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Operational Parameters are parameters used to customize Routing Strategies. In Operational Parameter Management, the Service Provider defines Parameters and groups them into Parameter Group Templates. Tenants to whom the Parameter Group Templates are subsequently deployed customize the values of the Parameters, which are then read by a Routing Strategy and incorporated into the call flow.

This screen displays a list of all defined Parameters for which you have the required role privileges to view. To refresh the list at any time, click Refresh. Click a Parameter in the list. Its properties, including its type, is displayed to the right of the list. You can filter the contents of this list in several ways:

  • Type the name or partial name of the Parameter, Key, Type, or Tenant in the Quick Filter field.
  • Click the Tenant Filter button (the icon with the circle and horizontal bar) to open the Tenant filter panel. In this panel, click the checkbox(es) beside the tenants that you want to select. Use the Quick Filter field in this panel to filter the tenant list.
  • You can sort the Parameter in the list by clicking on a column head. Clicking a column head a second time reverses the sort order.

Properties of Parameters
Property Description
Display Name The name of the Parameter. It must be unique in the system.
Key Name The name of the Parameter as it would be entered in the Annex/Options tab of the Transaction object in Genesys Administrator. If this field is left blank, the name that is displayed under Display Name is used.
Type The Parameter.
Object Type This field appears only for Parameters of Type Configuration Object, and specifies the type of configuration object. Optionally, when Configuration Object is selected, you can check the checkbox named Multiple Types to select multiple configuration objects to add to this Parameter. If the checkbox named Global is checked, a separate panel will open to allow you to select which tenants will receive the Parameter.
DN Type This field appears only for Parameters of Type Configuration Object and Object Type DN, and specifies the type of DN.
Custom List

Custom Value

These properties apply only to Parameters of type Custom List and specify the members of the Custom List. Define the list, as follows:
  • To add an item to the list, enter it in the Custom Value edit box, and click Add.
  • To modify an item in the list, select the value, make the change, and click OK.
If you want the display value of an item in the Custom List to be different from the actual value stored in the transaction object, enter that information in the Key field.
  • To remove an item from the list, select it, and click Delete.
  • To reorder the items in the list, select an item in the list and use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list.
  • For integers, dates, and times, you can define minimum and/or maximum values (limits).
Mandatory Specifies whether the Parameter is mandatory or optional. If checked, a value must be entered for this Parameter before it is saved. If not checked, the Parameter is considered optional and can be saved without a value. This property can be modified later (for example, to change a mandatory Parameter to an optional Parameter).
Global If checked, this Parameter is unique in the entire system and is shared across all tenants. Its actual value must be defined at the time of creation, and can be changed only by the Service Provider.
Value If this Parameter is Global, this is the actual value of the Parameter and cannot be changed. A default value can be set that is not propagated to deployed Parameter Group instances. Providing of a default value is optional.
Help Text Optional text describing the Parameter or providing additional information.

The Parameter type appears in the Type field of the properties of a Parameter.

Type Description
Audio Resource The ARID of an Audio Resource.
Boolean True or false only.
Configuration Object The type of a configuration object, which is specified in the Object Type field of the Parameter's properties. Optionally, when Configuration Object is selected, you can check the checkbox named Multiple Types to select multiple configuration objects to add to this Parameter. If the checkbox named Global is checked, a separate panel will open to allow you to select which tenants will receive the Parameter. The following types are supported:
  • Agent Group
  • DN
  • Person (more often referred to as User)
  • Place
  • Place Group
  • Skill
  • Stat Server
  • Transaction
Custom List Valid values are limited to the values that are specified in a user-defined list, specified in the Custom List/Custom Value field of the properties of the Parameter.
Date A date value, in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
Integer A 0 (zero), negative, or positive number with no decimal value.
Personality The name of a Personality, given by the Personality Identifier value that is specified in the list of Personalities.
Schedule Enables users to configure date and time ranges.
String A string of characters, both alphanumeric and symbols.
Time A time value, in the format hh:mm.

Schedule Parameter

[+] Click to show section

You can perform the following tasks in this screen:

  • Define new Parameters
  • Modify Parameters
  • Delete Parameters

Defining Parameters

Normally, the Service Provider defines new Parameters. Tenant administrators can also define their own, but these can be added only to Parameter Group Templates in the same tenant.

[+] Click to show procedure

Modifying Parameters

[+] Click to show procedure

Deleting Parameters

You can delete only Parameters that are not assigned to Parameter Group Templates.

[+] Click to show procedure

This page was last edited on April 2, 2020, at 16:07.
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