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Installing eServices Manager


  • Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) or later
  • UCS or later
  • Classification Server or later
  • If a previous version of eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX was installed on the current host, uninstall that version.

Create a Zip File

  1. Create a temporary folder on your desktop.
  2. Copy the IP folder from the original location (typically, the product CD) into the temporary folder.
  3. Copy the templates folder from the original location into the temporary folder.
  4. Zip the temporary folder.

Alternatively, contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the required Zip file containing the installation package and associated templates.

Installing the plugin

Local Control Agent or higher

  1. Upload the eServices Manager installation package (IP) to GAX. Refer to the GAX documentation for more information.
  2. Extract the IP to any folder.
  3. Navigate to the ip folder in the extracted folder.
  4. Do one of the following:
    On Windows, run setup.exe
    On Linux, run install.sh
  5. Restart GAX.

Local Control Agent or lower

  1. Add the following option to the Application Options tab of the Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) Application object:
    • Section name: asd
    • Option name: plugin_ip_list
    • Option value: eSMngrPlgnAdm64 (for the Windows host) or eSMngrPlgnAdm (for the Linux host)
    This option is also used by Content Analyzer Plug-in for GAX and Privacy Manager Plug-in for GAX. If you are running both Privacy Manager and eServices Manager with Content Analyzer, the value can be a comma-separated list; for example, eSMngrPlgnAdm,PrivacyMng,CntAnlzPlgnAdm.
  2. Restart GAX.
  3. Upload the eServices Manager installation package (IP). If you previously uploaded the IP, you must do so again now.
  4. Carry out the plug-in installation process.
  5. Restart GAX.

Configuring the plugin

Local Control Agent or higher

  1. Create an Application for eServices Manager with the type Application Cluster.
  2. Add tenants to the eServices Manager Application.
  3. Specify the Host and Port. The Application Cluster application object and the GAX application must be configured with the same host in order to enable mutual TLS connections.
  4. Connect the eServices Manager Application to UCS, UCS Proxy, and Classification Server.
  5. Configure these connections: TLS, ADDP, and so on.
  6. Navigate to the GAX Application Options.
  7. Create a section with the name gax-km.
  8. Create the following options in the gax-km section:
    • app-name = eServices Manager Application name
    • file-storage-path = Full path to the folder in which eServices Manager creates its temporary file. You must ensure that eServices Manager has permission to write into that directory.
    • connection-timeout = 3
  9. If you need multi-language support, set the UTF-8 JVM parameter for all Java components (UCS, GAX Server, Browser, Classification Server) in the corresponding .ini file (or the .bat file if you start the component from the command line):
    ini file: [JavaArgs] -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...
    bat file: set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...
  10. Restart GAX.
On multi-language support: In the GAX User Preference window (under the Preferences menu), Use system settings refers to using the settings in the System Preferences window. It does not refer to the Region and Language setting of the host machine.

If Use system settings is selected in the Language field of GAX's Locale User Preferences, it refers to the language that is selected in the Language field of System Preferences. Note that if you want to have any language other than English available in these fields, you must install the relevant language pack plug-in.

Local Control Agent or lower

  1. Create an Application for eServices Manager with the type Application Cluster.
  2. Add tenants to the eServices Manager Application.
  3. Specify the Host and Port. The Application Cluster application object and the GAX application must be configured with the same host in order to enable mutual TLS connections.
  4. Connect the eServices Manager Application to UCS, UCS Proxy, and Classification Server.
  5. Configure these connections: TLS, ADDP, and so on.
  6. Navigate to the GAX Application object's [gax-km] section and configure the following options:
    • app-name = The eServices Manager Application name.
    • file-storage-path = The full path to the folder in which eServices Manager creates its temporary file. You must ensure that eServices Manager has permission to write into that directory.
  7. If you need multi-language support, set the UTF-8 JVM parameter for all Java components (UCS, GAX Server, Browser, Classification Server) in the corresponding .ini file (or the .bat file if you start the component from the command line):
    ini file: [JavaArgs] -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...
    bat file: set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...
  8. Restart GAX.
On multi-language support: In the GAX User Preference window (under the Preferences menu), Use system settings refers to using the settings in the System Preferences window. It does not refer to the Region and Language setting of the host machine.

If Use system settings is selected in the Language field of GAX's Locale User Preferences, it refers to the language that is selected in the Language field of System Preferences. Note that if you want to have any language other than English available in these fields, you must install the relevant language pack plug-in.

Role-Based Access

To grant a user access to the GAX menu and eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX, assign the following privileges to the users in GAX:

  • COM/Access Configmanager
  • eservices-manager/Genesys eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX Access

Uninstalling the plugin

On Linux

  1. Stop GAX.
  2. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib on the file system (where <GAX_HOME> is your home folder for the GAX application).
  3. Delete the gax-km-<$version$>.jar file (where <$version$> is the version of the plugin).
  4. Go to <GAX_HOME>/plug-ins on the file system.
  5. Delete the gax-km-<$version$>.jar file.
  6. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/plugins on the file system.
  7. Delete the gax-km folder.
  8. Start GAX.

On Windows

  1. Stop GAX.
  2. Go to Programs and Features.
  3. Find and run Genesys eServices Manager Plug-in for GAX <$version$> (where <$version$> is the version of the plugin).
  4. Select the Remote check box.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Yes in Confirm Windows.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Go to <GAX_HOME>/webapp/plugins on the file system (where <GAX_HOME> is your home folder for the GAX application).
  9. Delete the gax-km folder.
  10. Start GAX.
This page was last edited on March 11, 2021, at 09:39.
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