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Default Value: a hashed salt string
Valid Values: a hashed salt string
Changes Take Effect: on initial Data Loader startup

WARNING: Do not edit this option manually!

When Data Loader starts up, it generates a unique 64-character salt string to be used for anonymization. It stores an obfuscated version of the salt string as the value for the anon-salt option. This same salt value is written to the primary and backup instances of Data Loader, and to the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object anon-salt option.

If you try to change a salt value, Data Loader generates an alarm message and restores the original salt value. If for some reason, Data Loader cannot restore the original salt value, your predictors become unusable for scoring and routing. See the "Data anonymization" section on the "Set up data for import" topic in the Predictive Routing Deployment and Operations Guide.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Integers from 10-1000
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Specifies the maximum number of reconnect attempts to Configuration Server before Data Loader generates log event 107-60706, for which you should set an alarm. To be exact, if Data Loader detects a switchover or disconnection the number of times set in this option during the time period set in the [default].confserv-monitoring-reconnect-min option, Data Loader generates the log event. The cancel event for this alarm should be 107-60707.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Integers from 10-1000
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Specifies a time interval, in minutes, that Data Loader uses when monitoring multiple Configuration Server switchover events. If Data Loader detects as many switchovers or disconnects as specified in the [default].confserv-monitoring-reconnect-count during the time period configured in this option, Data Loader generates log event 107-60702, for which you should set an alarm.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Enables you to specify how Data Loader handles Agent Profile columns with the following unsupported ASCII characters: [Space], -, <, >.

  • To have Data Loader remove the specified characters for Agent Profile schema columns, but add the affected columns to the schema, set the option to true.
  • To have columns with the specified characters entirely omitted from the schema, set the option to false (the default value).

Important: Columns with other unsupported characters continue to be omitted from the schema. For a complete list of unsupported characters, see Configure Agent Profiles in the Predictive Routing Help.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid agent group names
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Use this option to specify a list of agent groups for Data Loader to monitor for configuration changes. This list is a subset of the total list of groups present in agent profiles. Data Loader ignores all groups except those you list. To monitor all groups, leave the option value empty (the default setting).

For example, you might set the value of this option as follows to have Data Loader monitor only two groups: "GROUP1,GROUP2"


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid skill names
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Use this option to specify a list of skills for Data Loader to monitor for updates. This list is a subset of the total list of skills present in agent profiles. Data Loader ignores all skills except those you list. To monitor all skills, leave the option value empty (the default setting).

For example, you might set the value of this option as follows to have Data Loader monitor only two skills: "CLOSING_AN_ACCOUNT,SALES"


Default Value: none
Valid Values: A valid password
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the password Data Loader should use to connect to Genesys Predictive Routing.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid Predictive Routing API key
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies an access key that is used by Data Loader to access the Genesys Predictive Routing API. To obtain the value of this option, open the Accounts tab in the Predictive Routing user interface and click the name of your account. The API key field appears on the Account configuration window. For details, see Configuring Accounts in the Genesys Predictive Routing Help.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: (string) A valid Predictive Routing URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the Genesys Predictive Routing API authentication endpoint URL. This value is the host name of the server where you access Predictive Routing, followed by /api/v2.0/authenticate.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: (string) A valid Predictive Routing URL
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the common substring of Genesys Predictive Routing API endpoint URLs. This value is the host name of the server where you access Predictive Routing.

You must specify https:// in the base URL string.


Default Value: 50
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On restart

Specifies the thread waiting timeout, in milliseconds, used when Data Loader subscribes to updates from the Predictive Routing platform. This timeout can prevent a polling loop from taking up unacceptable CPU bandwidth at busy periods.


Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: (string) Any valid email address registered with Predictive Routing.
Changes Take Effect: After restart

Specifies the username Data Loader uses to connect to the Genesys Predictive Routing platform.


Default Value: False
Valid Values: True, False
Changes Take Effect: After restart

If this parameter set to true, Data Loader ignores all Configuration Server data about groups and events connected with updates to groups.

Set this option to true if the scoring request action_filters field contains only the skill expression filters and does not include filters by Agent Group names. Data Loader then skips reading Agent Group information from Configuration Server, which should significantly reduce Data Loader initialization time on start up.

Set this option to false to have Data Loader use the previously-stored agent profiles.


Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:
Related Options: teradata-datasource-username, teradata-datasource-url

The password to access the Teradata data source for the user defined in the ```teradata-datasource-username``` option.


Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:
Related Options: teradata-datasource-username, teradata-datasource-password

The TeraData datasource connection string in the format: jdbc:teradata://<server_host>/database=<db_name>


Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:
Related Options: teradata-datasource-url, teradata-datasource-password

The username to access the Teradata data source.

This page was last edited on December 20, 2019, at 22:14.
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