iWD Manager connections
PSDK client to Message Server, UCS, Interaction Server
- Open GAX -> Applications -> <iWD Manager Server app> -> connections.
- Make sure it has a secured connection to the Message Server application.
- Change the connection to UCS to a Secured port.
- Change the connection to Interaction Server to a Secured port.
REST server
- Open GAX -> Applications -> <iWD Manager Server app> -> ports -> default.
- Change it to Secured listening mode.
- Fill Certificate and Trusted CA fields with JKS keystore and truststore files.
- Add Transport parameters tls-mutual=1, keystore-password, truststore-password, provider=JKS. The final string should look like this:
- tls=1;certificate=/genesys/TLS/keystore.jks;trusted-ca=/genesys/TLS/truststore.jks;keystore-password=KSPASSWD;truststore-password=TSPASSWD;tls-mutual=1;provider=JKS
PSDK client to Configuration Server
- Open GAX -> Applications -> <iWD Manager Client app>
- Make sure it has a connection to the Configuration Server application.
- Open the connection to Configuration Server and add the following transport parameters:
- For Linux:
- certificate=<path to PEM certificate file>;certificate-key=<path to PEM certificate key file>;trusted-ca=<path to PEM certificate truststore file>;tls-mutual=1
- For Windows:
- certificate=<certificate_thumbprint>;trusted-ca=<truststore_thumbprint>;tls-mutual=1
- For Linux:
This page was last edited on June 22, 2018, at 10:37.
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