WA Voice Metrics
The following Table lists Workforce Advisor voice metrics.
Name | Internal Name | Description | Source Type | Definition (Formula) | Period/Time Profile | Threshold Type | Unit |
Actual Abandoned | ABAND | Number of calls abandoned invited (ringing). | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Cisco:
CallsAbandQHalf Genesys: RouterCallsAbandQHalf |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Act Pos Staffed | APS | Number of agents that actually worked (logged on). | Calculated | STFT/5 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
WU |
Accessibility % is a productivity metric that compares the total calls offered to answered. | Calculated, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Cisco Services:
100*(CallsAbandQHalf/CallsOfferedHalf) Genesys/Cisco Call Types: 100*(RouterCallsAbandQHalf /CallsOfferedHalf) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Actual Abandoned % | ABANDPCT | Percentage of offered contacts that were abandoned. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | 100*(ABAND/ANCO) | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Actual AHT | AAHT | Actual average handle time in seconds for the calls handled. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | HandleTimeHalf / CallsHandledHalf | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Seconds |
Actual ASA | AASA | Average answer wait time in seconds for calls offered. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Cisco:
(CallsHandledHalf * AnswerWaitTimeHalf / CallsAnsweredHalf) / CallsHandledHalf Genesys: (Sum(CallsHandledHalf) * AnswerWaitTimeHalf / CallsAnsweredHalf) / Sum(CallsHandledHalf) Where Sum(CallsHandledHalf) is the sum of this metric from a unique set of Agent Groups associated with the contact group. |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Seconds |
Actual Calls Entered | ANCE | Number of inbound, outbound, and consult calls for the contact group. This includes transferred calls. | Genesys Queues | CallsEnteredHalf | 30 Min (since start
of current half-hour) |
Convergence | Count |
Actual NCH | ANCH | Number of actual contacts handled. | Calculated, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | CallsHandledHalf | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Actual NCO | ANCO | Number of inbound calls for the contact group. This does not include transferred calls. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Media Server Import: ICM: CallsOfferedHalf | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Actual SL% | ASL | Actual percentage of offered contacts answered within the acceptable delay. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types,
Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys ACD Queues |
CISCO ICM/IPCC: [(CallsOfferedHalf * ServiceLevelCallsHalf) / (ServiceLevelCallsOfferedHalf) ] / CallsOfferedHalf * 100
Genesys Stat Server [(CallsOfferedHalf * ServiceLevelCallsHalf) / (ServiceLevelCallsHalf + ServiceLevelCallsAbandHalf + ServiceLevelCallsOnHoldHalf) ] / CallsOfferedHalf * 100 |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Actual Staffed Time | STFT | Total amount of available time, where available time includes talk, wrap, and ready/available. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | Media Server Import: ICM: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOnTimeTo5 - Skill_Group_Real_Time. NotReadyTimeTo5 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Minutes |
AdjReq | AdjReq | Adjusted number of required agents. | Aspect eWFM | WFM Import: N/A
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
AdjSch | AdjSch | Adjusted number of scheduled agents. | Aspect eWFM | WFM Import: N/A
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
AnsPlus | Aband
Sum of the calls answered and abandoned. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | CallsAnsweredHalf + ABAND | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Count |
Available | AA_WU | The number of agents currently ready and waiting for a call from this contact group (derived from the ICM Skill Groups to which it is mapped). | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | COUNT (DISTINCT ASGRT.AgentID) WHERE AgentState = [3 ("Ready") OR 115 ("WaitForNextCall")] |
Point in Time | Convergence | Count |
Available% | AVAILPCT_WU | Percentage of available agents divided by staffed. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco ICM Skill Groups, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | Avail/Staffed *100 | Point in Time | Convergence | Percent |
Date | DATE | IEX TotalView, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types | IEX: CTActiveForecast.date / ICM: DateTime | N/A | |||
Dev from Required | REQDEV | Amount the actual staff deviated from the required staff. | Calculated | APS-REQ | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Count |
Dev from Sched | SCHDEV | Amount the actual staff deviated from the scheduled staff. | Calculated | APS-SCH | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Count |
Elapsed Fore NCO | CFNCO | Current forecast of the volume of calls offered from the start of the current 30-minute period to now. | Aspect eWFM, IEX TotalView | FNCO / IntervalLength * IntervalElapsed | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Fore AHT Dev | AAHTDEV | Amount by which the actual AHT deviates from the forecast AHT. | Calculated | AAHT - FAHT | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Seconds |
Fore AHT Dev% | AAHTDEVPCT | Percentage by which the actual AHT deviates from the forecast AHT. | Calculated | (AAHT - FAHT) / FAHT | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Fore ASA | FASA | Forecast of the average answer wait time in seconds for calls offered. This field may be blank if the contact group is a parent for other contact groups in a multi-site configuration where the contact routing is by allocation percentages (as opposed to call-by-call routing). This field will also be blank if the staffing basis for the corresponding entity in WFM is workload. | Aspect eWFM,Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_FRC_CALC_ASA IEX: CTActiveForecast.fcstASA eWFM: FG.RDELAY SEC (Revised Calculated Average Delay 1: Seconds) (N/A for SG) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Seconds |
Fore NCO Dev | FNCODEV | Amount by which the actual NCO deviates from the forecasted NCO. | Calculated | ANCO - CFNCO | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Count |
Percentage by which the actual contacts offered deviates from the revised forecast volume. | Calculated | (ANCO-CFNCO) / CFNCO | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Forecast AHT | FAHT | Current forecast of the average handle time. | Aspect eWFM,Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_FRC_AHT IEX: CTActiveForecast.fcstAHT eWFM: FG.RAHT (Revised Forecast AHT) (N/A for SG) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Seconds |
Forecast NCO | FNCO | Current forecast of the volume of contacts offered for the entire period. | Aspect eWFM,Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_FRC_IV IEX: CTActiveForecast.fcstContactsReceived eWFM: FG.RVOL (Revised Forecast Volume) (N/A for SG) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Forecast SL% | FSL | Forecast of the percentage of offered contacts answered within the acceptable delay. This field may be blank if either the application group is a “parent” for other application groups in a multi-site configuration where the contact routing is by allocation percentages (as opposed to call-by-call routing). This field will also be blank if the staffing basis for the corresponding entity in WFM is workload. | Aspect eWFM, Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_FRC_CALC_ SERVICE_PCT IEX: CTActiveForecast.fcstSLPct eWFM: FG.RSL (N/A for SG) (Revised Calculated Service Level Percent 2) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Hold/Other | HOLD
The number of agents in the Hold/Other state. | Aspect eWFM, IEX TotalView, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Cisco Services, Cisco Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | COUNT (DISTINCT ASGRT.AgentID) WHERE AgentState = [10 ("CallOnHold") OR 110 ("CallOnHold")] WHERE AgentId from Agent Groups associated with the contact groups. | Point in Time | Convergence | Count |
Identifier | ID | Identifier of the entities in the source system that is associated with the application group. | IEX TotalView, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types | IEX: CTActiveForecast.custId + CTActiveForecast.ctId / ICM: CallTypeID or SkillTargetID | N/A | ||
Interval | INTVL | Start time of the period. | IEX TotalView, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types | IEX: CTActiveForecast.period / ICM: DateTime | N/A | ||
LoggedOnNet | c_LoggedOnNet | Number of agents logged on to voice minus those not ready or non-productive for this contact group. | Genesys Agent Groups | LoggedOnVoice-(COALESCE(NotReadyVoice,0)-COALESCE(NotReadyVoiceF1,0)-COALESCE(NotReadyVoiceF2,0)) | Point in Time | Convergence | Count |
Net Staff | NET | Number of scheduled staff over or under the number of staff required (including unproductive). | Calculated | SCH-REQ | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Count |
NotReady | NOTREADY_WU | Sum of agents in the Not Ready and Work Not Ready state for the application associated to the contact group. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types Cisco Services Cisco Call Types Genesys Virtual Queues | (DISTINCT ASGRT.AgentID) WHERE AgentState = [2 ("NotReady") OR 5 ("WorkNotReady") OR 113 ("NotReadyForNextCall")] WHERE AgentId from Agent Groups associated with the applications (service(s)/call type(s)) | Point in Time | Convergence | Count |
Required Adherence (APS) | REQDEV
Amount the actual staff deviated from the required staff as a percentage. | Calculated | APS/REQ*100 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Required Adherence (Staffed) | REQADH_
WU |
Amount the staff deviated from the required staff as a percentage. | Calculated | STF_WU/REQ*100 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Required Staff | REQ | Number of staff required to handle the forecast workload based on the current forecast. | Aspect eWFM,Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_FRC_REQ_ STAFFING IEX: CTActiveForecast.fcstReq eWFM: FG.FGRREQ (Forecast Group's Revised Required without Unproductive) or SG.SGRREQ (Staff Group's Revised Required without Staff Adjustments and Unproductive) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
Retrieved calls | c_Rtr | Number of calls answered for the contact group. | Genesys Agent Groups | CallsReceivedInternal + CallsHandled - CallsPartyChanged | 30 Min (since start
of current half-hour) |
Convergence | Count |
Scheduled Adherence (APS) | SCHDEV
Amount the actual staff deviated from the scheduled staff as a percentage. | Calculated | APS/SCH*100 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Scheduled Adherence (Staffed) | SCHADH_
WU |
Amount the staff deviated from the scheduled staff as a percentage. | Calculated | STF_WU/SCH*100 | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Scheduled Staff Headcount | SCH | Tally of agents scheduled to work in this business group. | Aspect eWFM,Genesys WFM, IEX TotalView | WFM Import:
Genesys: PERF_ITEM_SCH_COVERAGE IEX: CTActiveForecast.schedOpen eWFM: FG.RSCH (Forecast Group's Revised Scheduled without Staff Adjustments and Unproductive) or SG.SGRSCH (Staff Group's Revised Scheduled without Staff Adjustments) |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count |
SL%(Plus Aband) | SLPLSLS
Abandoned calls positively impact service level: Number of calls answered prior to the threshold plus the number of calls abandoned prior to the threshold, all divided by the number of calls that were answered. This treats these abandoned calls as though they were answered prior to the threshold. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types,
Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys ACD Queues |
[sum(ServiceLevelCallsTo5) + sum(ServiceLevelAbandTo5)] / sum(ServiceLevelCallsOffered To5) * 100% Repeat for ToHalf and Today Genesys Stat Server: [ServiceLevelCallsto5 / (ServiceLevelCallsTo5+Service LevelCallsOnHoldTo5+Service LevelAbandTo5)] *100 Repeat for ToHalf and Today |
30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Convergence | Percent |
Staffed | STF_WU | Number of agents logged on in zero or more agent groups assigned to take calls in the contact group. | Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues, Genesys Agent Groups | COUNT (DISTINCT ASGRT.AgentID) WHERE AgentId from Agent Groups associated with the service(s)/call type(s) associated with the contact group(s) |
Point in Time | Convergence | Count |
Time zone | TZ | Time zone of the start time of the period. | IEX TotalView, Cisco ICM Services/Call Types, Genesys Virtual Queues, Genesys Queues | IEX: CTActiveForecast.TZ / ICM: DateTime | N/A | ||
Number of Active Alerts | AlertNum | The number of active contact group alerts for the time period in the filter. | Threshold violation alerts | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Above | Count | |
Average duration of Active Alerts | AlertAvgDur | Average duration of the active contact group alerts in the time period of the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | Calculate the duration from the time the alert began to the end of the time period in the filter. | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Above | Minutes |
Number of Expired Alerts | AlertsExpiredNum | The number of expired contact group alerts for the time period in the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | N/A | Count | |
Average duration of Expired Alerts | AlertExpiredAvgDur | The average duration of the expired contact group alerts for the time period in the filter (i.e., selected period). | Threshold violation alerts | 30 Min (since start of current half-hour) | Above | Minutes |