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Notification Section



Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration to wait prior to sending the agent availability notification. This duration allows the customer application to display the user confirmation before the push notification dialog takes over the screen.

This option is mandatory.


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Notification Id of the device to which the notifications need to be pushed.


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

OS running on the Mobile device. This is used for push notifications.


Default Value: 3
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of attempts to send notifications to the user before the contact request is considered failed. Ignored if push notification properties are not specified.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: 3
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of times the system will send agent availability notifications to the customer before the contact request is considered failed. Ignored if the push notification properties are not specified.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Default Value: /genesys/1/document/service_template/callback/Resources/Strings/messages.json
Valid Values: url
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the URL of the notification message file which contains the externalized strings to be displayed to the customer's mobile.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

By default, this file contains the following JSON data:

    "_msg_agent_available_noconfirm": "Agent is available. Confirmation not required.",
    "_msg_agent_available_startchat": "Agent is available. Chat request can be started now.",
    "_msg_agent_available_confirm": "Agent is available. Waiting for your confirmation.",
    "_msg_waiting_for_agent": "Waiting for agent to become available",
    "_msg_service_timeout": "Service timeout please create a new service request",
    "_msg_service_canceled": "Service canceled upon your request",
    "_msg_service_error": "There was an error in processing the service request. Please try again later.",
    "_msg_service_create_success": "Service was successfully created",
    "_msg_service_error_validation": "Input parameter values for the service are not valid. Please provide valid parameters.",
    "_msg_service_error_agent_unavailable": "Agent is unavailable at this time. Please wait or try again later.",
    "_msg_service_error_resource_unavailable": "Resource on which requested service is dependent on is not currently available. Please try again later"


Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the notification provider. This is used for push notifications.


Default Value:
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Use debug certificates for the push notification provider

This page was last edited on May 17, 2017, at 14:39.
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