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Change Memory Allocation


Consider changing the memory allocation of an Advisors server if it is reporting out memory errors in its log.

Increasing PermGen memory is normally required only when the Advisors server is running on a 64-bit JVM. The most memory you can allocate to wrapper.java.maxmemory under 32-bit Windows is 1600 MB, but with 64-bit Windows, much larger values can be used.

If the problem with memory persists, experiment with higher values; however, the Advisors server may fail to start if it is unable to allocate all of the memory requested from the operating system. This will be noticeable if the server fails to start (reports an error during start).

For more information on the Java Virtual Machine options used in this section, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html for Windows environments or http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/java.html for Linux environments.

Change Memory Allocation for Advisors Platform

Advisors Server Controlled By Solution Control Server

This section describes how to change memory allocations for an Advisors server that is controlled by Solution Control Server (SCS) For a list of those components that are controlled by the SCS, see Integration with Solution Control Server and Warm Standby.

You should consider changing the memory allocation for Advisors Platform server if the geronimo.log for the Advisors server is reporting an out of memory error. Set the heap size higher by editing one of these files:

  • On Windows, geronimo-tomcat6-minimal-2.2.1\bin\setenv.bat
  • On Linux, geronimo-tomcat6-minimal-2.2.1/bin/setenv.sh

Change the following settings—the following memory settings are examples only and are not intended to be recommendations (actual settings would be based on hardware sizing for your environment):

GERONIMO_OPTS= ... -ms128m -mx1024m ...


GERONIMO_OPTS= ... -ms800m -mx1200m ...

If the log is reporting a PermGen out of memory error, increase the permanent generation memory by editing the following line in the same file:

GERONIMO_OPTS= ... -XX:MaxPermSize=128m ...


GERONIMO_OPTS= ... -XX:MaxPermSize=256m ...

When you specify memory allocation in the setenv.sh file, Genesys recommends that you comment out the following block in <Advisors>/geronimo-tomcat6-minimal-2.2.1/bin/geronimo.sh:

if [ -z "$JAVA_OPTS" ]; then
  JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

Advisors Server Controlled By Windows or Linux Service

This section describes how to change memory allocations for an Advisors server that is controlled by an OS service, not by SCS. For a list of those components controlled by an OS service, see Integration with Solution Control Server and Warm Standby.

Set the heap size higher by editing the <install dir>/conf/advisors-server-wrapper.conf file.

About a third down the file, change the following lines—the following memory settings are examples only and are not intended to be recommendations (actual settings would be based on hardware sizing for your environment):

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)


# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

If the log is reporting a PermGen out of memory error, increase the permanent generation memory by editing the following line in the same file:




Change Memory Allocation for Advisors Genesys Adapter

Consider changing the memory allocation for Advisors Genesys Adapter (AGA) if its log is reporting an out of memory error. Set the heap size higher by editing one of these files:

  • On Windows, run.bat
  • On Linux, setenv.sh

Change the following settings—the following memory settings are examples only and are not intended to be recommendations (actual settings would be based on hardware sizing for your environment):

set JAVA_OPTS=-ms128m -mx1024m ...


set JAVA_OPTS=-ms800m -mx1200m ...

If the log is reporting a PermGen out of memory error, increase the permanent generation memory by the following line in the same file. Add:

set JAVA_OPTS= ... -XX:MaxPermSize=256m ...

Change Memory Allocation for CCAdv XML Generator

Consider changing the memory allocation for CCAdv XML Generator if its log is reporting an out of memory error. Set the heap size higher by editing one of these files:

  • On Windows, xmlgen/run.bat
  • On Linux, xmlgen/run.sh

Change the following settings—the following memory settings are examples only and are not intended to be recommendations (actual settings would be based on hardware sizing for your environment):

.../java" -server -ms512m -mx1024m ...


.../java" -server -ms800m -mx1200m ...

If the log is reporting a PermGen out of memory error, increase the permanent generation memory by the following line in the same file. Change:

.../java" ... -XX:MaxPermSize=128m ...


.../java" ... -XX:MaxPermSize=256m ...
This page was last edited on March 27, 2015, at 18:42.
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