Hub Connectors
Why Use the Hub Connectors?
Prior to the release of Genesys Social Engagement 8.5.2, the APIs for Twitter and Facebook were installed on-premise at the customer’s site. The key problem experienced by customers around this architecture related to the volatility of the Twitter and Facebook APIs. It is often the case that Twitter and Facebook make changes to their APIs with minimal notice. The repercussions of these changes are often unknown until after they have been rolled out. By moving the Social Media API connectors to the Genesys Hub, Genesys can track and apply changes to the APIs centrally and without the need to release hot-fixes; thus protecting you from the volatility and reducing the risk of unexpected service outages. When the drivers are managed in the cloud, Genesys has the opportunity to provide you with the latest versions of the APIs on a more consistent basis.
How Does it Work?
Inbound messages are pulled or streamed from Twitter, Facebook, and Apple Messages for Business and simply passed to Genesys Hub, and from there on to the Digital Messaging Server where they are lined up for processing.
When a message (we call them all posts) is processed, it is placed in the database in a standard way that supports display of history, discovery of trends, review of reports in key metrics. The post is inserted into an existing conversation, or new conversation, if needed. It is then placed in a Queue for pickup by Driver clients, if not present already.
Outbound messages are also dispatched to Twitter, Facebook, and Apple Messages for Business via Genesys Hub.