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Knowledge Base Operations

The Knowledge Base Operations API lets you explore how many categories your knowledge bases contain, what the categories are, and what specific articles are contained in a knowledge base.


The operations carried out by the Knowledge Base Operations API can be accessed by all roles.

Complex Types

Category Complex Type

Field Type Comment
id String category identifier
kbId String knowledge base identifier
name String category name

CategoryNode Complex Type

Field Type Description
id String Category id
kbid String Knowledge base id
name String Category name
path String Category path
count Int Count of documents that are related to this category
childrenCategories CategoryNode [] Children categories

RelatedCategory Complex Type

Field Type Description
id String Category id
kbid String Knowledge base id
path String Category path
name String Category name
count Int Count of documents that are related to this category

KbCategoryTree Complex Type

Field Type Description
kbid String Knowledge base id
categories CategoryNode [] Categories that are related to this knowledge base

DocumentEntry Complex Type

Field Type Description
id String Unique document ID
kbId String Knowledge base ID
language String Document language
type String Document type (ARTICLE or QNA)
url String External URL associated with this document
media String[] List of media types associated with this document
tags String[] List of tags associated with this document
categories String[] List of categories associated with this document
relatedCategories RelatedCategory [ ] List of qualified category objects that are associated with this document
created Date Document creation date, represented as a string in the format of "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
modified Date Document modification date, represented as a string in the format of "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
customFields Map<String, Object> Set of custom field values
question String FAQ question (document type of QNA)
answer String FAQ answer (document type of QNA)
title String Article title (document type of ARTICLE)
description String Article description (document type of ARTICLE)
summary String Article summary (document type of ARTICLE)

DocumentContentEntry Complex Type

Field Type Description
All the fields of DocumentEntry
answerContentType String (FAQ) Content type for rich rendering content of answer from field answerContent
answerContent String (FAQ) May contain content of answer in rich markup format, for instance in form of “text/html”
descriptionContentType String (ARTICLE) Content type for rich rendering content of answer from field descriptionContent
descriptionContent String (ARTICLE) May contain content of description in rich markup format, for instance in form of “text/html”
attachments String [] List of urls of attachments that are related to this document.

Pagination Complex Type

Field Type Description
from int Page offset
size int Page size

LocaleInformation complex type

Field Type Description
id String Locale identifier
name String Locale name
displayName String Locale display name
enabled boolean true if locale is enabled
isBase boolean true if this locale is base locale
hasRegions boolean true if this locale has regional sublocales


Field Type Description
id String unique category identifier
kbId String knowledge base identifier
name String name of category
count String How many documents refers to this category

API Reference

List of all available locales

Description Retrieves list of all available locales
URL /kbs/locales/
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Response LocaleInformation [ ]
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

List of knowledge bases

Description retrieves list of knowledge bases supported
URL /kbs/
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers None
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
lang String No Optional parameter for retrieving metadata of those knowledge bases that have specified language. In case of omitting parameter of "lang" the metadata of all configured knowledge bases will be retrieved.
sessionId String No session identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Field Type Description
knowledgebases KnowledgeBaseMeta[] List of knowledge bases
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get knowledgebase categories

Description get list of categories
URL /kbs/{kbId}/categories
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{kbId} String Knowledgebase identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
lang String Yes "_default" Language
sessionId String No session identifier
media String No any Interaction media identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Field Type Description
categories CategoryFacetItem[] List of categories for given knowledgebase
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get federated categories

Description get list of categories
URL /kbs/langs/{lang}/categories
Method POST
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Identifier Type Description
lang String Language identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
sessionId String No session identifier
media String No any Interaction media identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request KnowledgeBaseListRequest
Parameter Type Description
categories CategoryFacetItem[] list of categories for given knowledgebase
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get federated categories tree

Description get list of categories
URL /kbs/langs/{lang}/categories/tree
Method POST
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Identifier Type Description
lang String Language identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
sessionId String No session identifier
media String No any Interaction media identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request KnowledgeBaseListRequest
Response KbCategoryTree[ ]
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get knowledgebase documents associated with given category

Description get all document previews in category
URL /kbs/{kbId}/{catId}/documents
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{kbId} String Knowledgebase identifier
{catId} String specific category identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
from int No 0 Start position for pagination, default=0
size int No 10 Size of page for pagination, default=10
lang String Yes "_default" Language identifier
sessionId String No Session identifier
media String No any Interaction media type
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Field Type Description
count int total count of documents in selection (pagination-independent)
page Pagination pagination information
documents DocumentEntry [] result selection of document
categories CategoryFacetItem[] Facet selection of categories, related to selected documents set
relatedCategories KbCategoryTree[ ] Tree of categories that are related to selected set of documents
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get top X trending documents

Description get top X trending documents
URL /kbs/{kbId}/top
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{kbId} String Knowledgebase identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
lang String Yes "_default" Language identifier
size int No 10 Size of page for pagination, default=10
sessionId String No Session identifier
media String No any Interaction media type identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Field Type Description
count int total count of documents in selection (pagination-independent)
documents DocumentEntry [] result selection of document
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get federated top X trending documents

Description get top X trending documents
URL /kbs/langs/{lang}/top/
Method POST
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{lang} String Language identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
size int No 10 Size of page for pagination, default=10
sessionId String No Session identifier
media String No any Interaction media type identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request KnowledgeBaseListRequest
Field Type Description
count int total count of documents in selection (pagination-independent)
documents DocumentEntry [] result selection of document

Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Get full content of document

Description get full content of particular document
URL /kbs/{kbId}/documents/{docId}
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{kbId} String Knowledgebase identifier
{docId} String Unique document identifier
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
lang String Yes "_default" Language identifier
sessionId String No Session identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request empty
Response DocumentEntry
Notes In case of success returns payload in response field of "response" of declared structure.

In case of error returns code and description of error.

Retrieve Knowledge Base Information

Description Retrieves information about a specific knowledge base (including supported languages)
URL /kbs/{kbId}
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
Parameter Type Description
{kbId} String Knowledge base ID
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
sessionId String No   Session ID
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request Empty
Response KnowledgeBaseMeta 

Retrieve categories from all knowledge bases

Description get list of categories
URL /kbs/categories
Method POST
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL Identifiers
URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Default Description
lang String No "_default" Language
sessionId String No Session identifier
tenantId String Yes Tenant identifier
Request list of knowledge base identifiers
Response CategoryFaceItem
Notes If successful, 200 OK is sent back as response. If the dataset already exists, 400 BAD REQUEST is sent back
This page was last edited on February 22, 2018, at 11:01.
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