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This is part of the API Basics section of the Web Services API.


The features resource allows the client application to determine which functionality is available in the current contact center. This data can then be used to draw the UI as appropriate for the feature set that is supported for the current contact center.

A feature represents a set of functionality that may include channels, services, resources, sets of operations, settings groups, and so on. Anything that is needed for the feature to function successfully should be available when a feature is enabled for the contact center. When a feature is disabled, the API behaves as if this set of functionality does not exist. This returns results such as 404 errors when relevant resources are accessed, settings groups are not visible in lists, and operations return with invalid operation errors.


Two resources are available in the API to support this functionality:

  • api/v2/system/features represents all features available in the system.
  • api/v2/features represents the set of features for a given contact center.

The following operations are available for /features

Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns a list of URIs for the features assigned to this contact center.

The parameter fields=* causes full feature descriptions to be returned instead of URIs.

  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent

The following operations are available for /system/features

Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns a list of URIs for all of the features available in the system.

The parameter fields=* causes full feature descriptions to be returned instead of URIs.

  • Contact Center Admin
The full feature set is defined by Web Services and is not modifiable.

The following operations are available for /features/{id}

Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns the full feature description.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent
DELETE Removes the feature from the contact center.
  • Cloud Admin


The following attributes are supported for each feature:

Attribute Type Description Access
id String The name of the feature (this is also the unique identifier and should be in a URI-compatible format). GET
displayName String Name that describes the feature. GET
description String Description of the feature. GET

Supported Features

The following features are currently supported. If a feature is marked Y under Assigned by default, all contact centers will have this feature assigned.

Currently, default features cannot be unassigned.
Name Description Assigned by default
api-provisioning-read General provisioning read Y
api-provisioning-write General provisioning write Y
api-voice API for the voice channel Y
api-voice-recording API for voice recording N
ui-supervisor-provisioning-routing Supervisor UI to provision routing Y
ui-supervisor-provisioning-skill UI to provision skills Y
ui-supervisor-reporting Supervisor UI to display 'Reports' tab (contact center statistics) Y
ui-supervisor-provisioning-user Supervisor UI to display 'Agents' tab Y
ui-supervisor-details-tab Supervisor UI to display 'Details' tab N
ui-supervisor-recording UI to view call recordings Y
api-multimedia-chat API for chat channel N
api-multimedia-email API for email channel N
api-multimedia-workitem API for workitem channel N
api-multimedia-facebook API for facebook channel N
api-multimedia-twitter API for twitter channel N
api-ucs-voice API for voice integration with ucs N
api-supervisor-recording API For Call Recording Supervisor Y
api-supervisor-monitoring API For Supervisors to Monitor Agent Calls N
api-supervisor-agent-control API For Supervisors to Control Agent State N
ui-supervisor-add-user Supervisor UI to allow creation/deletion of users N
ui-supervisor-edit-user Supervisor UI to allow editing of users Y
ui-supervisor-case-data Supervisor UI - Enable configuration of Case Data in CC Settings N
ui-supervisor-toast-data Supervisor UI - Enable configuration of Toast Data in CC Settings N
ui-supervisor-service-level-settings Supervisor UI - Enable configuration of Queue & Skill Service Level settings in CC Settings N
ui-supervisor-untimed-wrapup Supervisor UI - Enable configuration of 'untimed' wrap up time option in CC Settings N
api-screen-recording API for Agent Screen Recording Y
api-vcc-outbound-call-recording Enables attached data with unique id for VCC call recording solution N
api-user-account-management-email API for account management via email N
api-devices-webrtc API support for WebRTC devices N
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:29.
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