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iWD Manager and iWD Runtime Node support creation of their own log files for troubleshooting purposes. As well, they both support centralized logging through Genesys Message Server. The parameters needed for both types of logging are configured in the log4j.properties file for each application. The following procedures explains how to configure the required parameters.

Configuring logging for iWD Manager and iWD Runtime Node


  • iWD Manager and iWD Runtime are both installed.
  • For centralized logging, Genesys Message Server is installed.

Refer to the Framework 8.1 Management Layer User’s Guide for more information about Message Server.


  1. Find the log4j.properties file in the web application server’s (Tomcat or WebSphere) webapps directory and open it in a text editor.
  2. Important
    For WebSphere, the file is located under WAS_root/profiles/<profile>/installedApps/<node,cell>/ <application>_war.ear/<application>.war/WEB-INF/classes

    Example: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/ rs6000Node01Cell/iwd_manager_war.ear/iwd_manager.war/WEB-INF/

  3. The exact path is <Install dir>\iwd_node\config\log4j.properties for iWD Runtime Node and webapps\iwd_manager\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.properties for iWD Manager.
  4. Important
    Be sure to remove the comment symbol (#) when you update the parameters.
  5. For centralized logging, update the very first row of the log4j.properties file to include centralized_node at the end:
        log4j.rootLogger=INFO, runtime, centralized_node
  • For centralized logging, update the following parameters with the Message Server host and Message Server port, respectively:
        • log4j.appender.centralized_manager.MessageServerHost=[ToBeChanged:MSG_SRV_HOST]
  • Update the following line to include the name of your iWD Manager or iWD Runtime application (this is the application name that you must use to set up alarms in Solution Control Server):
        • log4j.appender.centralized_node.MessageServerClientName=iWD Runtime Node
  • Configure the parameter to specify the level of logging to send to Message Server:
        • log4j.appender.centralized_node.Threshold=INFO

    Threshold can be set to any of the following values:

    • TRACE
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
  • For information about various settings for the root logger, refer to log4j framework docs, such as http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html.
  • You can change the directory where the logs will be written by changing the value of this line:
        • log4j.appender.runtime.File=C:/GCTI/iWD/iwd_runtime.log
    It is strongly recommended that you only set the file path to a directory on a local machine, not a remote location such as a shared network drive. Logging to a remote location can severely impact performance
  • You can change the logging level by changing this line (sample is from an iWD Runtime log4j.properties file):
        • log4j.appender.runtime.Threshold=INFO

    Possible values are Off, Warning, Error, Debug, Info, and Trace . See Service Log Levels for a description of each log level.

  • You can change the maximum file size of the logs by changing this line:
        • log4j.appender.runtime.MaxFileSize=256MB
  • Save your changes.
  • The following is a sample iWD Runtime log4j.properties file configured for logging:

          info, rolling 256MB each (2 GB max)
          log4j.rootLogger=INFO, runtime, centralized_node
          log4j.appender.runtime.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}|%t|%p|%c|%m%n
          if you enable centralized_node appender then make sure you change rootLogger to:
          log4j.rootLogger=INFO, runtime, centralized_node
          log4j.appender.centralized_node.MessageServerClientName=iWD Runtime Node


    Updating the Interaction Server databases and related configuration objects


    To ensure iWD automatically runs the update scripts on the Interaction Server databases for compatibility with iWD 8.1, updates the configuration options for the Event Log DAP, creates the necessary Business Attributes in Configuration Server, and configures the completed-queues option for Interaction Server.


    • Interaction Server is installed as described in Installing Interaction Server and its databases (also refer to the eServices (Multimedia) 8.1 Deployment Guide).
    • The installation of iWD components as outlined in this chapter is completed up to this point. In particular, iWD Manager must be installed.


    1. Log into iWD Manager.
    2. Navigate to your iWD tenant.
    3. Navigate to the Configure Ixn Custom Properties tab and select your solution from the navigation tree
    4. Select Configure Ixn Custom Properties.
    5. The Mapping errors section on the right-side pane notifies you of the updates that must be made to your Interaction Server Event Log DAP and Business Attribute configuration. The Interaction Server and Event log database migrations section notifies you of the updates that must be done to your Interaction Server and Interaction Server Event Log databases.

    6. To initiate these updates, click Configure Ixn Custom Properties.
    7. You are prompted to restart Interaction Server.



    Starting with Interaction Server 8.1.2, a configuration option, enable-revoke-from-agent, has been provided to support enhancements to task management in the Global Task List. Specifically, this option allows an Assigned interaction to be revoked from an employee desktop when the interaction is put on hold, canceled, or completed, from the Global Task List or through an iWD capture point.

    This page was last edited on January 21, 2015, at 14:20.
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