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Profile Extension Schema

ApiRef2.png Purpose: Describes a type of extension available for the customer profiles.


Describes one of the Profile Extension resources. Before your application can start adding extensions to a given profile, your application must define this extension's schema, which includes its nested attributes.


Field Type Mandatory Description
name string yes The unique, case-insensitive name of the extension. The name must start with a letter, and can be followed with letters, numbers, or underscores.

The name is restricted to a maximum of 26 characters (Maximum RDBMS shared limit on creation of index).

type token yes Extensions come in the following forms:
  • Single-valued: a single extension record is associated with a given customer.
  • Multi-valued: multiple extension records can be associated with any given customer.
  • Classifier: the single-valued extension has no attribute.

Important.png Only single-valued profile extensions are supported for now.

attributes array no The array of zero or more attribute objects. Empty when type="classifier".


The following schema describes the Address extension.

  "attributes": [
      {"name":"PostCode","type":"string", "length":10},

Related Operations

This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 15:52.
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