Data Mart
Display Options
Filters and Constraints
Configuration Server respects tenancy permission settings. You can access only those objects that you have been granted permissions and privileges to access.
You can filter the contents of this list in two ways:
- Type the name or partial name of an object in the Quick Filter field.
- Click the cube icon to open the Tenant Directory filter panel. In this panel, click the Tenant that you want to select. Use the Quick Filter field in this panel to filter the Tenant list.
You can sort the items in the list by clicking a column head. Clicking a column head a second time reverses the sort order. You can add or remove columns by clicking Select Columns.
To select or de-select multiple objects at once, click Select.
Data Fields
Each entry is shown with the following data fields:
- Name—Name of the solution hosting iWD Data Mart.
- Application—Name of the iWD Runtime Node application attached to the selected Solution. There is a one-to-one relationship between Solutions requiring Data Mart and iWD Runtime Node applications. The iWD Runtime Node can be detached from the Solution by selecting a blank name in this field.
- Host—Host where the iWD Runtime Node is installed. Selectable from the list of hosts configured in GAX Configuration Manager.
- Port—Port assigned to iWD Runtime Node. Numeric field; the value must be between 1 and 65535 inclusive. The port must be unique within the host.
- ETL Scripts Directory—The directory on the server in which iWD Data Mart ETL scripts are stored. For example, the default path used when iWD Data Mart is installed is C:\Program Files\GCTI\iWD Data Mart\etl. Note: Unicode symbols in the path are not supported.
- Configuration Server's Database Access Point—The name of the Database Access Point associated with Configuration Server. Required for Data Mart's Load Config job.
- Number of Threads—Performance tuning: the size of the thread pool.
- Ignored Dimensions—Performance tuning: the list of dimensions that will be ignored by the Load Intraday job. One dimension per line.
- Default Dimension Key—Performance tuning: the default value which will be used for ignored dimensions' keys.
- Clear Dimension Cache—Enables or disables persistence of the dimension's cache between Load Intraday job runs. With value true, the dimension's cache is cleared when the Load Intraday job completes. With value false (default), the cache persists between Load Intraday job runs. Requires restart of the IWD Runtime Node to take effect.
- The complete value must be preserved. In this case, increase the column length in both the databases, that is, Interaction Server’s DB (interactions table) and iWD Datamart’s DB.
- The truncated value is acceptable. Add the configuration option manually in the Runtime Node configuration object, this will be applied without a restart of iWD Datamart. On the Options tab, under the settings section add truncate-columns with its value set to true.
The Logging tab configures internal logging capabilities within iWD Data Mart.
General logging
- Log Level—Logger log level. This should be set to INFO unless otherwise instructed by Genesys Technical Support. The possible log levels are:
- OFF—Turns off all logging.
- ERROR—Error events that might not affect the application’s ability to run.
- WARN—Potentially harmful situations.
- INFO—Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application.
- DEBUG—Detailed informational events that are most useful in debugging an application.
- TRACE—The most detailed information.
- ALL—Turns on all logging.
- Timezone—The time zone to which event timestamps will be converted. Possible values: The ID for a time zone, either an abbreviation such as PST, a full name such as America/Los_Angeles, or a custom ID such as GMT-8:00.
- Enable Centralized Logging—Check this checkbox to enable centralized logging to Message Server.
- Centralized Logging Level—Log level of centralized appender. Possible values:
- STANDARD—Corresponds to INFO level; so INFO, WARN and ERROR logs will be sent to Message Server.
- ALARM—Corresponds to ERROR log level.
- Log to Console—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to log events to the console.
- Console Log Level—Log level of console appender. If not set, logger level is used. Appender level can narrow down logger level but not extend it. For example, if logger level is INFO, it makes sense to set WARN or ERROR appender level, whereas if you set appender level to TRACE or DEBUG it has no effect. Possible values:
- Same as Log Level—Same as main Log Level
- OFF—Turns off all logging.
- ERROR—Error events that might not affect the application’s ability to run.
- WARN—Potentially harmful situations.
- INFO—Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application.
- DEBUG—Detailed informational events that are most useful in debugging an application.
- TRACE—The most detailed information.
- ALL—Turns on all logging.
- Log to File—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to log events to the file.
- File Log Level—Log level of file appender. If not set, logger level is used. Appender level can narrow down logger level but not extend it. For example, if logger level is INFO, it makes sense to set WARN or ERROR appender level, whereas if you set appender level to TRACE or DEBUG it has no effect. Possible values:
- Same as Log Level—Same as main Log Level
- OFF—Turns off all logging.
- ERROR—Error events that might not affect the application’s ability to run.
- WARN—Potentially harmful situations.
- INFO—Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application.
- DEBUG—Detailed informational events that are most useful in debugging an application.
- TRACE—The most detailed information.
- ALL—Turns on all logging.
- Log File Name—The path to the main log file. Same directory will be used for services logs. Default value: /GCTI/iWD/iwd_dm.log. Note that it is strongly recommended that you only set the file path to a directory on a local machine, not a remote location such as a shared network drive. Logging to a remote location can severely impact performance.
- Archive—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to archive old logs in separate files. Archived filenames are set to <log-filename without extension>-%d-%i<log-filename extension> if the option max-file-size has a value, otherwise they are set to <log-filename without extension>-%d<log-filename extension>.
- Log Size—Sets a limit on the size of a single log file. The value can be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes by suffixing a numeric value with KB, MB and respectively GB. For example, 5000000, 5000KB, 5MB and 2GB are all valid values, with the first three being equivalent. Used if the archive option is turned on.
- Log Age—Controls the maximum number of days for archive files to keep, asynchronously deleting older files. Value 0 (zero) means to keep infinite number of files. Used if the archive option is turned on.
Access Log
Access logs are a record of the requests that the server has processed.
- Timezone—The time zone to which event timestamps will be converted. Possible values: The ID for a time zone, either an abbreviation such as PST, a full name such as America/Los_Angeles, or a custom ID such as GMT-8:00.
- Log to Console—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to log events to the console.
- Log to File—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to log events to the file.
- Log File Name—The path to the main log file. Same directory will be used for services logs. Default value: /GCTI/iWD/iwd_dm.log. Note that it is strongly recommended that you only set the file path to a directory on a local machine, not a remote location such as a shared network drive. Logging to a remote location can severely impact performance.
- Archive—Determines (true/false, default = false) whether to archive old logs in separate files. Archived filenames are set to <log-filename without extension>-%d-%i<log-filename extension> if the option max-file-size has a value, otherwise they are set to <log-filename without extension>-%d<log-filename extension>.
- Log Size—Sets a limit on the size of a single log file. The value can be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes by suffixing a numeric value with KB, MB and respectively GB. For example, 5000000, 5000KB, 5MB and 2GB are all valid values, with the first three being equivalent. Used if the archive option is turned on.
- Log Age—Controls the maximum number of days for archive files to keep, asynchronously deleting older files. Value 0 (zero) means to keep infinite number of files. Used if the archive option is turned on.
The Database tab defines a connection to a Data Mart database server. The configured database and user must exist in the database server. The user must have read/write permissions to the database.
- Application—The name of the Database Access Point application associated with Data Mart instance.
- Database—The name of the database. This is available only for MS SQL Server.
- SID—Oracle System ID of the database. The Oracle System ID (SID) is used to uniquely identify a particular database on a system. This is available only for Oracle database.
- Server—The database server. Selectable from list of configured hosts.
- Port—The TCP port number of the database server.
- User Name —The database user name.
- Password—The password for the database.
- Auto-Sync—The iWD Data Mart database will be initialized automatically the first time the Database Service and Kettle ETL Service are started. If the Auto-Sync option is selected, this initialization is automatic, and the Database Service will also check for updates to the iWD Data Mart database whenever a new version of iWD Data Mart is installed. When selected, the Auto-Sync option will also initialize ETL plug-ins.
- JDBC URL—Add a specific URL here for the Data Mart database used by iWD Data Mart.
- JDBC Driver Class—Should be set if you are going to use a custom JDBC driver different from the following default drivers:
- Oracle—oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
- PostgreSQL—org.postgresql.Driver
Stat Server
The Stat Server tab configures the Statistics Adapter job and defines a connection to Genesys Stat Server. Statistics Adapter processes the statistical data created by the Aggregate Stats ETL job and writes stat-types and filters in the configuration for Genesys Stat Server. CCPulse+ requests iWD statistics from Stat Server, and reads the stat-types and filters from the Stat Server configuration.
- [stat-server]/name—<StatServer_1>;<StatServer_2>;...;<StatServer_N>
- Application—The Stat Server's application name. Selectable from list of installed Stat Server applications. Each Data Mart requires separate Stat Server instance.
- Dimension Mapping—Defines how statistical dimensions are mapped.
- Filter—Dimensions are mapped to CCPulse+ filters.
- Virtual Queue—Dimensions are mapped to Genesys virtual queues.
- Virtual Queue Name—
- If Dimension Mapping is set to Filter, it is the name of the single Genesys virtual queue to which statistics are distributed.
- If Dimension Mapping is set to Virtual Queue, it is the prefix to be added to the names of Genesys virtual queues to which statistics are distributed.
- Service Index—Statistical service index for configuration options. This should be unique inside the set of indexes, assigned to statistical services served by the one instance of Genesys Stat Server.
- Extension File Name—Required to support a Genesys reporting environment with multiple instances of Stat Server Java Extensions. This is the name of the Stat Server Java extension jar file (BPR_iWD_Extension.jar). This file is saved to the Stat Server installation directory during installation of the iWD Stat Extensions. You can find the location of this file in Stat Server configuration options as the value of the java-libraries-dir option in the [java-config] section.
- Extension Section Name—Required to support a Genesys reporting environment with multiple instances of Stat Server Java Extensions. This property maps to the section name for the specific Stat Server Java Extension in the Stat Server configuration.
- JDBC Driver Class—JDBC Driver fully qualified class name. Should be set only if iWD Stat Server Java Extension needs to use a JDBC driver different from the iWD Data Mart one. This should not occur normally.
- JDBC Driver JAR File—The path to the JDBC driver .jar file relative to the directory specified as java-libraries-dir in the Stat Server configuration. Specify only if you need to override the default value.
- JDBC URL—JDBC URL to access the iWD Data Mart database. Should be set only if iWD Stat Server Java Extension needs to have URL different from the iWD Data Mart one.
- Create Virtual Queues—If this checkbox is enabled and Dimension Mapping is set to Virtual Queue, then Genesys virtual queues will be created automatically by the Statistics Adapter job. The Virtual Queue Name value will be used as a prefix.
- Switch Name—The switch where Genesys virtual queues will be created. This is a mandatory option if Create Virtual Queues is set to true.
The Schedules tab configures execution schedule of three Data Mart job groups. The syntax follow standard CRON scheduling expression. For example, the following expression will cause the job to be executed every 15 minutes:
0 0,15,30,45 * * * ?
For more information about CRON scheduling, see [ Quartz Scheduler documentation]
- Intraday—The schedule for the Intraday job group: Load Config, Load Intraday, Aggregate Intraday, Aggregate Stats and Statistic Adapter. Typically scheduled to run every 15 minutes.
- Historical—The schedule for the Historical job group: Load Historical, Aggregate Historical and Maintain. Typically scheduled to run once a day, after midnight.
- Aggregation Delay Interval (in minutes)—Specifies the period of time (in minutes) to wait before aggregation. Must be positive integer in a multiple of 15. The default value is 0 (zero).
The Expirations tab configures the Maintain job, which deletes expired facts from Data Mart tables.
- Record Details—The number of days after which the detailed task (task_fact, task_event_fact, and task_work_fact) data will be removed from the database.
- Aggregation 15 min—The number of days after which the data will be removed from 15-minute aggregation tables.
Tenant Attributes
The Tenant Attributes tab enables selection of up to 5 of a tenant's custom attributes, that will be loaded into the CUSTOM_DIM dimension and associated to the tenant via the CUSTOM_DIM_KEY field.
- Custom Attribute 1-5—User-configured custom Tenant attributes, selectable from the list of Custom Attributes attached to the Tenant.
Department Attributes
The Department Attributes tab allows selection of up to 5 of a departments's custom attributes that will be loaded into the CUSTOM_DIM dimension and associated to the departments via the CUSTOM_DIM_KEY field.
- Custom Attribute 1-5—User-configured custom Department attributes, selectable from the list of Custom Attributes attached to any Department within the Solution.
Process Attributes
The Process Attributes tab allows selection of up to 5 of a process' custom attributes, that will be loaded into the CUSTOM_DIM dimension and associated to the processes via the CUSTOM_DIM_KEY field.
- Custom Attribute 1-5—User-configured custom Process attributes, selectable from the list of Custom Attributes attached to any Process within the Solution.
Task Attributes
The Task Attributes tab defines up to 10 names of a task's custom attributes that will be loaded into the task_fact custom attribute fields (CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE 1-10). Names must start with a letter, and only underscores and alphanumeric characters are supported.
Dimension Mapping
The Dimension Mapping tab defines up to 5 comma-separated names of a task's custom attributes that will be loaded into the CUSTOM_DIM dimension and associated to the task via the CUSTOM_DIM_KEY field. Names must start with a letter, and only underscores and alphanumeric characters are supported.