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Working with Contact Center Advisor

In addition to what is described in the Viewing Contact Center Data topic, there are other ways to view data that are specific to Contact Center Advisor (CCAdv).

Selecting the Organizational Hierarchy

You can view information in the Contact Centers pane in the following ways:

  • By reporting region, then by contact center, then by application group
  • By reporting region, then by application group, then by contact center
  • By geographic region, then by contact center, then by application group
  • By geographic region, then by application group, then by contact center
  • By operating unit, then by contact center, then by application group
  • By operating unit, then by application group, then by contact center
Each data grouping in the CCAdv Contact Centers pane presents different values because of the way in which the rollups are calculated.

Selecting the Time Profile Groups for the Accumulation of Data

To display metric values in your dashboard by time profile group, click the buttons above the Contact Centers pane that are captioned Short, Medium, and Long. The dashboard then displays a subset, limited by time profile group, of the metrics that are selected in the column chooser.

The calculations of metric values for a time profile group use the most recent values possible from the external source systems. The values for the Short time profile group are refreshed as often as Contact Center Advisor can read the values from the external systems from which it takes raw data. The values for the Medium and Long time profile groups are refreshed according to a schedule configured by an administrator.

  • Time profile groups—Short, Medium, or Long. An administrator can assign both historical and point-in-time custom metrics to these groups.
  • Time profile duration—Point-in-time or Historical. Point-in-time metrics always have a time interval of zero. Historical metrics have a non-zero duration. The administrator can configure the time interval for custom historical metrics. Point-in-time metrics that are installed with Advisors are displayed when you have selected the Short time profile group. Custom point-in-time metrics can be displayed when you have selected any time profile group.
  • Time profile duration type—Sliding or Growing. For example, if the time profile duration is 30 minutes growing, the intervals start at the most recent even half hour (for example, 09:00 or 10:30) and the values accumulate to the instant in time when the calculation is carried out.

Special Metric Values

When a metric calculation's denominator is zero or the data is not available, the dashboard displays N/A.

If a metric value cannot ever be supplied by the external data source, the dashboard displays a dash (-) in its place.

Summaries of Metric Values in the Contact Centers Pane

  • Counts—Counts (such as the number of calls offered, number of calls abandoned, and calls in queue) are summed. The calculations de-duplicate applications, agent groups, and agents, so that each of these objects contributes its data to a rolled-up calculated value only once.
  • Values—Values (such as the longest time in queue) take the minimum or maximum that is appropriate for that metric.
  • Calculated values—Calculated values are calculated at the aggregate by first summing the components of the calculation, then performing the calculation. Examples of calculated value metrics include service-level percentage, abandoned percentage, and average handle time. The calculations de-duplicate applications, agent groups, and agents, so that each of these objects contributes its data to a rolled-up calculated value only once.

Displaying Applications and Agent Groups

To display the applications and agent groups related to a contact center:

  • On the Contact Centers pane, select a contact center.
    The applications associated with the contact center appear in the Applications pane. If the contact center is at level three in a grouping, then the applications are also filtered by the application group at level two.
    In Contact Center Advisor, the applications are not filtered by the object at level one. This means that you might see applications that are not related to the object at level one, as long as they are related to the contact center you selected.
    Agent groups related to the applications appear in the Agent Groups pane.

To display the applications and agent groups related to an application group:

  • On the Contact Centers pane, select an application group displayed at level three in a grouping.
    The applications associated with the contact center appear in the Applications pane. The applications are also filtered by the contact center at level two in the grouping.
    In Contact Center Advisor, the applications are not filtered by the object at level one. This means that you might see applications that are not related to the object at level one, as long as they are related to the application group you selected and to the contact center at level two above it.
    Agent groups related to the applications appear in the Agent Groups pane.

Time Profile Values on the Agent Groups Pane

For historical agent group metrics, the Agent Groups pane displays values for only one time profile. An administrator chooses which time profile all users see for historical metrics on the Agent Groups pane.

If you select a time profile group button above the Contact Centers pane and it is the same as the administrator's choice for the historical metrics, then the Agent Groups pane displays the metrics and their values for that time profile. That is, from the full list of agent group metrics that are selected in the Column Chooser, the Agent Groups pane displays the subset of metrics (and their values) that are assigned to the selected time profile group.

If you deselect the time profile that the administrator chose, then the pane shows no historical metrics.

The pane displays metric values for point-in-time metrics (that is, values that do not describe a duration in time) if you select the time profile group button to which point-in-time metrics are assigned.

Dashboard Timestamp

The dashboard toolbar includes a Last Updated timestamp. The timestamp has been assigned by the CCAdv server to the metrics currently displayed in the dashboard. The timestamp indicates the age of the snapshot of real-time metrics supplied to the CCAdv server by external data sources, and used by the server to calculate the displayed metrics.

This page was last edited on July 5, 2018, at 23:00.
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