The version number now displays on the login page.
Dialogflow sessions now persist across multiple visits to the Natural Language Menu in a single call.
When the Debug logging is enabled, requests and responses between Genesys Dialog Engine and Google Dialogflow are now logged.
Concatenated prompt recording (CPR) packs for dynamic prompt playback, if configured, are now used even if the environment setting, VoiceXML.SSML.AlwaysUseSSML is set to true.
Intelligent Automation now provides a maximum limit for the number of attempts to collect a slot value.
Intelligent Automation now permits the use of separate variables and slot names when skipping questions. Previously, the variable could only be created with the same name as the slot.
Intelligent Automation now supports the ability to pass a variable to the Natural Language menu to use as the first utterance. Intelligent Automation also provides the ability to configure a path/module to use if no intent is found.
You can now set the length of time a HTTP connection lives in the connection pool before it closes. This is configured by the default server setting, HttpClient.ConnectionPool.ConnectionLifetimeInSeconds. This is useful in environments where firewalls or other systems kill idle connections without informing the client