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Preparing to Upgrade or Migrate WFM

Before you deploy Workforce Management for your migration or upgrade, you must consider the following:

For a complete list of WFM system requirements (supported and discontinued) for each release, see the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

Changes in WFM Releases

This section briefly describes changes in WFM 8.x, 7.x, and 6.5 releases. For a complete description of the changes and new features in WFM releases, see the New in This Release, or the WFM Help for the referenced component.

8.x Changes

7.x Changes

WFM 8.1.1 and later deployment—that is, configuration and installation of the components—is essentially the same as for version 7.x. Note that beginning with version 7.2, WFM Reports Server is no longer a separate installation package.

6.5 Changes

If you are currently running WFM 6.5, deploying Workforce Management 8.1.1 and later releases differs from your current version in two major respects:

  1. The installation of WFM components is now performed using separate installation packages rather than a single one.
  2. The increased capabilities of the WFM Web component eliminate the need to deploy a Windows-based client for many current WFM users. The majority of WFM users, with the exception of those who need to configure the WFM system and its working rules, use the browser-based WFM Web only.

When your database objects are migrated to a WFM 8.1.1 or later release, some terms have changed. See New Terminology in Post-6.x Databases for a list of these changes.

Forecast and schedule files located on client workstations are no longer available after migration. To save these files, publish the forecasts and schedules you want to keep before beginning your migration. Published schedules and forecasts, which are saved to the database, are migrated with the rest of the data. For the step-by-step installation and configuration procedures, see the Installing Workforce Management.

New Terminology in Post-6.x Databases

WFM 7.1.2 introduced some new terms and made changes to some existing configuration objects. The table below provides only basic information about the changed terms. For detailed explanations of these, and all WFM objects, see the Overview and Deployment Planning.

The following new terms did not exist in 6.5:

  • Task
  • Task Sequence
  • Calendar Item

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This page was last edited on June 15, 2016, at 18:03.
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