Business Continuity
Business Continuity relies on pairs of servers. A pair is composed of regular linked Primary and Back-up SIP Servers. Two SIP Server pairs are considered peers when they support each other in a Business Continuity model. You can specify the name of the preferred connection site and the Business Continuity connection site, and the time-out interval for switch-over to the Business Continuity site.
Use the Procedure: Configuring Interaction Workspace for Business Continuity to enable Business Continuity for your agents. By using that procedure, you specify the site name in the options of the corresponding server application (SIP Servers, Stat Servers and Configuration Servers) in the interaction-workspace section. Use the mandatory option to specify the symbolic name of the site, such as Site X or Site Y. This value is matched against the value specified by the disaster-recovery.preferred-site or disaster-recovery.peer-site options of every agent. Based on the matching results, the server will be either the Business Continuity-Preferred site or the Business Continuity-Peer site for the agent.
- -- Specifies the Business Continuity site name of the server.
The optional option in the interaction-workspace section of the SIP Server objects specifies SIP Server pairs that are peers from the Business Continuity definition (preferred HA pair and peer HA pair). If there are more than two linked peers in Interaction Workspace connection configuration, this option must be configured, and each pair must have the same name configured. When the same "name" value is assigned to two primary SIP Servers, they are considered as Business Continuity peers. If no name is specified, the value default is assumed. For more information about Genesys High-Availability, refer to Framework 8.1 SIP Server High-Availability Deployment Guide. Then, use the following options in the interaction-workspace section of the Interaction Workspace Application object to configure Business Continuity:
- disaster-recovery.enabled -- Specifies whether Business Continuity is enabled.
- disaster-recovery.preferred-site -- Specifies the name of the preferred connection site for the application, tenant, agent Group, or agent. It must correspond to the value of the option on the server object at the preferred site.
- disaster-recovery.peer-site -- Specifies the name of the site that is to be the Business Continuity-peer. It must correspond to the value of the option on the server object at the peer site.
- disaster-recovery.timeout -- Specifies the timeout interval in seconds after loss of connection to the High Availability (HA) Pair of servers and before Business Continuity switchover is initiated.
- disaster-recovery.wait-for-sipphone-timeout -- Specifies the time interval in seconds to wait for SipPhone(SIPEndpoint) registration before initiating the Business Continuity switchover if the current SipPhone(SIPEndpoint) connection was lost or registration was expired.
- -- Specifies whether or not switching back to the Preferred site should occur if it becomes available.