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JavaScript Representation of Configuration Objects

Within SPD files, configuration objects are selected/read, created, updated, and deleted. To facilitate the manipulation of configuration objects, they are represented as JSON objects. This page outlines the principles that are used to represent configuration objects as JSON objects.

Configuration objects are flattened to two levels and all fields of an object are either represented as a top-level parameter or as a list/array of collections of parameters.

The following is an example of a CfgApplication object:

    "componenttype": "CFGAppComponentUnknown",
    "resources": {
        "resource": []
    "folderid": "102",
    "isprimary": "CFGNoFlag",
    "state": "CFGEnabled",
    "startuptimeout": "0",
    "appservers": {
        "conninfo": [{
            "longfield1": "0",
            "id": "default",
            "timoutlocal": "0",
            "longfield4": "0",
            "longfield3": "0",
            "longfield2": "0",
            "appserverdbid": "104",
            "mode": "CFGTMNoTraceMode",
            "timoutremote": "0"
        }, {
            "longfield1": "0",
            "id": "default",
            "timoutlocal": "0",
            "longfield4": "0",
            "longfield3": "0",
            "longfield2": "0",
            "appserverdbid": "106",
            "mode": "CFGTMNoTraceMode",
            "timoutremote": "0"
    "appprototypedbid": "100",
    "type": "CfgApplication",
    "portinfos": {
        "portinfo": []
    "password": "password",
    "shutdowntimeout": "0",
    "version": "8.1",
    "subtype": "CFGSCE",
    "name": "default",
    "redundancytype": "CFGHTNoHAType",
    "dbid": "100",
    "autorestart": "CFGNoFlag",
    "options": {
        "property": [{
            "value": "200",
            "section": "rptui",
            "key": "dashboard.max.filtered.items"
        }, {
            "value": "-05:00",
            "section": "rptui",
            "key": "tzoffset"
        }, {
            "value": "1",
            "section": "TenantCreateDialog",
            "key": "EnableNewTenCustomization"
This page was last edited on April 8, 2013, at 12:07.
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