CCAdv Application Voice and Alert
The following Table lists Contact Center Advisor application voice and alert metrics.
Name/Internal Name | Description | Source Type | Stat Server Metric Mapping | Definition (Formula) | Period/Time Profile | Threshold Type/Unit |
Cabn |
Number of calls abandoned while in queue or ringing. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Abandoned > RouterCallsAbandQ | Cisco Services:
CallsAbandQTo5 CallsAbandQHalf CallsAbandQToday Genesys/Cisco Call Types: RouterCallsAbandQTo5 RouterCallsAbandQHalf RouterCallsAbandQToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
Abandoned %
AbnPct |
Percentage of calls abandoned while in queue or ringing. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Abandoned > RouterCallsAbandQ
Informiam.Total_Calls_Inbound > CallsOffered |
Cisco Services:
100*(CallsAbandQTo5/ CallsOfferedTo5) 100*(CallsAbandQHalf/ CallsOfferedHalf) 100*(CallsAbandQToday/ CallsOfferedToday) Genesys/Cisco Call Types: 100*(RouterCallsAbandQTo5/ CallsOfferedTo5) 100*(RouterCallsAbandQHalf / CallsOfferedHalf) 100*(RouterCallsAbandQToday/ CallsOfferedToday) |
5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) | Above
Percent |
Accessibility % is a productivity metric that compares the total calls offered to answered. | Calculated, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Answered
> CallsAnswered Informiam.Total_Calls_Inbound > CallsOffered |
100*(CallsAnsweredTo5 / CallsOfferedTo5)
100*(CallsAnsweredHalf / CallsOfferedHalf) 100*(CallsAnsweredToday / CallsOfferedToday) |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Percent |
CA |
Number of inbound calls answered by agents. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Answered
> CallsAnswered |
CallsAnsweredHalf CallsAnsweredToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
Aband CaPlsCabn |
Sum of the calls answered and abandoned. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Answered
> CallsAnswered Informiam.Total_Calls_Abandoned > RouterCallsAbandQ |
Cisco Services:
CallsAnsweredTo5+ CallsAbandQTo5 CallsAnsweredHalf+ CallsAbandQHalf CallsAnsweredToday+ CallsAbandQToday Genesys/Cisco Call Types: CallsAnsweredTo5+ RouterCallsAbandQTo5 CallsAnsweredHalf+ RouterCallsAbandQHalf CallsAnsweredToday+ RouterCallsAbandQToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
AA |
The number of agents currently in the ready state. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | CurrentAgentState
(= 115) |
Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently in AgentState =
CISCO: 3 ("Ready") or Genesys: 115 ("WaitForNextCall") |
Point in Time | Above
Count |
VoiceAA |
The number of agents currently ready and waiting for next voice interaction. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | Informiam.AgentCurrentTargetState
> AgentVoiceReady |
Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently ready for voice interactions.
Genesys: AgentVoiceReady = 1 CISCO: AgentState = 3 |
Point in Time | Above
Count |
AvailPCT |
Percentage of available agents over staffed. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | AA (Available):
AgentState=115 (WaitForNextCall) STF (Staffed): AgentState <>116(LoggedOut) and AgentState <>101(NotMonitored) and AgentState <>102(Monitored) |
AA/STF *100 | Point in Time | Above
Percent |
Average After Call Work (AvgACW)
AvgACW |
Average time in seconds spent on after-call work including entering data, filling out forms and making outbound calls necessary to complete the transaction. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_After_Call_Work_Time
> ACWTime Informiam.Queue_Calls_Handled > CallsHandled |
Cisco: (HandleTimeTo5 - TalkTimeTo5 - HoldTimeTo5) / CallsHandledTo5
(HandleTimeHalf - TalkTimeHalf - HoldTimeHalf) / CallsHandledHalf (HandleTimeToday - TalkTimeToday - HoldTimeToday) / CallsHandledToday Genesys: For all unique agent groups related to the application(s) in scope: ACWTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5 ACWTimeHalf / CallsHandledHalf ACWTimeToday / CallsHandledToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Seconds |
Average Delay (AvgDly)
AvgDL |
Average delay in seconds for calls currently in queue. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Time_Waiting_
Calls > RouterCallsQNowTime Informiam.CurrNumberWaitingCalls > RouterCallsQNow |
Cisco Services:
CallsQNowTime/CallsQNow at any level Genesys/Cisco Call Types: RouterCallsQNow/ RouterCallsQNowTime |
Point in Time | Above
Seconds |
Average Handle Time (AHT)
Average handle time in seconds for calls. | Cisco ICM Services,
Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types
> HandleTime Informiam.Queue_Calls_Handled > CallsHandled |
HandleTimeTo5 /CallsHandledTo5
HandleTimeHalf /CallsHandledHalf HandleTimeToday /CallsHandledToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Seconds |
Average Speed to Answer (ASA)
Average answer wait time in seconds for calls offered | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Time_To_Answer
> AnswerWaitTime Informiam.Total_Calls_Answered > CallsAnswered |
AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / CallsAnsweredTo5
AnswerWaitTimeHalf / CallsAnsweredHalf AnswerWaitTimeToday / CallsAnsweredToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Seconds |
Average Talk Time (ATT)
Average talk time in seconds for calls. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_Talk_Time
> TalkTime Informiam.Queue_Calls_Handled > CallsHandled |
TalkTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5
TalkTimeToHalf / CallsHandledHalf TalkTimeToday / CallsHandledToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Seconds |
Number of incoming calls currently in progress.
NOTE: When Genesys Queues/Virtual Queues or Cisco Call Types, this is calculated from the associated unique agent/skill groups.. |
Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Current_Calls_Inbound
> TalkingIn |
Cisco Services:
CallsInNow Genesys/Cisco Call Types: For all unique agent/skill groups related to the application(s) in scope: Sum (SGRT.TalkingIn) |
Point in Time | Above
Count |
a_CallsCleared |
Number of calls that cannot be distributed because the queue is full. These calls negatively affect reachability and service level. | Genesys Virtual Queues | Informiam.TotalCalls_Cleared
> CallsCleared |
Cisco Services: N/A
Cisco Call Types: N/A Genesys ACD Queues: N/A Genesys Virtual Queues: CallsClearedTo5 CallsClearedHalf CallsClearedToday |
5 Min
(rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
CP_C |
Number of inbound and outbound calls currently being handled. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Current_Calls_Inbound
> TalkingIn Informiam.Current_Calls_Outbound > TalkingOut |
Cisco: CallsInProgress
Genesys: For all unique agent groups related to the application(s) in scope: Sum (SGRT.TalkingIn + SGRT.TalkingOut) |
Point in Time | N/A
Count |
DateTime |
Date and time that this data last updated. Used to calculate longest queue and longest wait time. | |||||
ED |
Predicted delay in seconds for any new call added to the queue. This is valid only if no agents are available. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_Expected_Wait_
Time > ExpectedDelay |
Cisco Services/Genesys Queues:
ExpectedDelay Cisco Call Types: (([CallsQNow]+1)*([HandleTime To5]/[CallsHandledTo5]))/([STF] -[NOT_READY_APP]) |
Point in Time | Above
Seconds |
Handle Time (HT)
HT |
Total handle time in seconds for calls. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_Handle_Time
> HandleTime |
HandleTimeHalf HandleTimeToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Seconds |
CH |
Number of calls handled. | Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_Calls_Handled
> CallsHandled |
CallsHandledHalf CallsHandledToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
Holdother |
Number of agents in the Hold/Other state. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | CurrentAgentState
(= 110) |
Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently in AgentState =
CISCO: 10 ("Calls On Hold") or Genesys: 110 ("CallOnHold") |
Point in Time | Above
Count |
Time in seconds that the currently longest available agent has been available. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Informiam.LongestAvail
Agent > Informiam.LongestAvailAgent |
Cisco: DateTime –
LongestAvailAgent Genesys: For all unique agent groups related to the application(s) in scope: Max (DateTime – LongestAvailAgent)) |
Point in Time | Above
Seconds |
Time in seconds that the currently longest (oldest) call has been in queue. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.CurrMaxCallWaitingTime
> LongestCallQ |
Cisco Services:
DateTime – LongestCallQ (ICM calculates LongestCallQ to the end of the five-minute period.) Genesys/Cisco Call Types: DateTime – RouterLongestCallQ |
Point in Time | Above
Seconds |
Count of the agents unavailable to take a call, either because they are performing after-call work that leaves them in the not ready upon completion state, or because they are in the not ready state (with or without a reason code). | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | CurrentAgentState (=113) | Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently in AgentState =
CISCO: 2 ("Not Ready") or 5 ("Work Not Ready") Genesys: 113 ("NotReadyForNextCall"). |
Point in Time | Above
Count |
COf |
Number of incoming and internal calls offered to this application during the period. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Total_Calls_Inbound
> CallsOffered |
CallsOfferedHalf CallsOfferedToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
Number of outbound calls by agents. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.Queue_Outbound_Calls
> CallsOut |
CallsOutHalf CallsOutToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
QD |
Percentage of the number of waiting calls over the number of staffed agents in the respective agent group(s). | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | Informiam.CurrNumberWaitingCalls
> RouterCallsQNow STF(Staffed): The number of agents in AgentState <>116(LoggedOut) and AgentState <>101(NotMonitored) and AgentState <>102(Monitored) |
Cisco Services:
CallsQNow / STF * 100 Genesys/Cisco Call Types: RouterCallsQNow / STF * 100 |
Percent | |
Number of calls currently queued for longer than the service-level threshold. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.ServiceLevelCallsOnHold_Current
> ServiceLevelCallsQHeld |
ServiceLevelCallsQHeld | Point in Time | Above
Count |
CQ |
Number of calls in queue now. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Informiam.CurrNumberWaitingCalls
> RouterCallsQNow |
Cisco Services:
CallsQNow Genesys/Cisco Call Types: RouterCallsQNow |
Point in Time | N/A
Count |
Service Level %
SL |
Number of calls answered within the threshold divided by the number of calls that were offered This treats the abandoned calls as though they were answered after the threshold. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types,
Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys ACD Queues |
> ServiceLevelCalls Informiam.ServiceLevelCallsOnHold_Total > ServiceLevelCallsOnHold |
(ServiceLevelCallsto5 / ServiceLevelCallsOfferedTo5) * 100 Genesys: [ServiceLevelCallsto5 / (ServiceLevelCallsTo5+Service LevelCallsOnHoldTo5)] *100 Repeat for ToHalf and Today |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Percent |
SL% (Plus Aband)
SlPlsSlAbn |
Abandoned calls positively impact service level: Number of calls answered prior to the threshold plus the number of calls abandoned prior to the threshold, all divided by the number of calls that were offered. This treats the abandoned call as though they were answered prior to the threshold. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types,
Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys ACD Queues |
> ServiceLevelCalls Informiam.ServiceLevelCallsOnHold_Total > ServiceLevelCallsOnHold Informiam.ServiceLevelAband > ServiceLevelAband |
((ServiceLevelCallsto5 + ServiceLevel AbandTo5) / ServiceLevelCallsOfferedTo5) * 100 Genesys: [ServiceLevelCallsto5 + ServiceLevel AbandTo5)/ (ServiceLevelCallsTo5+Service LevelCallsOnHoldTo5+Service LevelAbandTo5)] *100 Repeat for ToHalf and Today |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Percent |
Number of agents logged on in zero or more agent groups. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types,
Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys ACD Queues |
CurrentAgentState | Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently not in AgentState
CISCO: 0 ("Logged Off") and Genesys: (""NotMonitored" 101), (""NotMonitored" 102), (LoggedOut 116). |
Point in Time | N/A
Count |
AT |
Number of agents currently in the Talking state. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | CurrentAgentState | CISCO Services: AgentsTalking.
Genesys/CISCO Call Types: Count of distinct agents from Agent Groups associated with application(s) (service(s)/call type(s)/queue(s)) that are currently in AgentState = CISCO: (4 "Talking") or Genesys: (105 "CallConsult"),(107" CallInbound"),(108 "CallInternal"),(109 "CallOutbound"),(112 CallUnknown) |
Point in Time | N/A
Count |
Number of calls transferred out of the queue. | Cisco Services | N/A | TransferOutCallsTo5
TransferOutCallsHalf TransferOutCallsToday |
5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count |
Number of Active Alerts
(voice, chat and e-mail) AlertNum |
The number of active application alerts for the time period in the filter. | Threshold violation alerts | N/A | 5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count | |
Average duration of Active Alerts
(voice, chat and e-mail) AlertAvgDur |
Average duration of the active application alerts in the time period of the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | N/A | Calculate the duration from the time the alert began to the end of the time period in the filter. | 5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) | Above
Minutes |
Number of Expired Alerts
(voice, chat and e-mail) AlertsExpiredNum |
The number of expired application alerts for the time period in the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | N/A | 5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Count | |
Average duration of Expired Alerts
(voice, chat and e-mail) AlertExpiredAvgDur |
The average duration of the expired application alerts for the time period in the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | N/A | 5 Min (rolling/sliding),
30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) |
Minutes |