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DPL and more for Stat Server Statistics

DPL RTME_MetricsAgentLoginLongDPL:

|includematch= /InTemplate\s*=\s*Agent Login/
|table=class=sortable,-,Display Alias,Short Description,Display Format,Notification Mode,Notification Frequency,Formula Text,Category,Objects,Subject

test one

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.01 : Warning: No results.


!Display Alias !Short Description !Display Format !Notification Mode !Notification Frequency !Formula Text !Category !Objects !Subject |}

test two

Display Alias Short Description Display Format Notification Mode Notification Frequency Formula Text Category Objects Subject
ANI Retrieves ANI of the customer. string SChangesBasedNotification 0
Continuous Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in during the current session. time CurrentContinuousTime Agent, Place, GroupAgents, GroupPlaces AgentStatus
Current Status The current state (status) of a specified agent. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 CurrentState Agent DNAction
DID Retrieves DID called. string SChangesBasedNotification 0
DNIS Retrieves DNIS of the customer. string SChangesBasedNotification 0
EmployeeId Agent's Employee ID. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 G.GetEmployeeId(Data.Current_Status.Value)
Extension Agent's Extension. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 Result = G.GetExtension(Data.Current_Status.Value)
LoginId Agent's Login ID. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 Result = G.GetLoginId(Data.Current_Status.Value)
Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. time STimeBasedNotification 60 TotalTime Agent, Place, GroupAgents, GroupPlaces AgentStatus
Place Agent's Place. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 Result = G.GetPlace(Data.Current_Status.Value)
Reason Reason(s) selected by Agent. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 G.GetReasonCodes(Data.Current_Status.Value)
Switch Agent's Switch. string SChangesBasedNotification 0 Result = G.GetSwitch(Data.Current_Status.Value)
Time in Status The time an agent spent in the Current State. time SChangesBasedNotification 0 G.GetStatusDuration(Data.Current_Status.Value)

test three

Display Alias Short Description Display Format Notification Mode Notification Frequency Formula Text Category Objects Subject
AHT The average amount of time during the reporting interval that agent spend handling Interaction distributed directly from this mediation DN. AverageTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
ASA The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a voice waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point before the interaction is answered. AverageTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
AWA The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a voice waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point before the interaction is abandoned. AverageTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
AWT The average amount of time during the reporting interval that a live or virtual voice or chat interaction waits on a specified queue or at a specified route point. AverageTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Abandoned TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Abandoned From Ringing The total number of virtual or live voice interactions abandoned while an agent desktop is ringing. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Agents Logged In The number of agents that are currently logged into a given queue. CurrentNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Agents Ready The number of agents who are currently in the ready state, and who are logged in to the specified queue. CurrentNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Answered < 10s The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent within 10s. TotalNumberInTimeRange GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Answered 10 and 20s The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent between 10s and 20s. TotalNumberInTimeRange GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Answered < 20s The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent within 20s. TotalNumberInTimeRange GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Answered The total number of virtual or live voice interactions distributed from a queue or route point directly to this agent and answered by this agent. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Cleared The total number of voice interactions that were cleared from this virtual queue. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Current AWT The average time of live calls currently waiting at a distribution DN.
Current Calls The total number of live (current) or virtual voice interactions currently waiting at a distribution DN. CurrentNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Distinct Entered The total number of first entries of voice interactions on a specified queue or at a specified route point. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Entered The total number of calls entered on a specified queue or at a specified route point. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Forwarded The total number of live, voice interactions that were distributed from a distribution DN to an agent and then transferred to another destination by redirection or forwarding. TotalNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Max Answer Time The maximum time that live or virtual voice interactions waited in a queue or at a route point before being answered by this agent. MaxTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Max Calls The maximum number of voice interactions simultaneously waiting in this queue during the given interval. MaxNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Min Calls The minimum number of voice interactions simultaneously waiting in this queue during the given interval. For this metric, we are considering the last hour. MinNumber GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Oldest Call Waiting The maximum waiting time for live or virtual voice interactions currently on a queue or at a route point. CurrentMaxTime GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
% Abandoned Percentage of calls that entered this queue or route point and were abandoned while in queue or while ringing on agent's DN. RelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
% Agents Ready The number of agents who are in the ready state, out of all the agents who are currently logged in to the specified queue. CurrentRelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
% Cleared Percentage of calls that entered this queue or route point and were cleared. RelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
% Ready Time The relative time spent by agents in ready state relative to login time. CurrentRelativeTimePercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Service Level (10s) A ratio of calls answered within 10 seconds to distinct calls entered queue or route point. RelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Service Level (20s) A ratio of calls answered within 20 seconds to distinct calls entered queue or route point. RelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Service Level A ratio of calls answered to distinct calls entered queue or route point. RelativeNumberPercentage GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
Wait Time The total time calls wait in the queue. GroupQueues, Queue, RoutePoint DNAction
This page was last edited on May 31, 2016, at 16:53.
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