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Interactions On E-mail Channel Notifications

To begin receiving e-mail channel-related notifications from the System through the cometd topics (CometD channels), an agent needs to set his agent status for the e-mail channel to Ready. He then needs to subscribe to to the /me/interactions CometD topic and listen. To prevent the System from sending more e-mail interaction notifications, the agent needs to set his e-mail channel state to NotReady.

When an agent sets his status for the e-mail channel to Ready, the following notifications may occur:

New E-mail Interaction

This notification invites an agent to either Accept or Reject an incoming e-mail interaction.

"email_object" {
"interactionId":unique id of email interaction
"capabilities":["Accept", "Reject"]

messageTypeName—denotes the type of CometD notification. This is a fixed value. It will always be InteractionStateMessage.

id—the interaction's unique identifier.

channel—fixed value. This will always be email.

email_object—contains e-mail related data.

  • subject—the e-mail's topic.

state—identifies the interaction's current state. This is a fixed value. It will always be Invited.

capabilities—this array displays possible operations that may occur after this operation.

E-mail Revoked

After a predetermined period of agent inactivity, this notifies the agent that the System has removed an e-mail interaction from him or her.

"email_object" {

E-mail Accepted

After an agent performs an Accept, the following message will be sent via CometD.

"email_object" {

E-mail Reply Created

After an Agent performs either Reply or ReplyAll, the following message will be sent via CometD.

"email_object" {
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:29.
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