8.5.0 to 8.5.001 Database Changes - Commands
Copy the following commands and run them in the SQL query window for the SpeechMiner 8.5.0 to Upgrade Procedure:
ALTER TABLE dbo.segmentAudioTbl ADD arrivalTime int NULL GO GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[coachingStaticCallListCalls] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_coachingStaticCallListCalls_callMetaTbl] GO GO GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[agentEntityTbl] DROP CONSTRAINT [IX_agentEntityTbl] GO GO GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_agentFilterCleanByDays]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_agentFilterCleanByDays] GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_rebuild_partition_help_tables] WITH EXECUTE AS SELF AS BEGIN TRAN TRUNCATE TABLE partitionProgramTbl insert into partitionprogramTbl select distinct b.partitionid,a.programid from (select callId,programId from callMetaTbl union select textId as callId,programId from TextData) a, callPartitionTbl as b where a.callid=b.callid COMMIT IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[partitionAgentTbl]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[partitionAgentTbl] GO GO ALTER TABLE WordPrecision ADD "wer" float(20) ALTER TABLE WordPrecision ADD "recall" float(20) GO GO ALTER TABLE NGProbs1 ADD "backoff" float(20) ALTER TABLE NGProbs2 ADD "backoff" float(20) ALTER TABLE NGProbs3 ADD "backoff" float(20) ALTER TABLE NGProbs4 ADD "backoff" float(20) GO GO IF NOT EXISTS(select * from sys.columns where Name = N'isBackupConfigurationServer' and Object_ID = Object_ID(N'ComputerList')) BEGIN ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ComputerList] ADD isBackupConfigurationServer bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 END GO CREATE TABLE wildcardGrammars ( languageId int NOT NULL, [key] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, value nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (languageId,[key]) ); GO INSERT INTO wildcardGrammars values (0,'[alphanum]','alphanum'), (0,'[boolean]','boolean'), (0,'[ccexpdate]','ccexpdate'), (0,'[creditcard]','creditcard'), (0,'[currency]','currency'), (0,'[date]','date'), (0,'[digits]','digits'), (0,'[number]','number'), (0,'[phone]','phone'), (0,'[socialsecurity]','socialsecurity'), (0,'[time]','time'), (0,'[voiceenroll]','voiceenroll'), (0,'[zipcode]', 'zipcode'), (2,'[alphanum]','alphanum'), (2,'[boolean]','boolean'), (2,'[ccexpdate]','ccexpdate'), (2,'[creditcard]','creditcard'), (2,'[currency]','currency'), (2,'[date]','date'), (2,'[digits]','digits'), (2,'[number]','number'), (2,'[phone]','phone'), (2,'[time]','time'), (2,'[voiceenroll]','voiceenroll'), (2,'[zipcode]','zipcode'); GO GO ALTER TABLE NGProbs1 DROP COLUMN backoff ALTER TABLE NGProbs2 DROP COLUMN backoff ALTER TABLE NGProbs3 DROP COLUMN backoff ALTER TABLE NGProbs4 DROP COLUMN backoff GO GO ALTER TABLE RecognitionLanguages ADD "WordConfidence" varchar(100) GO Update RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence' UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_German' where index1 = 6 UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_Catalan' where index1 = 13 UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_English' where index1 in (0,3,14) UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_Spanish' where index1 in (1,2) UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_Portuguese' where index1 = 11 UPDATE RecognitionLanguages SET WordConfidence = 'wordconfidence_French' where index1 = 5 GO CREATE TABLE WordConfidenceInterpolation ( Language int, wer varchar(255), precision varchar(255), recall varchar(255) ) grant SELECT on WordConfidenceInterpolation to Platform INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(0,'-0.0356 0.8034','0.0431 0.3559','0.0272 0.5093') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(1,'-0.0383 0.7144','0.0226 0.5246','0.0338 0.3492') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(2,'-0.0369 0.8605','0.0418 0.3515','0.0343 0.1833') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(3,'-0.0328 0.7378','0.0395 0.3265','0.0246 0.3305') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(5,'-0.0334 0.9805','0.0386 0.1734','0.0386 0.1734') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(6,'-0.0179 0.6302','0.0295 0.3729','0.018 0.3883') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(11,'-0.0203 0.3161','0.0339 0.3161','0.0167 0.4534') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(13,'-0.0356 0.8034','0.0431 0.3559','0.0272 0.5093') INSERT INTO WordConfidenceInterpolation values(14,'-0.033 0.6866','0.043 0.3835','0.0379 0.3249') GO GO GRANT select ON [dbo].[wildcardGrammars] TO [SMART],[SMARTCompileGrammar],[InteractionReceiver],[Platform],[SMConfig],[Web] GO GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[callPartitionTbl]') AND name = N'IX_callPartitionTbl_partitionId') DROP INDEX [IX_callPartitionTbl_partitionId] ON [dbo].[callPartitionTbl] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF ) GO GO Update RecognitionLanguages set Display='South African English', NuanceRecognizerLanguagePack='en-ZA', AS_PER_CHAR_TIME_DURATION=0.075, culture='en-ZA', encoding='English_South Africa.20127' where index1=15 Update RecognitionLanguages set encoding='French_France.28591' where index1=5 GO GO Update RecognitionLanguages set Display='', NuanceRecognizerLanguagePack=NULL, AS_PER_CHAR_TIME_DURATION=NULL, culture=NULL, DictionaryName=NULL, encoding=NULL where index1=15 GO GO Alter FUNCTION [dbo].[sp_getTopicEventSequences] ( @callid int, @threshold int ) RETURNS varchar(max) AS BEGIN declare @text as varchar(max) set @text='' select @text=@text + ltrim(rtrim(str(e.resourceID))) + ' ' from callEventstbl e where e.callid = @callid and e.type=1 and e.subtype=1 and e.confidence>=@threshold and e.found=1 order by e.starttime RETURN substring(@text, 1, len(@text)) END go GO update dbo.callrecognizer set ADJUST_CONF = 'False' GO GO Delete from wildcardGrammars where [key]='[voiceenroll]' GO BEGIN TRANSACTION SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ARITHABORT ON SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET ANSI_PADDING ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.wildcardGrammars.[key]', N'Tmp_token', 'COLUMN' GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.wildcardGrammars.value', N'Tmp_grammar_1', 'COLUMN' GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.wildcardGrammars.Tmp_token', N'token', 'COLUMN' GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.wildcardGrammars.Tmp_grammar_1', N'grammar', 'COLUMN' GO ALTER TABLE dbo.wildcardGrammars SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT GO declare @table_name nvarchar(256) declare @col_name nvarchar(256) declare @Command nvarchar(1000) set @table_name = N'ComputerList' set @col_name = N'isBackupConfigurationServer' select @Command = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @table_name + ' drop constraint ' + d.name from sys.tables t join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id = t.object_id join sys.columns c on c.object_id = t.object_id and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id where t.name = @table_name and c.name = @col_name execute (@Command) GO IF EXISTS(select * from sys.columns where Name = N'isBackupConfigurationServer' and Object_ID = Object_ID(N'ComputerList')) BEGIN ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ComputerList] DROP COLUMN isBackupConfigurationServer END GO GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_deleteTexts](@TextIDs varchar(max),@deletedTextsNum int OUTPUT) WITH EXECUTE AS SELF AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500); set @deletedTextsNum ='-1' declare @SelectCounter nvarchar(max) set @SelectCounter = N'select @sOUT = count(*) from textData where textId in (' + @TextIDs + ')' SET @ParmDefinition = N'@sOUT int OUTPUT'; exec sp_executesql @SelectCounter,@ParmDefinition,@sOUT=@deletedTextsNum OUTPUT; declare @deleteTexts as nvarchar (max) set @deleteTexts = '' --------- set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callMetaExTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callcategoryTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callEventsTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callAgentTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callPartitionTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM textparties where textId in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM textStatus where textId in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM textData where textId in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM repCategoryMetaTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' set @deleteTexts = @deleteTexts + 'DELETE FROM callSpeakersTbl where callid in (' + @TextIDs + ')' --------- exec sp_executesql @deleteTexts END GO ALTER TABLE callNotesTbl DROP CONSTRAINT FK_callNotesTbl_callMetaTbl GO UPDATE RecognitionLanguages set DictionaryName = 'pt_BR' where index1=11 GO UPDATE RecognitionLanguages set DictionaryName = 'es_MX' where index1 = 1 GO UPDATE RecognitionLanguages set DictionaryName = 'es_ES' where index1 = 2 GO GO delete from reportCachingQueue GO alter table reportCachingQueue add runAtTime int NOT NULL GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getReportCachingNextTask] AS BEGIN BEGIN TRAN declare @id int SELECT top 1 @id=id from reportCachingQueue with(updlock holdlock) where nextTimeToRun<dbo.time2tod(GetUtcDate()) order by nextTimeToRun IF @id IS NOT NULL BEGIN update reportCachingQueue set nextTimeToRun=dbo.time2tod(GetUtcDate())+1*60*60 where id=@id select reportid, [partitions], runAtTime from reportCachingQueue where id=@id END COMMIT END GO grant execute on sp_getReportCachingNextTask to platform GO GO BEGIN TRANSACTION SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ARITHABORT ON SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET ANSI_PADDING ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.indexParamsTbl ADD autoRestore bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_indexParamsTbl_autoRestore DEFAULT 0, timeToWaitForFolder int NULL GO ALTER TABLE dbo.indexParamsTbl SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT GRANT update(indexdirectorypath, dailyBackupLocation) ON [indexparamstbl] TO [Platform] GO GO grant update(status,stoppedForPurge) on computerList to interactionReceiver grant execute on sp_enqueuePurgeTask to interactionReceiver GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getClusterTrendData] @clusterId int, @maxTrendWeeksBack int AS BEGIN declare @firstDayOfWeek as int set @firstDayOfWeek = dbo.getFirstDayOfWeek() set DATEFIRST @firstDayOfWeek declare @paramsId as int declare @reportDate as datetime set @paramsId = (select paramsId from ExplorationReports where reportid=(select reportid from ExplorationReportsData where clusterid=@clusterId)) set @reportDate = (select dbo.tod2time(endTime) from ExplorationReportParams where id=@paramsId) IF @reportDate IS NULL BEGIN select NULL as[time], NULL as [numberOfCalls], NULL as [totalNumberOfCalls] RETURN -- the specified cluster id does not exist. END create table #trendData ( [time] datetime NOT NULL, [numberOfCalls] int, [totalNumberOfCalls] int ) insert into #trendData select dbo.tod2time([time]) as [time], numberOfCalls, totalNumberOfCalls from dbo.ExplorationTrendData where clusterid=@clusterId IF NOT EXISTS(select [time] from #trendData) BEGIN insert into #trendData values(DATEADD(DAY, 1-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @reportDate), @reportDate), NULL, NULL) END -- add the dates (start of week) from the last date with data to the report time while dateadd(week, 1, (select max(time) from #trendData)) < @reportDate BEGIN declare @newTime as datetime set @newTime = dateadd(week, 1, (select max(time) from #trendData)) IF not exists(select * from #trendData where [time] = @newTime) BEGIN insert into #trendData values(@newTime, NULL, NULL) END END declare @currentTrendDate as datetime set @currentTrendDate = (select max(time) from #trendData) -- skip the first week if the current report date is the first day of the week if @currentTrendDate = @reportDate BEGIN set @currentTrendDate = dateadd(week, -1, @currentTrendDate) END declare @count as int set @count = 0 while @count < @maxTrendWeeksBack - 1 BEGIN IF not exists(select * from #trendData where [time] = @currentTrendDate) BEGIN insert into #trendData values(@currentTrendDate, NULL, NULL) END set @currentTrendDate = dateadd(week, -1, @currentTrendDate) set @count = @count + 1 END set @currentTrendDate = dateadd(week, 1, @currentTrendDate) delete from #trendData where time<@currentTrendDate -- remove the old items if there are more than @maxTrendWeeksBack items select * from #trendData order by [time] drop table #trendData END GO GO GRANT UPDATE ON dbo.[TextStatus] TO Web GO GO BEGIN TRANSACTION SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ARITHABORT ON SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET ANSI_PADDING ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData DROP CONSTRAINT FK_TextData_ResourceType GO ALTER TABLE dbo.ResourceType SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData DROP CONSTRAINT FK_TextData_programInfoTbl GO ALTER TABLE dbo.programInfoTbl SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData DROP CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_customerId GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData DROP CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_customerGroupId GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData DROP CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_programId GO CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_TextData ( textId int NOT NULL, resourceTypeId int NOT NULL, originalTime int NULL, customerId varchar(256) NOT NULL, customerGroupId varchar(256) NOT NULL, subject nvarchar(MAX) NULL, body nvarchar(MAX) NULL, externalTextId varchar(256) NULL, sender varchar(8000) NULL, receiver varchar(8000) NULL, cc varchar(8000) NULL, bcc varchar(8000) NULL, programId int NOT NULL, originalBody varchar(MAX) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE dbo.Tmp_TextData SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO GRANT DELETE ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Platform AS dbo GO GRANT INSERT ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Platform AS dbo GO GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Web AS dbo GO GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Platform AS dbo GO GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO SMART AS dbo GO GRANT UPDATE ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Web AS dbo GO GRANT UPDATE ON dbo.Tmp_TextData TO Platform AS dbo GO ALTER TABLE dbo.Tmp_TextData ADD CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_customerId DEFAULT ('') FOR customerId GO ALTER TABLE dbo.Tmp_TextData ADD CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_customerGroupId DEFAULT ('') FOR customerGroupId GO ALTER TABLE dbo.Tmp_TextData ADD CONSTRAINT DF_TextData_programId DEFAULT ((0)) FOR programId GO IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.TextData) EXEC('INSERT INTO dbo.Tmp_TextData (textId, resourceTypeId, originalTime, customerId, customerGroupId, subject, body, externalTextId, sender, receiver, cc, bcc, programId, originalBody) SELECT textId, resourceTypeId, originalTime, customerId, customerGroupId, CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), subject), CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), body), externalTextId, sender, receiver, cc, bcc, programId, originalBody FROM dbo.TextData WITH (HOLDLOCK TABLOCKX)') GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextStatus DROP CONSTRAINT FK_TextStatus_TextData GO DROP TABLE dbo.TextData GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.Tmp_TextData', N'TextData', 'OBJECT' GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData ADD CONSTRAINT PK_TextDataTbl PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( textId ) WITH( STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_externalTextId ON dbo.TextData ( externalTextId ) WITH( STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData ADD CONSTRAINT FK_TextData_programInfoTbl FOREIGN KEY ( programId ) REFERENCES dbo.programInfoTbl ( programId ) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextData ADD CONSTRAINT FK_TextData_ResourceType FOREIGN KEY ( resourceTypeId ) REFERENCES dbo.ResourceType ( resourceTypeId ) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION GO COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextStatus WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT FK_TextStatus_TextData FOREIGN KEY ( textId ) REFERENCES dbo.TextData ( textId ) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextStatus NOCHECK CONSTRAINT FK_TextStatus_TextData GO ALTER TABLE dbo.TextStatus SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT GO UPDATE [webServiceParams] SET [sendFeedbackEmail]='customercare@genesys.com' GO delete wildcardGrammars where grammar='digits' GO GO UPDATE indexer set calls_per_chunk=6000 GO GO update dbo.versionTbl set version= '8.5.7104' where resource in ('SM', 'SMART') go
This page was last edited on November 27, 2014, at 11:55.
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