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Deploying GRAT in Genesys Administrator


  • To configure the GRAT applications and deploy the GRAT installation package using Genesys Administrator.


To install GRAT on Configuration Servers 8.1.1 or later, Genesys Administrator 8.1.1 or later is required.


  1. Import the installation package into Genesys Administrator:
  2. On the Deployment tab of GA select the Import button.
    1. Select the Installation CD-ROM radio button.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Browse to the MediaInfo.xml file on the CD or the CD image location on the network (the path must be in UNC format).
    4. Click Next.
    5. Select GRAT for your operating system as well as the appropriate type in the list in order to import the installation package.
  • For Management Framework 8.1.1, the type is Business Rules Application Server.
  • For Management Framework 8.1 and earlier, the type is Genesys Generic Server.
  • Select Next to start the import.
  • Click Finish when the import is complete.
  • Install the GRAT IP. Select the Deployment tab in Genesys Administrator. The list of installation packages will now show the Genesys Rules Authoring Tool. Right-click and select Install Package for the IP for your operating system and type. Click Next to start the installation wizard. The following parameters must be defined/selected:
    1. Application Name for the Genesys Authoring Tool server application
    2. Target Host—The host to which the .war file will be copied during the installation procedure.
    3. Working Directory—The directory in which the .war file will be created.
    4. Client Side IP Address (optional).
    5. Client Side Port (optional).
    6. Backup Configuration Server hostname.
    7. Backup Configuration Server port.
    8. Connection delay time in seconds.
    9. Reconnect Attempts.
    10. Important
      After the specified number of attempts to connect to the primary Configuration Server all fail, then connection to the backup Configuration Server is attempted. If these attempts to the backup Configuration Server fail, then once again connection to the Primary Configuration Server is attempted. If no backup Configuration Server is configured, there is no limit on the number of connection attempts.
    11. Client application name - The name of the GRAT client application.
    12. Important
      Items a through i will be written to the bootstrapconfing.xml file in the .war file. Any subsequent updates to the parameters will have to be made in that file.
    13. Database Engine (such as MSSQL or Oracle)
    14. DBMS User—The user must have write permissions on the rules repository database that you created in Creating the Rules Repository database.
    15. DBMS Password
    16. Important
      The values provided for the following properties (Connector Class and Database URL) are examples only. Consult the database vendor's JDBC documentation for detailed information specific to your database type. See Creating the Rules Repository database for example values for the supported database types.
    17. Connector Class—The connector class will differ depending on the database type. See Example Database Connection Parameters for examples.
    18. Database URL—The database URL will depend on the database type. See Example Database Connection Parameters for examples.
  • On the next screen, enter the Connection ID and Connection Port for the Genesys Rules Authoring Server. Specify the connections for the Rules Authoring Server on the next screen (select the GRE application). You can also add this connection later under the Configuration for the application. Verify the previously-defined installation parameters on the Deployment Summary screen.
  • Configure the GRAT server application:
    1. On the Tenants tab, add all tenants that should be visible in the GRAT interface.
      1. In the Server Info section, configure a default listening port.
      2. On the Connections tab, add a connection to the Rules Engine application.
      3. On the Options tab, configure log options. In addition to the standard logging options that you can configure, you can configure an option named fileEncoding in the logging section.

      fileEncoding specifies the encoding to be used when creating the log file. For example, UTF-8. This value is optional. If you do not specify this option, the server's locale information will determine the log file encoding.

      This option is available for both the GRE and the Genesys Rules Authoring Tool. Also, the log4j.properties file that is included in both components supports a similar option, log4j.appender.runtime.Encoding. The log4j.properties file is used for initial log configuration prior to the reading of the log configuration from the Configuration Server database.

    2. In the settings section, the following options can be configured:
    • session-timeout—Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) that a client (browser) session can have no communication with the Rules Authoring Server before timing out. If no value is specified, the timeout (if any) defined by the application server applies. If the value is less than or equal to 0, the session will not timeout. The default value is 30.
    • session-timeout-alert-interval—The amount of time (in minutes) prior to an expected timeout for a user to be warned of a pending timeout. If no value is specified, or if the value is less than or equal to 0, the default warning period of 1 minute will be used. For example, if you set the value of this option to 3, the user will be warned 3 minutes prior to an expected timeout. This warning dialog box will prompt the user to extend the session. If the session is not extended, the user will be logged out and the login dialog box will be displayed. Any unsaved changes that the user made during their session will be lost.
    • verify-deploy-address—Indicates whether to verify that the TCP address of the application that is requesting the deployment of a package is that of an associated GRE. The default value is true.
    • encoding—Activates Unicode support for the conversion of data between the local character set that is used by Configuration Manager and the UTF-8 encoding that is used by the Rules Authoring Server. By default, code page conversion is disabled. To activate this functionality, set this option to the name of a converter that can translate the local character set to UTF format. The converter that is suitable for a particular deployment can be found by using the ICU Converter Explorer. There is no default value for this option. For valid values, see the ICU Home > Converter Explorer pages (http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/convexp). Changes take effect after the Genesys Rules Authoring Server restarts. This option does not appear by default in the application template.
    • group-by-level—The default value is true. When this option is true, rules are grouped by business level: All global rules belong to agenda group "level0". Department rules belong to agenda group "level1". Process rules belong to agenda group "level2". When a rule package is executed, "level0" rules are executed first, facts are marked as updated, and "level1" rules are executed. This process is repeated for each level. Note that when group-by-level is true, the GRE option sequential-mode must be set to false.
    • strict-mode—Specifies whether the GRAT enables "strict mode" in the DROOLS rule compiler. Enabling this option causes the compiler to catch common mistakes when the rule author attempts to validate or save a rule. The default value is true.
    • max-connections—Specifies the maximum number of different users that can be connected to the server. Multiple connections from the same user id are only counted once. The default value is 99.
    • From release 8.1.3: display-n-template-versions—Integer value specifying the maximum number of versions to display for any published template. The minimum value is 1 and the default value is 3.
    • From release 8.1.3: deploy-response-timeout—Integer value specifying timeout applied to the deployment of a rule package. This option does not appear by default in the application template. The default value is 300 seconds.
    • From release 8.1.3: require-checkin-comment—Specifies whether users must add a specify a check-in comment when committing changes to rules. These comments show up when viewing package history. If the value is set to false (default), users can save changes to rules without specifying a comment.
    • From release 8.1.3: force-snapshot-on-deployment—Specifies whether users can deploy only a package snapshot. If the vlaue is true, users can only deploy a package snapshot. If false (default), users can deploy either the LATEST package or a snapshot.
  • Give the application Read, Create, and Change permissions on the Scripts folder for each Tenant that you add. (One approach is to create a user called GRAT_Application_Proxy and add that user to the SYSTEM access group. Then, on the Security tab of the application, in the Log On As section, select This account and add the GRAT_Application_Proxy user. Make sure that the "System" access group has Read, Create, and Change permissions to the Scripts folder, and that you have applied these changes recursively.) The Security tab is available only in Genesys Administrator 8.1.0 and later. Therefore, if you are not using Genesys Administrator 8.1.0 or higher, you must perform this step through Genesys Configuration Manager.
  • Create the GRAT client application by first importing the Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Generic_Client_810.apd to create the application template. From the application template, create the GRAT client application. The name of this application was specified during the installation of the IP. You just need to create the application and save it. You are not required to fill in any of the configuration properties.
  • End

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    This page was last edited on September 18, 2013, at 13:35.
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