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Audio Resources (Configuration Manager)

This window enables you to manage personalities and their associated audio resources (announcements and music files).

You can create Personalities to help you organize which files belong to a particular speaker. For example, you might have a personality called John that uses dialog spoken in English by a male speaker. Or, you might have a personality called Marie that uses dialog spoken in French by a female speaker.

You can upload two types of audio resources:

  • Announcements—These are files that contain spoken dialog that will be played for customers. For example, you might have an announcement file that tells customers about your business hours.
  • Music—These are files that play music for customers. For example, you might have a music file that plays music for customers who are about to be transferred to an Agent.

The Audio Resources window in Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) is a unified list of your personalities and audio resources. For each audio resource, GAX displays the following:

  • A logo to indicate whether the file has been designated as Announcement or Music.
  • The name of the audio resource.
  • The Audio Resource ID (ARID).
  • Additional columns, one for each personality, to indicate which personality is using this audio resource.

Click Show Quick Filter and type the name or partial name of an object in the Quick Filter field. The list updates dynamically to show items that match the text in the Quick Filter field.

Audio Resource Management (ARM) is integrated with Operational Parameters Management (OPM) to allow users to dynamically select personalities and audio resources to be used with a parameterized strategy or orchestration application, or a parameterized routing or voice applications.

Access to ARM is based on both role privileges and Tenant access control permissions, as follows:

  • User access to screens or certain ARM functionality is managed by role privileges.
  • Access control permissions define which audio resources can be viewed or modified by an authenticated user. Access to audio resources is granted by Tenant. Users have access to all audio resources for each Tenant to which they have access.

Click a tab below to learn more.

Creating a Personality

To create a new Personality, click New.

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Other Actions

Once you create a personality, you can:

  • Edit the personality—Click Edit beside a personality to edit personality properties.
  • Delete the personality—Click Edit to view personality properties. In the Edit Personality window, click Delete to delete the personality.
You cannot delete a Personality that is a part of one or more Audio Resource Files.
  • Manipulate the audio resource—Once an audio resource is assigned to the personality, several options become available to manipulate the file.
    • Play the file—Click the play button to listen to the file.
    • Delete—Delete the file. This does not delete the associated personalities, but it does delete the original audio files. A file can only be removed if the audio resource to which it has been assigned has not been deployed. If the user performing this operation is a Service Provider, the file can only be removed if the file was not created by a Tenant.
    • Reprocess—Reprocessing recreates an audio resource file from the original audio file that was uploaded (if it has not been deleted from the database and/or target storage). It also performs any necessary conversion between audio formats.
    • Download—Download the file to your computer.
    • Encodings—View information about how the file was encoded by GAX. When audio files are uploaded, GAX automatically encodes them to the following formats: µ-law, A-law, and GSM. Only .wav files are supported for uploading.

Creating an Audio Resource

To create an Audio Resource, click New.

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Uploading Audio Resources

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Deleting Audio Resources

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Other Actions

Once you upload a file, you can select or highlight over the file and choose one of the following actions:

  • Play the file—Click the play button to listen to the file.
  • Delete—Delete the file. This does not delete the associated personalities, but it does delete the original audio files. A file can only be removed if the audio resource to which it has been assigned has not been deployed. If the user performing this operation is a Service Provider, the file can only be removed if the file was not created by a Tenant.
  • Reprocess—Reprocessing recreates an audio resource file from the original audio file that was uploaded (if it has not been deleted from the database and/or target storage). It also performs any necessary conversion between audio formats.
  • Download—Download the file to your computer.
  • Encodings—View information about how the file was encoded by GAX. When audio files are uploaded, GAX automatically encodes them to the following formats: µ-law, A-law, and GSM. Only .wav files are supported for uploading.

The Environment Tenant (Service Provider) can share audio resources with other Tenants. Deployed audio resources have the following properties:

  • A new audio resource is created for each Tenant.
  • If the Tenant does not have matching personalities, new personalities are automatically created.
  • The Personality IDs and Audio Resource IDs match the IDs of the files that are being deployed.
  • File names are shared through the new audio resource. New files are not created on the file server. Audio resources provide a mechanism to make the encoded file names visible to other Tenants so that they can be used with Operational Parameter Management.
  • Only the Environment Tenant can deploy an audio resource to another Tenant. It is not possible for a Tenant to re-deploy an audio resource to another Tenant.
  • Changes that are made by the Environment Tenant in files of the deployed audio resources are propagated automatically. This includes adding, updating, and removal of Audio Resource Files of deployed audio resources.

Deploying Audio Resources

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This page was last edited on May 28, 2020, at 05:05.
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