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Use <cfg:createObject> to create a configuration object. If the object already exists, the action fails. If an object already exists or might exist, use the <cfg:updateObject> element with the attribute createonupdate="true".


Child Elements

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgActionCode"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string
subtype string CfgActionCodeType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
subcodes <cfg:subcode>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgAccessGroup"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string
subtype string CfgAccessGroupType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
managerdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>
routedndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
memberids <cfg:idtype>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
sitedbid integer
quotatabledbid integer
contractdbid integer
capacityruledbid integer
capacitytabledbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgAgentGroup"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
agentdbids <cfg:id>
managerdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>
routedndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
sitedbid integer
quotatabledbid integer
contractdbid integer
capacityruledbid integer
capacitytabledbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgAgentLogin"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
switchdbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
password string
switchspecifictype integer
override string
logincode string
useoverride string CfgFlag

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgAlarmCondition"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
reactionscriptdbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
clearancescriptdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
appdbid integer
apptype string CfgAppType
selectionmode string CfgSelectionMode
alarmdetectlogeventid integer
alarmdetectscriptdbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
clearancetimeout integer
category string CfgAlarmCategory
description string
ismasked string CfgFlag
alarmremovallogeventid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgApplication"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
subtype string CfgAppType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
resources <cfg:resource>
appservers <cfg:conninfo>
portinfos <cfg:portinfo>
userproperties <cfg:property>
tenantdbids <cfg:id>
options <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
flexibleproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
port string
backupserverdbid integer
attempts integer
hostdbid integer
timeout integer
commandline string
state string CfgObjectState
appprototypedbid integer
password string
shutdowntimeout integer
version string
workdirectory string
redundancytype string CfgHAType
componenttype string CfgAppComponentType
folderid integer
isprimary string CfgFlag
startuptimeout integer
commandlinearguments string
autorestart string CfgFlag

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgAppPrototype"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
name string
subtype string CfgAppType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
options <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
version string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgCallingList"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
treatmentdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
maxattempts integer
filterdbid integer
folderid integer
scriptdbid integer
timeuntil integer
state string CfgObjectState
tableaccessdbid integer
description string
logtableaccessdbid integer
timefrom integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgCampaign"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
callinglists <cfg:callinglistinfo>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
scriptdbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
description string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgCampaignGroup"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
name string
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgObjectType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
serverdbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
scriptdbid integer
state string CfgObjectState
optmethodvalue integer
numofchannels integer
interactionqueuedbid integer
description string
minrecbuffsize integer
groupdbid integer
optmethod string CfgOptimizationMethod
origdndbid integer
folderid integer
dialmode string CfgDialMode
operationmode string CfgOperationMode
optrecbuffsize integer
ivrprofiledbid integer
campaigndbid integer
trunkgroupdndbid integer
maxqueuesize integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgDN"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
subtype string CfgDNType
name string
tenantdbid integer

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
destdndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
accessnumbers <cfg:dnaccessnumber>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
registerall string CfgDNRegisterFlag
state string CfgObjectState
contractdbid integer
routetype string CfgRouteType
trunks integer
groupdbid integer
switchdbid integer
folderid integer
association string
number string
sitedbid integer
switchspecifictype integer
override string
useoverride string CfgFlag
dnloginid string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgDNGroup"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string
subtype string CfgDNGroupType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
dns <cfg:dninfo>
managerdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>
routedndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
sitedbid integer
quotatabledbid integer
contractdbid integer
capacityruledbid integer
capacitytabledbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgEnumerator"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string
subtype string CfgEnumeratorType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
description string
state string CfgObjectState
displayname string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgEnumeratorValue"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
enumeratordbid integer
isdefault string CfgFlag
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
description string
displayname string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgField"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgFilter"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
description string
state string CfgObjectState
formatdbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgFolder"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
subtype string CfgObjectType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
resources <cfg:resource>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>
objectids <cfg:idtype>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
ownerdbid integer
ownertype string CfgObjectType
customtype integer
description string
folderclass string CfgFolderClass

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgFormat"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
fielddbids <cfg:id>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
description string
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgGVPIVRProfile"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgIVRProfileType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
resources <cfg:resource>
diddbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
description string
notes string
displayname string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgHost"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
subtype string CfgHostType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
resources <cfg:resource>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
lcaport string
state string CfgObjectState
ipaddress string
ostype string CfgOSType
osversion string
scsdbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgIVR"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgIVRType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
ivrserverdbid integer
version string
description string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgIVRPort"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
dndbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
ivrdbid integer
portnumber string
description string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgObjectiveTable"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgObjectiveTableType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
objectiverecords <cfg:objectivetablerecord>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
timezonedbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
prepaidcost integer
description string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgPerson"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>
skilllevels <cfg:skilllevel>
agentlogins <cfg:agentlogininfo>
appranks <cfg:apprank>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
employeeid string
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
lastname string
firstname string
password string
isagent string CfgFlag
placedbid integer
capacityruledbid integer
sitedbid integer
contractdbid integer
username string
externalid string
emailaddress string
isexternalauth string CfgFlag

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgPhysicalSwitch"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
name string
subtype string CfgSwitchType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgPlace"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
dndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
sitedbid integer
contractdbid integer
capacityruledbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgPlaceGroup"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
placedbids <cfg:id>
managerdbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>
routedndbids <cfg:id>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
sitedbid integer
quotatabledbid integer
contractdbid integer
capacityruledbid integer
capacitytabledbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgRole"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
members <cfg:idtype>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
description string
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgScript"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string
subtype string CfgScriptType

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
resources <cfg:resource>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
index integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgService"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
subtype string CfgSolutionType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
resources <cfg:resource>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
componentdefinitions <cfg:componentdefinition>
userproperties <cfg:property>
components <cfg:component>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
assignedtenantdbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
startuptype string CfgStartupType
version string
scsdbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgSkill"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
userproperties <cfg:property>
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState

<cfg:createObject > with type="CfgStatDay"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgStatDayType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>
statintervals <cfg:statinterval>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
endtime integer
minvalue integer
starttime integer
folderid integer
targetvalue integer
maxvalue integer
state string CfgObjectState
intervallength integer
flatrate integer
useflatrate string CfgFlag
isdayofweek string CfgFlag
day integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgStatTable"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgStatTableType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
statdaydbids <cfg:id>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
agenthourlyrate integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
flatrate integer
waitthreshold integer
useflatrate string CfgFlag

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgSwitch"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>
switchaccesscodes <cfg:switchaccesscode>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
dnrange string
state string CfgObjectState
tserverdbid integer
physswitchdbid integer
linktype string CfgLinkType

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgTableAccess"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgTableType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
updatetimeout integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
iscachable string CfgFlag
formatdbid integer
dbtablename string
description string
dbaccessdbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgTenant"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
isserviceprovider string CfgFlag
defaultcapacityruledbid integer
chargeablenumber string
defaultcontractdbid integer
state string CfgObjectState
password string
parenttenantdbid integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgTimeZone"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
folderid integer
dstoffset integer
state string CfgObjectState
namenetscape string
namemsexplorer string
description string
isdstobserved string CfgFlag
offset integer

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgTransaction"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgTransactionType
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
alias string
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
recordperiod integer
description string

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgTreatment"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
subtype string CfgCallActionCode
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
increment integer
range integer
interval integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
cycleattempt integer
recactioncode string CfgRecActionCode
description string
attempts integer
destdndbid integer
callresult string GctiCallState

<cfg:createObject> with type="CfgVoicePrompt"


Name Type Description Default Values
result string
data object
tenantdbid integer
name string

Supported List Names

Name Type Description Default Values
accountpermissions <cfg:permission>
userproperties <cfg:property>

Supported Parameter Names

Name Type Description Default Values
switchdbid integer
scriptdbid integer
folderid integer
state string CfgObjectState
description string
This page was last edited on November 16, 2015, at 17:08.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!