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Customer Case

The concept of a Customer Case enables the grouping of all the information about the active interactions of all types for a single customer in one location. The Customer Case facilities enable agents to store all information about the following actions in one location, as well as:

  • Handle two voice calls simultaneously.
  • Toggle between two calls.
  • Transfer/conference one or all interaction(s).

Evolution and Behavior of Attached Data or Case Data

Attached data that is relevant to a call evolves and changes as a call progresses through the system in a contact center. For example, during a Transfer or Conference, information about who transferred a call and when, is attached to the case data.

Editing Case Information

You can configure Workspace Web Edition to have the ability to edit the case and interaction information that is attached to an interaction. You can specify which key-value pairs are editable by an agent by adding a new section called interaction-workspace to the attribute of the key-value pair in Genesys Administrator, and then defining its properties. When you define the properties of an attribute in a Business Attribute, you can also specify whether it has the property readonly or not. Attributes that are not readonly can be edited by agents.

An agent can only edit case information key-value pairs of those attributes that are displayed to the agent. The table Editing Case Information lists the case information business-attribute keys that can be configured to be editable. For each key-value pair attribute, add a new section named interaction-workspace, then define the options according to the type (Boolean, string, integer, list, float, and date) of the attribute.

Editing Case Information

Attribute type


Valid Values

Default Value


Boolean display-type bool bool (for this type)
read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified
bool.false-value false Value accepted for false
bool.true-value true Value accepted for true
string display-type string string (for this type)
read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified
string.max-length 0 to Max Length 255 Maximum number of characters that are accepted for this option
integer display-type int int (for this type)
read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified
int.min-value integer 0 Minimum value accepted
int.max-value integer 9007199254740992 Maximum value accepted
int.storage-type in or string string Type storage of the value
enum display-type enum enum (for this type)
read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified
enum.business-attribute (link to business attributes) (none) Link to a business attribute that defines the enum value. Items in this list are sorted alphabetically.
float display-type float float (for this type)
read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified
float.min-value float 0 Minimum value accepted
float.max-value float 1.7976931348623157e308 Maximum value accepted
date display-type date date (for this type) The date is stored in the UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (refer to http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime).

The display is based on the local from the browser.

read-only true, false true Specifies whether this key name can be modified

Displaying Active URLs in Case Information

You can configure Interaction Workspace Web Edition to render some key-values as clickable hyperlinks in the Case Information area and also enable previewing of web pages by tooltip on the clickable hyperlinks.

Use the following configuration option to control the way that hyperlinks are displayed (whether they are active or not) and to enable the display of a tooltip that displays a preview of the web page.

  • expression.url--The option is configured by default to display most valid URLs as clickable hyperlinks.

To control the display of hyperlinks in the Case Information area, format the attached data:

  • If the attached data contains a raw URL, the hyperlink will be displayed as a raw URL (for example, http://<your web site>).
  • If the attached data is formatted in the following way, the TITLE is displayed as a clickable hyperlink, and the target is the URL:
    • <a href="URL" title="TITLE" />
    • <a href="URL">TITLE<a/>

Add Key-Value Pair to the Case Information

You can enable the ability to edit the case information to add key-value pairs that are missing from the case information. For example, the country or region contact information might be missing. If the agent obtains this information, the agent can edit the Case Information view to add the data value.


This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:35.
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