New in This Release
This page provides information about new features and enhancements of Genesys Pulse.
Changes Introduced in Release 9.0
- Breaking Change: Starting with release 9.0.008, Genesys Pulse no longer supports language pack files (pulse-<locale>.jar), instead providing out of the box translation for all supported languages.
- Security: HTTP security response headers (X-XSS-Protection, Referrer-Policy, X-Frame-Options) were updated according to recent recommendations.
- Security: Removed excessive endpoints disclosing information about 3rd party dependencies.
- New supporting options were added in that now allow Pulse to be embedded into an iframe. See Configuring System Security for more information.
- The following 3rd party libraries are upgraded to their latest versions:
- Jetty 9.4.52.v20230823
- gRPC 1.51.3
- Jackson 2.15.2
- Guava 32.1.2
- Google Protobuf 3.23.4
- Aeron 1.41.3
- Oracle JDBC
- Netty 4.1.94.Final
- Spring Framework 5.3.29
- Spring Security 5.8.5
- Apache Commons Compress 1.24.0
- Apache Commons DBCP 2 2.9.0
- h2 2.2.224
- jQuery 3.7.0
- jQuery-ui 1.13.2
- Support has been added for PostgreSQL 13.x.
- Alert Processor’s debug logging has been improved to be more verbose.
- Added support for different passwords for the keystore and the specific key within the keystore. See TLS: Configuring Genesys Pulse for details.
- Added the ability to open Published Dashboards or Wallboards in a new shared mode, where all changes made and published by the owner are reflected on the Dashboard or Wallboard automatically (enabled with the [pulse]\enable_push_changes option).
- A new configuration option, [pulse]\disable_cfg_xpath_query, is added to allow more efficient handling of requests to Config Server when checking user permissions. Enable this option to reduce the load on Config Server. The new option works with Config Server versions or higher.
- 3rd party libraries are upgraded for the remediation of the following unexploitable security vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-42889, CVE-2022-22970, CVE-2022-22971, CVE-2022-22978, CVE-2022-2047, and others.
- Added a new page to describe the Health Check feature.
- Corrected the order of steps in the procedure Install Genesys Pulse from the Installation Package.
Release 9.0.000
- Genesys Pulse can be started only in a standalone mode with its own Application configuration object. Genesys Pulse version 9.0.0 can not be used as a plugin of GAX.
- Ability to fetch historical data series in Genesys Pulse User Interface Extension. Refer to Genesys Pulse User Interface Extension for more information.
- Limits for both personal Widgets and Dashboards (including wallboards). This functionality is supported by new configuration options on the Annex tab of the Access Groups:
- max_tabs_per_user
- max_widgets_per_user
- Ability to specify thresholds for alerts in decimal numbers.
- If the user has no access to the selected objects in the view or headline of the widget, instead of showing "Object Unavailable", Genesys Pulse displays other objects from the selected objects in the widget.
- Advanced Alert capabilities. To enable this feature you need to properly deploy and run services and set the value of the Genesys Pulse option [pulse]/enable_advanced_alerts to true. After enabling this feature the Advanced Alerts section is displayed on the new Alerts tab, using which users can specify conditions for an alert and the email address for sending this alert.
This feature has the following limitations:- Alert conditions use the new formula definition format. In this format, values of statistics and formulas are accessed by their alias and not through the global Data object.
- For example: instead of the old format
Result = Login_Time <= 200;
Result = Data.Login_Time.Value
- For example:
- Alert conditions can only use statistics of primitive data types and other alert conditions; it is not possible at the moment to create Alert conditions that depend on:
- Statistics of the complex data type, like current state
- Changes-Based and No Notification statistics
- Regular formulas
- Object properties
- At the moment alert conditions cannot use special built-in functions (like GetFirstUDValue()) and functions provided by the gts.js script that available to regular formulas.
- It is only possible to configure new standalone services using configuration files.
- There is no HA and horizontal scaling in new services used for this feature.
- As long as the alert condition is stored as javascript code and parsed in order to get condition builder, the original condition's syntax cannot be preserved; therefore, the condition's code can be reformatted/simplified when the builder mode is on.
- New standalone services are AlertProcessor, Formula Processor, and StatServer Data Provider.
- Alert conditions use the new formula definition format. In this format, values of statistics and formulas are accessed by their alias and not through the global Data object.
- Display format Status. This new display format is applicable only for statistics using Statistical Type ExtendedCurrentStatus. It allows to specify values displayed for the status (icon, name, media, duration) and to select current status statistics on any chart.
- An option for statistics with display format Status to show "Do Not Disturb" status with its duration.
- New logic to update and format heartbeat files. The heartbeat file is always updated, thus the Genesys Pulse Collector configuration option heartbeat/heartbeat-success-condition is discontinued. The content of a heartbeat file is in JSON format. The heartbeat file includes the following information:
- Current timestamp.
- Startup timestamp.
- Current uptime.
- State of connection to Configuration Server.
- State of connections to Stat Servers.
- State of connections to DB Servers.
- Snapshot writing status.
- Example:
"currentTimestamp": 1521835976,
"startupTimestamp": 1521835950,
"uptime": 26,
"connectionStatus": {
"configServer": {
"connected": true,
"instance": "primary",
"lastConnectionTimestamp": 1521835952
"statServer0": {
"connected": true,
"lastConnectionTimestamp": 1521835956
"statServer1": {
"connected": true,
"lastConnectionTimestamp": 1521835956
"dbServerConnection": "all"
"snapshotWritingStatus": true
- New command line option -startup_heartbeat_file specifying which heartbeat file to use before Genesys Pulse Collector can read regular heartbeat configuration options from its Application. This option has only one parameter providing a path to the heartbeat file.
- An automatic reopening of statistics that failed to open due to recoverable Stat Server error. Stat Server release or later is required.
- New Genesys Pulse Collector configuration option in the [statistic-request-handling] section controls timeout for reopening statistics in such cases:
- open-stat-retry-timeout
- Valid Values: 1-3600
- Default Value: 30
- Change takes effect: After Restart
- Specifies the timeout in seconds, that Genesys Pulse Collector waits before attempting to re-open a failed statistic if Stat Server indicates that the error is recoverable.
This page was last edited on November 7, 2023, at 18:12.
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