Authoring Solution Definitions
[hide]A solution definition file (also called a solution package definition, or SPD) is an XML file that describes what is being deployed and how the deployment is to be executed, as well as any necessary pre- and post-installation procedures.
This page helps you to author your first SPD file to use with Genesys Administrator Extension.
Authoring an SPD File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd">
The first line is the header information that is required for all XML documents. The second line indicates the schema version of the XML document, and will be used to compare against the running GAX instance. Any major version that contains a later version of the schema will be rejected by GAX.
<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd">
<description>This is the demo service package. This service package is intended for testing the GAX automated deployment feature. It will perform one pre-installation task, one post-installation task, and an installation of the SIP Server application</description>
<summary>This is the service package definition file to deploy an Demo solution</summary>
- The <deploymentkey> tag is the key string that is used to match different versions of the same solution.
- The <name> tag is the name that is displayed when the XML file is imported into GAX. The name and the version uniquely identify an SPD file in GAX.
- The <version> tag indicates the version number of the SPD file.
- The <description> tag is the description text that is displayed in the user interface.
- The <summary> tag contains a summary of which configurations this solution definition performs. The summary is displayed in the Summary tab of the GAX user interface.
<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd">
<description>This is the demo service package. This service package is intended for testing the GAX automated deployment feature. It will perform one pre-installation task, one post-installation task, and an installation of the SIP Server application</description>
<summary>This is the service package definition file to deploy an Demo solution</summary>
<profile name="install">
<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd">
<description>This is the demo service package. This service package is intended for testing the GAX automated deployment feature. It will perform one pre-installation task, one post-installation task, and an installation of the SIP Server application</description>
<summary>This is the service package definition file to deploy an Demo solution</summary>
<profile name="install">
<dialog step="Tenant and Host Selection">
<!-- The Management Framework must have a tenant already created, named something like Tenant_sg02_97_DEMO for example -->
<input name="TENANT" title="Tenant Name" type="selectOne" default="" required="true">
<description>Please select the tenant</description>
<filter value="CfgTenant" name="type"/>
<input name="TENANT_HOST_1" title="Tenant Primary Host" type="selectOne">
<description>Please select the primary host where the tenant applications are to be installed.</description>
<filter value="CfgHost" name="type"/>
<input name="SKIP_INSTALL_PKG" title="Skip IP re-installation if application already installed for the tenant" default="true" type="selectOne" required="true">
<description>This parameter specifies whether to force reinstallation of the IP if the package already exists on the machine for the tenant.</description>
<option name="true" value="true"/>
<option name="false" value="false"/>
<input name="DATA_MODEL" title="Binary Version (32-bit or 64-bit)" default="64" type="selectOne" required="true">
<description>This parameter defines the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the binary to be deployed.</description>
<option name="32" value="32"/>
<option name="64" value="64"/>
<dialog step="Application Parameters">
<input name="agent_no_answer_action" title="Please enter the value for TServer.agent-no-answer-action" default="demo_test" type="string">
<description>Please enter the value for TServer.agent-no-answer-action</description>
Dialog tags are displayed on screen in the GUI Deployment Wizard. Dialog boxes allow the user to select the input values that are defined by the input tags. Multiple dialog boxes (Wizard windows) can be created/added. Multiple dialog boxes enable you to group different user-inputs based on their scope.
- <cfg:...> -- Configuration actions
- <os:...> -- OS actions
- <fileio...> -- File I/O actions
- <http...> -- Web services actions
In addition to these actions, the <execution> tag supports additional child elements that enable the implementation of various functions:
- <script>-Supports Java Script code (See JavaScript Usage or JavaScript Representation of Configuration Objects for more information.)
- <foreach>-Supports foreach loops
- <if>-Supports conditional statements
Add the Execution Block by using the following code as an example:
[+] Click here to reveal code<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd">
<description>This is the demo service package. This service package is intended for testing the GAX automated deployment feature. It will perform one pre-installation task, one post-installation task, and an installation of the SIP Server application</description>
<summary>This is the service package definition file to deploy an Demo solution</summary>
<profile name="install">
<dialog step="Tenant and Host Selection">
<!-- The Management Framework must have a tenant already created, named something like Tenant_sg02_97_DEMO for example -->
<input name="TENANT" title="Tenant Name" type="selectOne" default="" required="true">
<description>Please select the tenant</description>
<filter value="CfgTenant" name="type"/>
<input name="TENANT_HOST_1" title="Tenant Primary Host" type="selectOne">
<description>Please select the primary host where the tenant applications are to be installed.</description>
<filter value="CfgHost" name="type"/>
<input name="SKIP_INSTALL_PKG" title="Skip IP re-installation if application already installed for the tenant" default="true" type="selectOne" required="true">
<description>This parameter specifies whether to force reinstallation of the IP if the package already exists on the machine for the tenant.</description>
<option name="true" value="true"/>
<option name="false" value="false"/>
<input name="DATA_MODEL" title="Binary Version (32-bit or 64-bit)" default="64" type="selectOne" required="true">
<description>This parameter defines the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the binary to be deployed.</description>
<option name="32" value="32"/>
<option name="64" value="64"/>
<dialog step="Application Parameters">
<input name="agent_no_answer_action" title="Please enter the value for TServer.agent-no-answer-action" default="demo_test" type="string">
<description>Please enter the value for TServer.agent-no-answer-action</description>
<!--preInstallation steps-->
<os:verifyGDA host="${}"/>
<!--preInstallation steps end-->
<!--install package steps-->
<script>TENANT_NAME =;</script>
<script>SEGMENT_NAME = TENANT_NAME.split(/_/g)[1];</script>
<script>TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX = TENANT_NAME.replace(/^Tenant_/,''); </script>
<script>SEGMENT_NAME_NO_PREFIX = SEGMENT_NAME.replace(/^sg/,''); </script>
<script>TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX_HOST = TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX.replace(/_/gi,'-');</script>
<script>TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX_HOST = TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX_HOST.replace(/^.+?-/,'');</script>
<script>TENANT_ID = parseInt(TENANT_NAME.split(/_/g)[2]); </script>
<script>var TENANT_SIPS_PR = 'TSrvSIP_' + TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX + '_1_pr' ; </script>
<script>var TENANT_STATSERV_PR = 'StatServer_' + TENANT_NAME_NO_PREFIX + '_1_pr' ; </script>
<script>var SIP_SERVER_APPPORT = 10000 + TENANT_ID ; </script>
<script>var TENANT_STATSERV_APPPORT = 10800 + TENANT_ID ; </script>
<script>var SIP_SERVER_APPPORT = SIP_SERVER_APPPORT.toString() ;</script>
<script>var INSTALL_BASE_PATH = '/home/genesys/GCTI/' + TENANT_NAME ; </script>
<os:installPackage appName="${TENANT_SIPS_PR}" host="${}" folder="Applications/Segment_${SEGMENT_NAME_NO_PREFIX}/Tenants_${SEGMENT_NAME}/${TENANT_NAME}" longName="SIP Server" version="8.1.0" tenantdbid="${TENANT.dbid}" skipIfInstalled="${SKIP_INSTALL_PKG}" debug="true" appPort="${SIP_SERVER_APPPORT}" overrideTemplate="TSrvSIP">
<list name="silentInstall">
<property section="IPCommon" key="InstallPath" value="${INSTALL_BASE_PATH}/TSrvSIP"/>
<property section="IPCommon" key="DataModel" value="${DATA_MODEL}"/>
<os:installPackage appName="${TENANT_STATSERV_PR}" host="${}" folder="Applications/Segment_${SEGMENT_NAME_NO_PREFIX}/Tenants_${SEGMENT_NAME}/${TENANT_NAME}" longName="Stat Server" version="8.1.0" tenantdbid="${TENANT_NAME}" overrideTemplate="StatServer" skipIfInstalled="${SKIP_INSTALL_PKG}" debug="true" appPort="${TENANT_STATSERV_APPPORT}">
<list name="silentInstall">
<property section="IPCommon" key="InstallPath" value="${INSTALL_BASE_PATH}/StatServer"/>
<property section="IPCommon" key="DataModel" value="${DATA_MODEL}"/>
<!--install package steps end-->
<!--postInstallation steps-->
<cfg:readObject name="${TENANT_STATSERV_PR}" result="TENANT_STATSERV_PR" type="CfgApplication"/>
<cfg:updateObject name="${TENANT_SIPS_PR}" type="CfgApplication">
<list name="options">
<property section="TServer" key="agent-no-answer-action" value="${agent_no_answer_action}"/>
<cfg:updateObject name="${TENANT_SIPS_PR}" type="CfgApplication">
<list name="appservers">
<conninfo appserverdbid="${TENANT_STATSERV_PR.dbid}" connprotocol="addp" transportparams="" appparams="" mode="CFGTMBoth" timeoutlocal="10" timeoutremote="10"/>
<!--postInstallation steps end-->
Or, refer to the following sample for code using web services:
[+] Click here to reveal code<solutionDefinition version="2.0.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:os="" xmlns:cfg="" xmlns:http=""
xmlns:fileio="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" asd.xsd os.xsd cfg.xsd fileio.xsd http.xsd">
<description>This is the demo service package. This service package is intended for testing the GAX SPD Web access feature.</description>
<summary>This is the service package definition file to deploy an Demo solution</summary>
<profile name="install">
<dialog step="Login Parameters">
<input name="BaseURL"
title="GAX base URL" hidden="false" default="http://localhost:8080/gax" type="string">
<description>Please enter the GAX URL</description>
<input name="Username"
title="Management Framework User Account" hidden="false" default="default" type="string">
<description>Please enter the Genesys Management Framework username</description>
<input name="Password"
title="Management Framework User Password" hidden="false" default="" type="password">
<description>Please enter the Genesys Management Framework user password</description>
var login = new Object();
login.username = Username;
login.password = Password;
login.newPassword = "";
login.newPasswordConfirm = "";
<http:request method="POST" url= "${BaseURL + '/api/session/login/'}">
<header name="Content-Type" value="application/json"/>
<header name="Accept" value="application/json"/>
var parameter = new Object(); = "CreatedBySpd";
parameter.keyName = "";
parameter.helpText = "";
parameter.type = "STRING";
parameter.optional = false; = false;
<http:request method="POST" url= "${BaseURL + '/api/opm/parameters/'}" result="RESULT">
<!-- for debugging -->
<script> log(' RESULT.code :'+ RESULT.code );</script>
<script> log(' RESULT.location :'+ RESULT.location );</script>
<!-- for debuggin end -->
<http:request method="GET" url="${RESULT.location}" result="RESULT">
<!-- for debugging -->
<script> log(' RESULT.code :'+ RESULT.code );</script>
<script> log(' RESULT.content :'+ RESULT.content );</script>
<!-- for debuggin end -->
var pgt = new Object(); = "PGTCreatedBySpd";
pgt.description = "";
pgt.pgtSections = new Array();
pgt.pgtSections[0] = new Object();
pgt.pgtSections[0].key = "main";
pgt.pgtSections[0].displayName = "Main";
pgt.pgtSections[0].parameters = new Array;
pgt.pgtSections[0].parameters[0] =;
<http:request method="POST" url= "${BaseURL + '/api/opm/pgts/'}" result="RESULT">
<!-- for debugging -->
<script> log(' RESULT.code :'+ RESULT.code );</script>
<script> log(' RESULT.location :'+ RESULT.location );</script>
<!-- for debuggin end -->
<!--postInstallation steps end-->
See the Executable Elements reference page or the Web Services Elements reference page for more information about the tags that are used in an SPD file.
a. In the list of Solution Definition files, click the Solution Definition file that you imported in the previous steps.
- The list of required IPs that are found in the IP Repository and those that are missing are displayed in the IP Availability area.
b. A related menu is displayed to the right of the Solution Definition list. Verify that the Solution Definition file can be deployed by selecting Check IP Availability.
Complete SPD samples
READ THIS FIRST: readme.txt
- Tenantcreation.xml This SPD creates the Genesys Tenant and the Administrator (Person) that manages this tenant.
- eservices.xml This SPD contains Install-, Enable-, and Disable-profiles. The Install-profile deploys the eServices Chat Server, Contact Server, Classification Server, E-mail Server, Training Server, Application Clusters, Stat Server, Genesys Desktop, third-party components, and 8.1.0 and 8.0.2 applications to the tenant. It also makes the necessary configurations on the segment-level applications that are required by eServices. The Enable-/Disable-profiles enable/disable this service by establishing/removing the component connections from the tenant level to the segment level.
- gvphpe.xml This SPD deploys the Genesys Voice Platform Service for Genesys Hosted Provider Edition.
- http.xml This SPD demonstrates the use of the <http:request> tag.
- inboundvoice.xml This SPD contains Install-, Enable-, and Disable-profiles. The Install-profile deploys SIP Server, Genesys Desktop, and Stat Server applications to the tenant. It also makes the necessary configurations on the segment-level applications that are required by the inbound voice service. The Enable-/Disable-profiles will enable/disable this service by adding/removing the tenant entry from the network SIP Server's routing strategy list object.
- outboundvoice.xml This SPD contains Install-, Enable-, and Disable-profiles. The Install-profile deploys SIP Server, Genesys Desktop, and Stat Server applications to the tenant. It also makes the necessary configurations on the segment-level applications that are required by the outbound voice service. The Enable-/Disable-profiles will enable/disable this service by establishing/removing the component connections from the tenant level to the segment level.
- tserverAvayahpe.xml This SPD deploys the Genesys T-Server for Avaya CM for Genesys Hosted Provider Edition.
- tserverCiscohpe.xml This SPD deploys the Genesys T-Server for Cisco UCM for Genesys Hosted Provider Edition.
- webapihpe.xml This SPD deploys the Genesys Web API Server for Genesys Hosted Provider Edition.
wfm.xml This SPD contains Install-, Enable-, and Disable-profiles. The Install-profile makes the necessary configuration updates on the database and WFM system to deploy the WFM service. The Enable profile re-enables a previously disabled WFM service by enabling the Database Access Point Objects configured on the tenant level. The Disable-profile disables a previously deployed WFM service by disabling the tenant's user access to the WFM applications, as well as removes the users from the WFM system.
Note: If a service type that contains SIP Server is deployed later, it is necessary to run the WFM re-enable service to properly configure the SIP Server connection for WFM.
The Automated Solution Deployment capability within GAX is guided by the XML markup in the solution definition XML file. The following wiki pages outline the elements, attributes, and behavior of the XML markup. The <solutionDefinition> element is the root element of a typical solution definition XML file.
- General Elements
- Dialog Input Elements
- Flow Control Elements
- Executable Elements
- Web Services Elements
- Configuration Object Manipulation Elements
- File I/O Elements
- Operating System Manipulation Elements
- Workforce Management Elements
- Enumerated Types
- JavaScript Usage
- JavaScript Representation of Configuration Objects