Implicit User Feedback
To improve search quality, gather implicit user feedback via Proactive Engagement integration.
For example, sending additional implicit user feedback automatically in cases such as:
- Customer executed the search, saw search results and left search result page in less then X seconds - > Negative feedback published for all documents in the result set.
- Customer executed the search, saw result, opened the document and left the page in less then X seconds -> Negative feedback published for particular document.
- Customer executed the search, saw result, opened the document and remained on the page for X minutes -> Positive feedback to be published for the document.
- Customer executed the search, saw result, opened the document and opened attachment to the document-> Positive feedback to be published for the document.
Customizing the Script and reconfiguring the routing strategy
- Add additional JavaScript code to the Web Monitoring Agent on the front-end page to monitor described events.
For example:- Create a small JavaScript function to wrap sending feedbacks:
function feedbackSender (decision, behavior, timeoutSeconds){ this.decision = decision;//positive,negative this.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds; this.behavior = behavior;//less,more,equal this.openTime = null; this.sendPositiveFeedback = function(){ console.log("Positive feedback"); }; this.sendNegativeFeedback = function(){ console.log("Negative feedback"); }; this.sendFeedback = function () { switch (decision) { case "positive": this.sendPositiveFeedback(); break; case "negative": this.sendNegativeFeedback(); break; default: console.log("Sorry, we are out of " + this.decision + "."); } }; }
- Add methods to monitor timeout:
this.onOpenPage = function () { this.openTime = new Date(); }; this.onLeftPage = function () { switch (behavior) { case "less": if ((this.openTime)&&(((new Date()) - this.openTime) < this.timeoutSeconds * 1000)) { this.sendFeedback(); } break; case "more": if ((this.openTime)&&(((new Date()) - this.openTime) > this.timeoutSeconds * 1000)) { this.sendFeedback(); } break; case "equals": if ((this.openTime)&&(((new Date()) - this.openTime) == this.timeoutSeconds * 1000)) { this.sendFeedback(); } break; default: console.log("Sorry, we are out of " + this.behavior + "."); } }
- Implement provided business cases using this function. For example:
- Case 1: Customer executed the search, saw search results and left search result page in less then X seconds - > Negative feedback published for all documents in the result set.
firstCaseFeedback = new feedbackSender ('negative','less',5) firstCaseFeedback.sendNegativeFeedback=function() { _gt.push(['event', {eventName: 'Feedback', gks_Reason: 'negative', gks_docIds: strArr, gks_sessionId: gks_sessionId, gks_query: gks_query}]); } $(window).on('hashchange', function(e){ if (window.location.hash.indexOf('/search/') >= 0) { firstCaseFeedback.onOpenPage(); arr=[]; var $resultDiv = $('._gk-_wd-_rs'); $resultDiv.ready(function () { $resultDiv.each( function(index, a) { var basicId = $(a).attr('id'); arr.push(basicId.substring(18, basicId.length)) } ); }) strArr = JSON.stringify(arr); gks_query = $('#searchContent').val(); gks_sessionId = window.localStorage.getItem ('sessionId'); } }); $(window).on('hashchange', function(e){ var oldURL = e.originalEvent.oldURL; if (oldURL.indexOf('/search/') >= 0) { firstCaseFeedback.onLeftPage(); } } });
- Case 2: Customer executed the search, saw result, opened the document and left the page in less then X seconds -> Negative feedback published for particular document.
secondCaseFeedback = new feedbackSender ('negative','less',10) secondCaseFeedback.sendNegativeFeedback=function() { _gt.push(['event', {eventName: 'Feedback', gks_Reason: 'negative', gks_docIds: gks_docId, gks_sessionId: gks_sessionId, gks_query: gks_query}]); } $(window).on('hashchange', function(e){ if (window.location.hash.indexOf('/document/') >= 0) { gks_query = $('#searchContent').val(); gks_sessionId = window.localStorage.getItem ('sessionId'); gks_docId = window.location.hash.substr (window.location.hash.length - 36); secondCaseFeedback.onOpenPage(); } }); $(window).on('hashchange', function(e){ var oldURL = e.originalEvent.oldURL; if (oldURL.indexOf('/document/') >= 0) { secondCaseFeedback.onLeftPage(); } });
- Case 3: Customer executed the search, saw result, opened the document and remained on the page for X minutes -> Positive feedback to be published for the document.
thirdCaseFeedback = new feedbackSender ('positive','more',20) thirdCaseFeedback.sendPositiveFeedback=function() { _gt.push(['event', {eventName: 'Feedback', gks_Reason: 'positive', gks_docIds: gks_docId, gks_sessionId: gks_sessionId, gks_query: gks_query}]); } thirdCaseFeedback.onOpenPage=function(){ thirdCaseFeedback.openTime = new Date(); setTimeout(function() {thirdCaseFeedback.onLeftPage();}, (thirdCaseFeedback.timeoutSeconds+1)*1000); } $(window).on('hashchange', function(e){ if (window.location.hash.indexOf('/document/') >= 0) { gks_query = $('#searchContent').val(); gks_sessionId = window.localStorage.getItem ('sessionId'); gks_docId = window.location.hash.substr (window.location.hash.length - 36); thirdCaseFeedback.onOpenPage(); } });
- Case 1: Customer executed the search, saw search results and left search result page in less then X seconds - > Negative feedback published for all documents in the result set.
- Create a small JavaScript function to wrap sending feedbacks:
- Create a business rule to invoke interaction on this event:
rule "Rule-101 Feedback" salience 100001 agenda-group "level0" dialect "mvel" when $event1: Event(eval($event1.getName().equals ('Feedback'))) then sendEvent($event1, ed, drools); end
- Modify the strategy to route the interaction invoked by these events in a separate branch.
- Use modules to send REST requests in these branches to publish feedback to the Knowledge server:
Positive feedback: POST URL: http://<host>:<port>/gks-server/v1/feedback/ knowledgefaq/documents/<docId>/ vote?relevant=true&sessionId=<sessionId> BODY: {"query":"<query>"} Negative feedback: POST URL: http://<host>:<port>/gks-server/v1/feedback/ knowledgefaq/documents/<docId>/ vote?relevant=false&sessionId=<sessionId> BODY: {"query":"<query>"}
- Add additional JavaScript code to the Web Monitoring Agent on the front-end page to monitor described events.
This page was last edited on May 29, 2018, at 20:36.
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