Genesys Info Mart Support for Business Continuity
Genesys Info Mart can be deployed in an environment that requires support for Business Continuity. The approach discussed in this wiki document helps to preserve reporting data in the event of a loss of a particular site. Database replication of the Genesys Info Mart database that is achieved through Oracle GoldenGate plays a crucial role in the overall architecture.
Terminology Note
Throughout this document, the word database has different meaning, depending on the context. It may refer to Genesys components, such as "Interaction Database" or "Info Mart database." It may also be used in reference to general relational database management system (RDBMS) concepts and procedures, such as "database export" or "database replication." Where it is significant to refer to a particular organization of tables, views, indexes, and other database objects, the term database schema is used. Where it is significant to refer to the RDBMS that manages database files, the term database instance is used. This terminology may not necessarily match the terminology used by leading RDBMS vendors.