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channel-<any name>-monitor-<any name> Section


Default value: value of the x-faulty-conditions-delay option
Valid values: 0 - 3600
Changes take effect: Immediately.

Specifies, in seconds, a timespan that takes effect in the event of problems with Facebook communications. Depending on the scenario, the Driver either restarts the affected monitor after the timespan or puts the monitor into sleeping mode for the length of the timespan. This option was introduced in release

The description of the corresponding channel-level option includes a listing of the scenarios and explanations of the Driver's behavior in each.


Default Value: value of the x-history-length option
Valid Values: Any positive integer.
Changes Take Effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.

Specifies how many successfully submitted interaction IDs the RSS/ATOM driver will keep in the history file in order to avoid a duplicate submission.

This option overwrites the option x-print-rss-channel in the main channel section.


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1&#150;60
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that Social Messaging Server waits for a positive response when it submits a request with an inbound message to Interaction Server.


Default Value: 3
Valid Values: 0&#150;9
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the number of times that Social Messaging Server resubmits an interaction after the itx-submit-timeout timeout expires.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: 1&#150;120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the time, in seconds, that Social Messaging Server waits between attempts to resubmit an interaction.


Default value: false
Valid values: true, false
Changes take effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.

Specifies whether the driver should print common fields of the received RSS/ATOM feed to a log file.

This option overwrites the option x-print-rss-channel in the main channel section.


Default value: 0
Valid values: Any interger 0 and above. Changes take effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.

Specifies how many received RSS/ATOM items the driver prints to a log file.

This option overwrites the option x-print-rss-items in the main channel section.


Default value: empty
Valid values: Any valid URL.
Changes take effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.

Specifies URL of an RSS feeder, which is used to request data from the feeder.

This page was last edited on October 16, 2018, at 17:04.
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