Reporting And Analytics Aggregates
Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.
How Do I Configure User Data for Aggregation?
This page describes how to optionally configure Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA), so that data is aggregated based on user-defined dimensions. Note, however, that aggregated measures (which are dimensioned by some aspects of user data) are already prestructured within those hierarchies that include a key (INTERACTION_ DESCRIPTOR_KEY) to the INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR Info Mart table. This preconfigured dimension table allows contact center data to be classified by four predefined user-specified business attributes:
- Business result
- Customer segment
- Service type
- Service subtype
Use the information on this page only if you want to classify and aggregate interactions based on business attributes other than these predefined attributes. For example, based on product/ product line, business importance (Gold Star, Premium, and so on), or tier (such as different technical-support levels of experience).
The aggregate tables and views of the H_AGENT, H_AGENT_CAMPAIGN, H_AGENT_ QUEUE, H_CAMPAIGN, H_ID, H_QUEUE, H_QUEUE_ABN, H_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT, and H_QUEUE_GRP hierarchies provide two key columns that you can configure to join to two custom user data Info Mart dimension tables of your choice. (Values for these columns in the H_QUEUE_GRP hierarchy are inherited from the H_QUEUE hierarchy). These columns are the following:
- USER_DATA_KEY1—A key that points to one dimension table that stores five dimensions.
- USER_DATA_KEY2—A key that points to another dimension table (or the same table) that stores another five dimensions.
These two columns provide access to two hierarchies, or a total of 10 attached-data dimensions, as illustrated the Figure Mapping User Data Keys in the Aggregate Tables/Views to User Data Dimensions. In this figure, USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_ID hierarchy of tables and views serves as a foreign key pointing to a mapping key in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table, which joins one-to-one to the primary key in the custom user data table (x). USER_DATA_KEY2 is a foreign key to IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS.CUSTOM_KEY_ 10 which joins to the custom user data table (y). (x and y can be the same table.) You can configure the aggregation job to aggregate data based on these dimensions.
Refer to the deployment guides of the Genesys Info Mart and Interaction Concentrator documentation sets for instructions on how to configure the user-data tables on which these aggregates are based and how to map them so that the Genesys Info Mart Server recognizes user data keys and populates their values along with other pertinent data about interactions.
The User-Data Mapping File
The mapping that defines which user data keys in the aggregate hierarchies point to which custom user data dimensions occurs in a flat file that is named Prepare this file and place it in the Genesys Info Mart root directory. The aggregation process recognizes and processes the contents of this file if it is formatted properly:
Format of the File
To begin, the file should contain one—and only one—line for every hierarchy and for each key within that hierarchy that you want to map to a custom user data dimension table. Next, all of the lines in the file should follow this format:
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: HName) (dimension: HCol) (expression: irfud.MappingCol))
- HName is the name of the hierarchy, such as H_ID (for a full listing of hierarchies, see What is an Aggregation Hierarchy?).
- HCol is the name of the user data key column within that hierarchy. This value is either USER_DATA_KEY1 or USER_DATA_KEY2.
- MappingCol is the column name of the key that you configured in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS (irfud) table. This table stores mappings to all user data keys.
To map both user data keys in all aggregation tables to custom user data dimensions, you must include independent lines in the file—one line for each of the following:
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_AGENT hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_AGENT hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_AGENT_QUEUE hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_AGENT_QUEUE hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_CAMPAIGN hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_CAMPAIGN hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_AGENT_CAMPAIGN hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_AGENT_CAMPAIGN hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_ID hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_ID hierarchy
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_QUEUE hierarchy*
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_QUEUE hierarchy*
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_QUEUE_ABN hierarchy*
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_QUEUE_ABN hierarchy*
- USER_DATA_KEY1 in the H_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT hierarchy*
- USER_DATA_KEY2 in the H_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT hierarchy*
*These user data keys are supported in the H_QUEUE_* hierarchies only in releases that support split-media (online/offline) aggregation, and then only for aggregation tables that were created in RAA release 8.1.400.23 or later.
Note that one user data key maps to the same user data dimension throughout a particular hierarchy. For example, you cannot both map USER_DATA_KEY1 in the AG2_AGENT_MONTH view to irfud.x and map USER_DATA_KEY1 in the AG2_AGENT_HOUR view to irfud.y. However, you could define these keys differently for different hierarchies (where neither depends on the other.)
Example Mapping File
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_ID) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_q))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_ID) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY2) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_r))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_s))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY2) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_t))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT_QUEUE) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_u))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT_QUEUE) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY2) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_v))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT_CAMPAIGN) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1)
(expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_w))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_AGENT_CAMPAIGN) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY2)
(expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_x))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_CAMPAIGN) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY1) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_y))
(map-user-data-key (hierarchy: H_CAMPAIGN) (dimension: USER_DATA_KEY2) (expression: irfud.CUSTOM_KEY_z))
For other examples that demonstrate attached data configuration starting from Interaction Concentrator (ICON) and extending to GCXI with report customization that provides results dimensioned by your selected user data, see the Genesys CX Insights User’s Guide.
If your environment is configured to record social-media data, note that in GCXI, UserDataKey1 is reserved exclusively in the H_ID, H_AGENT, H_AGENT_GRP, and H_AGENT_QUEUE hierarchies for aggregation of social-media data.