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GroupBy Feature as of Mar 30, 2016

Starting with release 8.5.103, Stat Server in regular mode supports the GroupBy stat type specifier. GroupBy defines the mapping of an action to a group. Each action belongs to only one group at any moment of time.

GroupBy statement is the expression list of the following format: expression | expression ',' expression_list. An expression can be of types: bool, float, int, and string.

The result (an array and/or the overall value) is defined by Category and is calculated for each individual group.

There are three optional specifiers that can be used with GroupBy in stat types:

  • OrderBy
    OrderBy has the following syntax:
    OrderBy = <list_of_tokens>
    list_of_tokens := token | token , list_of_tokens
    token := sign | integer
    sign := <empty> | + (default) | -

    integer in the token definition specifies the index of element in GroupBy expression.
  • RowCount
    RowCount stat type specifier allows to limit the number of the returned groups. It has the following syntax: RowCount = integer
    If RowCount is not specified, the internal default INT_MAX (2147483647) is used. The valid value range for the RowCount is from 0 (zero) to INT_MAX.
  • GroupByColumns
    Optional GroupByColumns specifies column names, corresponding to GroupBy.
    The value of this option is sent to a client in the response for SGetProfile(SPFStatTypes) in the GroupByColumns key in the embedded key-value list, associated with GroupBy StatType. The parsing/validation of the value is done on the client side. In addition, SGetProfile(SPFStatTypes) contains the OriginalGroupByColumns pair and a value of type=KVList in the embedded key-value list, also associated with the GroupBy StatType, in order to provide parsed GroupBy expression operands in a normalized form.
Indexes start with 1.
If OrderBy is not provided, the groups come unordered.
Use the minus (-) sign to sort in descending order.

Only Subject=DNAction is allowed for GroupBy.

GroupBy is not compatible with Formula=DistByConnID.

  • Legacy clients, such as CCPulse+, do not support GroupBy.
  • Filters can be used in combination with GroupBy.
  • GroupBy stat types are serialized into/from backup file, as well as other statistics.
  • GroupBy is supported with old (dynamic) API as well.

The following categories cannot be used with GroupBy:

CurrentState CurrentStateReasons
CurrentTargetState JavaCategory
ServiceFactor1 LoadBalance1
TotalNumberErrors EstimWaitingTime
LoadBalance EstimTimeToComplete
Formula ExpectedWaitTime2
CurrentDistinctNumber TotalDistinctTime

GroupBy cannot be used with the following statistics:

  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish)
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish)
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish)
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentLogin
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentLogin
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentLogin
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentActive
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentActive
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentActive
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentReady
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentReady
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentReady
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNLogin
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNLogin
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNLogin
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNActive
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNActive
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNActive
  • CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNReady
  • CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNReady
  • CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNReady
  • CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/Queue/DNAction
  • CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/RoutePoint/DNAction
  • CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/GroupQueues/DNAction

If the queue-use-pseudo-actions configuration option is set to true, GroupBy cannot be used with the following statistics:

  • CurrentNumber/Campaign/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsNotProcessed
  • CurrentNumber/CallingList/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsNotProcessed
  • CurrentNumber/Campaign/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsScheduled
  • CurrentNumber/CallingList/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsScheduled

Example 1.

The result of applying
GroupBy=GetString(System',"key"), PairExists(UserData, "key2","*")
Action(type=CallInternal, System=[{"key","value"}], UserData=[])
{ "value", false }.

Example 2.

The following actions are generated on an agent:

Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","a"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","a"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","b"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key2","c"}] )

After applying the following statistic:

Objects=Agent, GroupAgents
GroupBy=GetString( UserData, "key" )

We get the following array:

Group Value
"a" 2
"b" 1
null 1

where null is a special token, which indicates the absence of a key.

Example 3.

GroupBy= GetString( System, "ObjectID" ), GetString( System, "InteractionType" ), PairExists( UserData, "key", "*" )

GroupBy Feature as of Feb 25, 2016

Starting with release 8.5.103, Stat Server in regular mode supports GroupBy stat type specifier with the following syntax:

GroupBy = <group_by_statement>
group_by_statement := expression_list
expression_list := expression | expression ',' expression_list
expression := <bool expr> | <float expr> | <int expr> | <string expr>

GroupBy defines the mapping of an action to a group (each action instance at any moment of the time belongs to one and only one group).

Example 1.

If GroupBy=GetString(System',"key"), PairExists(UserData, "key2","*") is applied to Action( type=CallInternal, System=[{"key","value"}], UserData=[] ), the resultant group will be { "value", false }.

The aggregation (as prescribed by Category) is performed for each individual group.

The resultant value is an array:

Group Value
Group1 Value1
Group2 Value2
... ...
GroupN ValueN

The overall value is provided as well, along with the array.

Example 2.

Objects=Agent, GroupAgents
GroupBy=GetString( UserData, "key" )

If the following actions are generated on an agent:

Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","a"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","a"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key","b"}] ),
Action( type= CallInbound, UserData =[{"key2","c"}] )

the resultant array will be:

Group Value
"a" 2
"b" 1
null 1

where null is a special token, indicating the absence of a key.

There are three optional specifiers that can be used with GroupBy in stat types:

  • OrderBy
  • RowCount
  • GroupByColumns

OrderBy has the following syntax:

OrderBy = <list_of_tokens>
list_of_tokens := token | token , list_of_tokens
token := sign | integer
sign := <empty> | + (default) | -

integer in the token definition specifies the index of element in GroupBy expression.

Indexes start with 1.
If OrderBy is not provided, the groups come unordered.
Use the minus (-) sign to sort in descending order.

RowCount stat type specifier allows to limit the number of the returned groups. It has the following syntax: RowCount = integer

If RowCount is not specified, the internal default INT_MAX (2147483647) is used. The valid value range for the RowCount is from 0 (zero) to INT_MAX.

Example 3.

GroupBy= GetString( System, "ObjectID" ), GetString( System, "InteractionType" ), PairExists( UserData, "key", "*" )

Optional GroupByColumns specifies column names, corresponding to GroupBy. The value of this option is passed through to a client in the response for SGetProfile(SPFStatTypes) in the GroupByColumns key in the embedded key-value list, associated with GroupBy StatType. The parsing/validation of the value is done on the client side. In addition, SGetProfile(SPFStatTypes) contains the OriginalGroupByColumns pair and a value of type=KVList in the embedded key-value list, also associated with the GroupBy StatType, in order to provide parsed GroupBy expression operands in a normalized form.

The following categories cannot be used with GroupBy:

  • CurrentState
  • CurrentStateReasons
  • CurrentTargetState
  • JavaCategory
  • ServiceFactor1
  • LoadBalance1
  • TotalNumberErrors
  • EstimWaitingTime
  • LoadBalance
  • EstimTimeToComplete
  • Formula
  • ExpectedWaitTime2
  • CurrentDistinctNumber
  • TotalDistinctTime

Only Subject=DNAction is allowed for GroupBy.

GroupBy is not compatible with Formula=DistByConnID.

GroupBy cannot be used with the following statistics:

CurrentNumber/Campaign/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsNotProcessed CurrentNumber/CallingList/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsNotProcessed CurrentNumber/Campaign/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsScheduled CurrentNumber/CallingList/CampaignAction/SCMPARecordsScheduled

and, if the queue-use-pseudo-actions configuration option is set to true, with the following statistics:

CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish) CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish) CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/CallWait without filter (and distinguish) CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentLogin CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentLogin CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentLogin CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentActive CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentActive CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentActive CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/AgentReady CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/AgentReady CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/AgentReady CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNLogin CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNLogin CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNLogin CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNActive CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNActive CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNActive CurrentNumber/Queue/DNAction/DNReady CurrentNumber/RoutePoint/DNAction/DNReady CurrentNumber/GroupQueues/DNAction/DNReady CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/Queue/DNAction CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/RoutePoint/DNAction CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage/GroupQueues/DNAction

MainMask: CallWait
RelMask: CallWait
  • Legacy clients, such as CCPulse+, do not support GroupBy.
  • Filters can be used in combination with GroupBy.
  • GroupBy stat types are serialized into/from backup file, as well as other statistics.
  • GroupBy is supported with old (dynamic) API as well.
This page was last edited on March 31, 2016, at 14:03.
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