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DAP Options

gim-etl Section


Use this configuration section to set Genesys Info Mart–related options on database access points (DAPs) that Genesys Info Mart uses:

  • The extraction DAPs, which enable access to the databases from which Genesys Info Mart extracts data
  • The Info Mart DAP, which enables access to the Info Mart database, in which Genesys Info Mart stores reporting data


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid JDBC URL
Changes Take Effect: On restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

In an Oracle RAC configuration in which you want aggregation to use a separate node, specifies the connection parameters for the JDBC connection to the Info Mart database for Reporting & Analytics Aggregates (RAA). If this option is defined, the aggregation process uses the connection string specified by agg-jdbc-url instead of the jdbc-url connection string. For the required syntax for this option, consult the vendor documentation for your JDBC driver.

For performance reasons, Genesys recommends that you divide processing by function, allocating separate functions to specific nodes in the cluster. Use the Oracle RAC Server Control Utility (SRVCTL) to configure named services, including a named service for RAA, and associate those services with particular nodes. For more information, see "Oracle RAC Configuration" and "DAP Objects for Genesys Info Mart" in the Genesys Info Mart 8.x chapter in the Genesys Hardware Sizing Guide.

Example for Oracle
Oracle requires the following format to specify connection parameters for the Oracle thin client:

jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (LOAD_BALANCE=OFF)(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <database_host_name>)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=<named service>)))

To enable SSL or IPv6 over the JDBC connection, you must specify additional parameters, as described in your RDBMS vendor documentation. For an indication of the additional parameters you must provide, extrapolate from the examples shown in the Notes in the jdbc-url option description.


Default Value: -1
Valid Values: Any integer
Changes Take Effect: On restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server
Dependencies: None

Specifies the maximum number of times a database connection can be reused.

  • -1 (default) or any negative integer — The number of times a connection can be reused is unlimited.
  • 0 — Connections cannot be reused. Instead of returning to the pool, they will be closed after being used once.
  • n>0 — A connection will be returned to the pool up to n times and then closed.

This option is typically used to periodically recycle connections in order to eliminate issues such as excessive memory growth on the DBMS side.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid database owner or schema name
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Specifies the database schema or owner name, if it is different from the database user ID. If you do not specify this option, the database tables and other database objects are assumed to be owned by the user name that you specify on the DB Info tab.

Note for PostgreSQL: Genesys recommends that you use lower case for all schema names. If you cannot do so, specify the value in case-sensitive mode by surrounding the value with a set of double quotes.


Default Value: “”
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.
Introduced: 8.1.2

On the extraction DAP, specifies the location of the IDB. On the Info Mart DAP, specifies the location of the Info Mart database. Genesys Info Mart compares the string value of the option on the Info Mart DAP against the value of the geo-location option in redundant extraction DAPs. If the values are the same, the IDB for which the extraction DAP provides the connection information is considered to be local; if the values are not the same, the IDB is considered to be remote.

In an HA environment, Genesys Info Mart uses geolocation as a tie-breaker to determine the best IDB from which to extract data: If data-quality criteria do not identify one IDB as the best, Genesys Info Mart gives preference to the local IDB.

If the value of the geo-location option on the Info Mart DAP is Site 1, the value of the option on the extraction DAP for IDB-1 is Site 1, and the value on the extraction DAP for IDB-2 is Site 2, Genesys Info Mart will consider IDB-1 to be local and IDB-2 to be remote, regardless of where the hosts are physically located.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid host name
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Specifies the host on which the DBMS is running. Configure this option if the DBMS server for the IDB is not on the same host as the DB Server.

Note: If the jdbc-url option is defined, the host name that is specified in the URL overwrites the value of jdbc-host.


Default Value: 1433 (for Microsoft SQL Server), 1521 (for Oracle), or 5432 (for PostgreSQL)
Valid Values: Any valid port number
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Specifies the port of the DBMS listener. Configure this option if the DBMS uses a nondefault listener port.

Note: If the jdbc-url option is defined, the port name that is specified in the URL overwrites the value of jdbc-port.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid SID name
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

(For Oracle only) Specifies the SID name, which Genesys Info Mart uses as a connection parameter to connect to Oracle databases. DB Server uses the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) name, which is specified in the DBMS Name field on the DB Info tab of the DAP Application object. Configure this option if the SID name is not the same as the TNS name.

Note: If the jdbc-url option is defined, the SID name that is specified in the URL overwrites the value of jdbc-sid.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid JDBC URL
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Specifies all of the connection parameters for JDBC connection to the IDB or the Info Mart database. For the required syntax for this option, consult the vendor documentation for your JDBC driver.

  • Example for Microsoft SQL Server
    Microsoft SQL Server requires the following format to specify connection parameters for the Microsoft JDBC driver: jdbc:sqlserver://<dbserver>;DatabaseName=<dbname>;SelectMethod=cursor
  • Example for Oracle
    Oracle requires the following format to specify connection parameters for the Oracle thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <database_host_name>)(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SID = <Oracle_SID>)))
  • Example for PostgreSQL
    PostgreSQL requires the following format to specify connection parameters for the PostgreSQL JDBC driver: jdbc:postgresql://<database_host_name>:<port>/<dbname>


  • If this option is defined, it overwrites the values of any other jdbc-* options that might be configured for this DAP.
  • To enable SSL over the JDBC connection, you must specify additional parameters, as described in your RDBMS vendor documentation. The following are sample URLs for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, respectively:
    • jdbc:sqlserver://host:1433;databaseName=NAME;integratedSecurity=true;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true
    • jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=servername)(PORT=2484))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servicename)))
    • jdbc:postgresql://<database_host_name>:<port>/<dbname>?ssl=true
  • To enable IPv6 over the JDBC connection, you must specify additional parameters, as described in your RDBMS vendor documentation. The following are sample URLs for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, respectively:
    • jdbc:sqlserver://;serverName=<database_ipv6_address>;DatabaseName=<dbname>;SelectMethod=cursor
    • jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = [<database_ipv6_address>])(PORT = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = <oracle_SID>)))
    • jdbc:postgresql://[<database_ipv6_address>]:<port>/<dbname>
  • Genesys does not recommend enabling load-balancing in Oracle RAC configurations, because continual node resynchronization degrades performance. If your deployment includes RAA, Genesys recommends that you use the agg-jdbc-url option to enable aggregation to use a separate node. For more recommendations about Oracle RAC configuration, see "Oracle RAC Configuration" and "DAP Objects for Genesys Info Mart" in the Genesys Info Mart 8.x chapter in the Genesys Hardware Sizing Guide.


Default Value: No default value
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, the next time that extraction jobs are launched; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Extraction DAPs

Specifies which data domain Genesys Info Mart will extract through the DAP:

  • ICON_CFG — The DAP specifies the connection information for an IDB from which Genesys Info Mart will extract ICON Configuration details. This role must be associated with one and only one DAP, or with redundant DAPs that constitute one HA set.
  • ICON_CORE — The DAP specifies the connection information for an IDB from which Genesys Info Mart will extract ICON Voice details, including agent activity details. This role is optional, but you need at least one DAP with a role of ICON_CORE or ICON_MM.
  • ICON_MM — The DAP specifies the connection information for an IDB from which Genesys Info Mart will extract ICON Multimedia details, including agent activity details. This role is optional, but you need at least one DAP with a role of ICON_CORE or ICON_MM.
    You cannot reconfigure the DAP role from ICON_CORE to ICON_MM, or vice versa, once data extraction occurs.
  • ICON_OCS — The DAP specifies the connection information for an IDB from which Genesys Info Mart will extract ICON Outbound Contact details.
  • For the supported topologies that combine data domains (see Interaction Concentrator Topologies in the Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide), specify all the applicable roles, separated by commas — for example: ICON_CFG,ICON_CORE,ICON_OCS.
Ensure that the extraction role you specify is consistent with the role that is specified for ICON (in the [callconcentrator] section in both the ICON application and DAP). For more information about the corresponding ICON roles, see ICON role in the Deployment Guide.

Info Mart DAP

  • INFO_MART — The DAP specifies connection information for the Genesys Info Mart Server to access the Info Mart database to read and write data. This role is required; it can be associated with only one DAP.

This page was last edited on March 15, 2021, at 13:03.
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