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Web Services Configuration Options

The configuration options below can be set in the server-settings.yaml file.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /api/v1.
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the prefix used for resources in the public API. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /internal-api.
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the prefix used for internal resources. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /api/v2.
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the prefix used for resources in the public API. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /internal-api.
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the prefix used for internal resources. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid application name
Mandatory: Yes

The name of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node application object in Configuration Server. For example, WWEWS_node.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid application type
Mandatory: Yes

The type of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node application object in Configuration Server. This value should be CFGGenericClient.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid Configuration Server user
Mandatory: Yes The username that the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services server uses to connect to Configuration Server.

Genesys recommends that you use the provided "default" account in Configuration Server. It is possible to use a different account, but you must take care in configuring the user's account permissions. Outside of a lab setting, this is best done in consultation with Genesys.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid password
Mandatory: Yes

The password for the Configuration Server user Workspace Web Edition & Web Services uses to connect to Configuration Server.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No

Specifies whether the node is the synchronization node. This node is responsible for importing objects from Configuration Server into Cassandra, subscribing to changes notifications with Configuration Server, and processing updates.

In each Workspace Web Edition & Web Services cluster, one node must be configured as the synchronization node: syncNode = true. All other nodes in the cluster must have syncNode = false.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any alphanumeric value that can include special characters
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the name of the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services super user. Workspace Web Edition & Web Services creates this user at startup.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any alphanumeric value, including special characters
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the password for the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services super user. Workspace Web Edition & Web Services creates this user at startup.


Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which the inactive user cleanup process is run by the server. This process is run to invalidate HTTP sessions for users who have been deleted or whose user roles have changed.


Default Value: disposition
Valid Values: Any string value
Mandatory: No

Specifies the key used to represent call disposition in the attached data. This value is typically disposition. If you use a different key in your Genesys solution, set the value of this option to your key.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Path to a signed certificate
Mandatory: No

Specifies the path to a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority. The file must be in the .pem format. The certificate can be used if the WWEWS Cluster application uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to connect to Genesys servers. For more information about TLS connections, see "Chapter 17 - Introduction to Genesys Transport Layer Security" in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the number of attempts Workspace Web Edition & Web Services makes to connect to any Genesys server before attempting to connect to the backup.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: Yes

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, between the reconnect attempts.


Default Value: 12000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to any Genesys server (except Configuration Server). This may include several individual attempts if the initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful.

The activation timeout for Configuration Server is specified with the configServerActivationTimeout option.


Default Value: 4000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for an individual connection attempt to any Genesys server (except Configuration Server).

The connection timeout for Configuration Server is specified with the configServerConnectionTimeout option.


Default Value: 35000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandadory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to Configuration Server. This may include several individual attempts if the initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful.


Default Value: 15000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandadory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for an individual connection attempt to Configuration Server.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any unique identifier, such as the node host name or IP
Mandatory: No

Specifies the unique identifier for the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node. Each node in a cluster must have a unique nodeId.


Default Value: 86400 (24 hours)
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies, in seconds, the time-to-live for statistics stored in Cassandra.

Setting a longer time-to-live increases the amount of storage Workspace Web Edition & Web Services uses for statistics.


Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: A positive integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies the connection timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to Stat Server.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: A positive integer
Mandatory: No

Specifies the number of reconnect attempts before switching to the backup Stat Server, if the connection to the primary Stat Server is lost.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, before reconnecting to Stat Server.


Default Value: 60000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandadory: No

Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, between when a request is sent to Stat Server to open a statistic and when Workspace Web Edition & Web Services server determines the statistic has not been opened. If the timeout expires, the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services server discards the request and sends a new one.

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:33.
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