\to\installation\FormulaProcessor.EXE -c path\to\config\file -s service_name (for Formula Processor)
  6. Create the new value:
    Value Name: AppDirectory
    Data Type: REG_SZ
    Value: path\to\installation
  7. Close Registry Editor.

You can use the NET command in the Windows command prompt to manage the service:

  • NET START <service_name>
  • NET STOP <service_name>

Run as a Service on Linux

Create a separate systemd service configuration file for the each instance of the StatServer Data Provider or Formula Processor service you need to run. For example, create the systemd service configuration file /etc/systemd/system/pulse-statserver-data-provider.service with the following content:

Description=Pulse StatServer Data Provider 

ExecStart=/path/to/installation/StatServerDataProvider -c /path/to/config/file -s service_name


You can use systemctl(1) to manage these services. Type man systemct for more information.

This page was last edited on October 30, 2018, at 12:17.
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