Fetch filter
GET /filters/<tenant_dbid>/<filter_name>
Response Body
"name": "<filter name>",
"owner": "<owner user name>",
"public": <true/false>,
"columns": [
<column definition>,
"criteria": [
<criterion definition>,
- <column definition>:
"category": "core/ext/data",
"name": "<attribute name>"
- <criterion definition>:
"template_expression": "<template_expression>",
"template_key": "<template label key for i18n>",
"name": "<element name>",
"label": "<label key for i18n>",
"value": "<current value>",
"editable_list": <true/false>,
"value": "<available value>",
"label": "<value label key>"
- values define a list of items that can be picked from a drop-down menu.
- A list of values is empty for elements of INPUT_DATE type. It can be non-empty for INPUT_TEXT and INPUT_INTEGER types. It is typically empty for INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME and INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - a list of available attributes and their values should be taken by a separate request (see: Attributes). If the list of values exists and is not empty, it has precedence over the list of all attributes.
- Internal element types IS_IS_NOT, OPERATOR, TIME_UNIT, WAS_WAS_NOT, MORE_LESS, QUEUE are being converted to and from INPUT_TEXT with appropriate lists of values.
- editable_list indicates whether the element value input component is or is not editable, i.e. if a user is able to put a value out of the given list. For INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE the value of this property has precedence over the same property on the attribute definition.
- Labels for elements have a form of "CRITERION_LABEL_<CAPITALIZED_NAME>", for example CRITERION_LABEL_IS_IS_NOT.
- Actual labels for the criterion, elements and available values should be loaded from resources (localized). If there are not found, the element name should be used instead.
- template_key is a key to find a localized criterion template in resources. The localized template can contain parameters as element names in braces (for example {attributeName}). These parameters are replaced by either a proper input GUI component in edition mode or element’s localized labels for displaying the criterion template. In case the template_key is not found in resources the criterion template is built of elements directly – one by one (elements of PLAIN_TEXT type – not used usually in localized templates - fill the text space then). All dynamic elements from template_expression must be included in the localized string to allow correct creation of a query string.
- INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE is an input element which data type should be dynamically determined basing on the type of attribute, chosen with INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, unless the element’s values list exists and is not empty, because it has the precedence over the attribute values.
- template_expression is a legacy template expression, which is used here as the template criterion identifier only.
- A list of available columns is available under a separate address.
This page was last edited on December 19, 2017, at 11:03.
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