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Generic Configuration Procedures

This section provides generic instructions for using Genesys Administrator to configure a Genesys Framework Application object. Refer to instructions for a particular application for any application-specific deviations from the standard configuration procedure.

Application Templates

An Application template provides a majority of the configuration options for server applications and the default values of those options. Using one application template, you can create as many Application objects of the same type as you need.

Before you configure an Application object, import a template for this Application. If a suitable predefined template is not available, create a new template.

Before you continue, make sure you have selected Show Advanced views in User Preferences. Refer to Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help for more information about setting User Preferences.

Start of procedure

  1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment > Application Templates, and select Import template, located in the slide-out Tasks panel on the right.
    If Application Templates is not listed under Environment, open User Preferences, and select Show advanced views on the General tab. Refer to Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help, if necessary.
  2. In the window that appears, click Add.
  3. In the Choose file dialog box, locate the installation CD for your product and open the Templates folder.
  4. Select the template file for your application.
  5. Click Open to import the template file. The Configuration tab for this template is displayed.
  6. Make any changes that you require, then click Save to save your changes and return to the list of available templates.
  7. If there is metadata associated with this template, import the metadata file.

End of procedure

Start of procedure

  1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment > Application Templates, and click New in the toolbar.
    If Application Templates is not listed under Environment, open User Preferences, and select Show advanced views on the General tab. Refer to Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help, if necessary.
  2. Specify the template Name, select a template Type, and specify a Version.
  3. If required, define default configuration options on the Options tab.
  4. Click Save to save the changes and return to the list of available templates.

The new template is stored in the Environment > Application Templates folder, and can be used to create a new Application object; you do not have to import it.

End of procedure

Application Metadata

Starting with release 8.0, application templates for some Genesys components come with additional XML files called Application Metadata files. These files are used by only Genesys Administrator, and provide a user-friendly way to further configure an object. The metadata file contains all of the configuration options that can be used for the particular application, including those that are already in the template.

The metadata file is located in the same folder with the corresponding application template, and has the same filename with the extension .xml. To enable the metadata, you must import the metadata file and associate it with the application template.

[+] Show steps

After the metadata is imported for a template, a new tab, Settings, appears in the details pane for each Application object created from that template. In that new tab, Genesys Administrator displays additional detailed information about configuration options that can be used with that application.

For more information about metadata, refer to Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help.

Server Applications

This section contains the procedures necessary to create and configure Server applications.

Creating and Configuring a Server Application

[+] Show steps

If you configure two applications as a redundant pair (primary and backup), Genesys strongly recommends that you synchronize configuration options and server ports between the two applications. When a port is defined on the primary server application, a compatible port is automatically allocated on the backup server application. If the two server applications are configured as a redundant pair, you cannot remove or change the ports on the backup server. If the two are not linked as a redundant pair, you can delete the ports on the application that had been the backup.

Configuring ADDP

You can enable ADDP (Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol) for a connection between any two Genesys applications that are configured as client-server pair and that support ADDP.

Some applications do not support ADDP for certain connections. Refer to application-specific documentation or Release Notes to determine if your application supports ADDP.

[+] Show steps

For more information about ADDP, refer to Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol.

Graphical User Interface Applications

To create and configure a GUI Application object:


  • The Configuration Layer is installed and running.
  • At least one of the servers to which the GUI connects is installed.
  • You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

Start of procedure

  1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment > Applications, and select New in the toolbar.
  2. From the available application templates in the Browse dialog box, choose the template for this application. See Application Templates for information about templates.
  3. In the General section of the Configuration tab, enter a name for this application in the text box. The application template provides information for the application type and version.
  4. Select the Connections tab. If necessary, add connections to any server applications to which this GUI application must connect.
  5. Click Save to save your changes. The new GUI application is now listed in the list of applications.

End of procedure

This page was last edited on May 5, 2017, at 18:26.
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